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CodeIgniter User Guide の差分
diff --git a/user_guide/changelog.html b/user_guide/changelog.html
index c02a55b..35946a2 100644
--- a/user_guide/changelog.html
+++ b/user_guide/changelog.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div id="masthead">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%">
-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="./toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
@@ -59,6 +59,50 @@ Change Log
<p>The <img src="images/reactor-bullet.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Reactor Marker" /> indicates items that were contributed to CodeIgniter via CodeIgniter Reactor.</p>
+<h2>Version 2.1.0</h2>
+<p>Release Date: November 01, 2011</p>
+ <li>General Changes
+ <ul>
+ <li>Callback validation rules can now accept parameters like any other validation rule.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Helpers
+ <ul>
+ <li>Added <samp>increment_string()</samp> to <a href="helpers/string_helper.html">String Helper</a> to turn "foo" into "foo-1" or "foo-1" into "foo-2".</li>
+ <li>Altered form helper - made action on form_open_multipart helper function call optional. Fixes (#65)</li>
+ <li><samp>url_title()</samp> will now trim extra dashes from beginning and end.</li>
+ <li>Improved speed of <a href="helpers/string_helper.html">String Helper</a>'s <b>random_string()</b> method</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Database
+ <ul>
+ <li>Added a <a href="" target="_blank">CUBRID</a> driver to the <a href="libraries/database.html">Database Driver</a>. Thanks to the CUBRID team for supplying this patch.</li>
+ <li>Typecast limit and offset in the <a href="database/queries.html">Database Driver</a> to integers to avoid possible injection.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Libraries
+ <ul>
+ <li>Changed <kbd>$this->cart->insert()</kbd> in the <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> to return the Row ID if a single item was inserted successfully.</li>
+ <li>Added support to set an optional parameter in your callback rules of validation using the <a href="libraries/form_validation.html">Form Validation Library</a>.</li>
+ <li>Added a <a href="libraries/migration.html">Migration Library</a> to assist with applying incremental updates to your database schema.</li>
+ <li>Driver children can be located in any package path.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<h3>Bug fixes for 2.1.0</h3>
+ <li>Fixed #378 Robots identified as regular browsers by the User Agent class.</li>
+ <li>If a config class was loaded first then a library with the same name is loaded, the config would be ignored.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #19) where 1) the 404_override route was being ignored in some cases, and 2) auto-loaded libraries were not available to the 404_override controller when a controller existed but the requested method did not.</li>
+ <li class="rector">Fixed a bug (Reactor #89) where MySQL export would fail if the table had hyphens or other non alphanumeric/underscore characters.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (#60) - Added _file_mime_type() method to the <a href="libraries/file_uploading.html">File Uploading Library</a> in order to fix a possible MIME-type injection (also fixes bug #394).</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (#537) - Support for all wav type in browser.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (#576) - Using ini_get() function to detect if apc is enabled or not.</li>
<h2>Version 2.0.3</h2>
<p>Release Date: August 20, 2011</p>
@@ -67,28 +111,32 @@ Change Log
<li>An improvement was made to the MySQL and MySQLi drivers to prevent exposing a potential vector for SQL injection on sites using multi-byte character sets in the database client connection. <p>An incompatibility in PHP versions &lt; 5.2.3 and MySQL &lt; 5.0.7 with <em>mysql_set_charset()</em> creates a situation where using multi-byte character sets on these environments may potentially expose a SQL injection attack vector. Latin-1, UTF-8, and other "low ASCII" character sets are unaffected on all environments.</p> <p class="critical">If you are running or considering running a multi-byte character set for your database connection, please pay close attention to the server environment you are deploying on to ensure you are not vulnerable.</p></li>
+ </li>
<li>General Changes
<li>Fixed a bug where there was a misspelling within a code comment in the index.php file.</li>
<li>Added Session Class userdata to the output profiler. Additionally, added a show/hide toggle on HTTP Headers, Session Data and Config Variables.</li>
<li>Removed internal usage of the <samp>EXT</samp> constant.</li>
<li>Visual updates to the welcome_message view file and default error templates. Thanks to <a href="">danijelb</a> for the pull request.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <samp>insert_batch()</samp> function to the PostgreSQL database driver. Thanks to epallerols for the patch.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added "application/x-csv" to mimes.php.</li>
+ <li>Added <samp>insert_batch()</samp> function to the PostgreSQL database driver. Thanks to epallerols for the patch.</li>
+ <li>Added "application/x-csv" to mimes.php.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where <a href="libraries/email.html">Email library</a> attachments with a "." in the name would using invalid MIME-types.</li>
<li>Added an optional third parameter to <samp>heading()</samp> which allows adding html attributes to the rendered heading tag.</li>
+ <li><kbd>form_open()</kbd> now only adds a hidden (Cross-site Reference Forgery) protection field when the form's action is internal and is set to the post method. (Reactor #165)</li>
+ <li>Re-worked <samp>plural()</samp> and <samp>singular()</samp> functions in the <a href="helpers/inflector_helper.html">Inflector helper</a> to support considerably more words.</li>
<li>Altered Session to use a longer match against the user_agent string. See upgrade notes if using database sessions.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <kbd>$this->db->set_dbprefix()</kbd> to the <a href="database/queries.html">Database Driver</a>.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Changed <kbd>$this->cart->insert()</kbd> in the <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> to return the Row ID if a single item was inserted successfully.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <kbd>$this->load->get_var()</kbd> to the <a href="libraries/loader.html">Loader library</a> to retrieve global vars set with <kbd>$this->load->view()</kbd> and <kbd>$this->load->vars()</kbd>.</li>
+ <li>Added <kbd>is_unique</kbd> to the <a href="libraries/form_validation.html">Form Validation library</a>.</li>
+ <li>Added <kbd>$this->db->set_dbprefix()</kbd> to the <a href="database/queries.html">Database Driver</a>.</li>
+ <li>Changed <kbd>$this->cart->insert()</kbd> in the <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> to return the Row ID if a single item was inserted successfully.</li>
+ <li>Added <kbd>$this->load->get_var()</kbd> to the <a href="libraries/loader.html">Loader library</a> to retrieve global vars set with <kbd>$this->load->view()</kbd> and <kbd>$this->load->vars()</kbd>.</li>
<li>Changed <kbd>$this->db->having()</kbd> to insert quotes using escape() rather than escape_str().</li>
@@ -96,17 +144,17 @@ Change Log
<h3>Bug fixes for 2.0.3</h3>
- <li class="reactor">Added ENVIRONMENT to reserved constants. (Reactor #196)</li>
- <li class="reactor">Changed server check to ensure SCRIPT_NAME is defined. (Reactor #57)</li>
- <li class="reactor">Removed <samp>APPPATH.'third_party'</samp> from the packages autoloader to negate needless file stats if no packages exist or if the developer does not load any other packages by default.</li>
+ <li>Added ENVIRONMENT to reserved constants. (Reactor #196)</li>
+ <li>Changed server check to ensure SCRIPT_NAME is defined. (Reactor #57)</li>
+ <li>Removed <samp>APPPATH.'third_party'</samp> from the packages autoloader to negate needless file stats if no packages exist or if the developer does not load any other packages by default.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #231) where Sessions Library database table example SQL did not contain an index on last_activity. See <a href="installation/upgrade_203.html">Upgrade Notes</a>.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #229) where the Sessions Library example SQL in the documentation contained incorrect SQL.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug (Core #340) where when passing in the second parameter to $this->db->select(), column names in subsequent queries would not be properly escaped.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed issue #199 - Attributes passed as string does not include a space between it and the opening tag.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where the method <kbd>$this->cart->total_items()</kbd> from <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> now returns the sum of the quantity of all items in the cart instead of your total count.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where not setting 'null' when adding fields in db_forge for mysql and mysqli drivers would default to NULL instead of NOT NULL as the docs suggest.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where using <kbd>$this->db->select_max()</kdb>, <kbd>$this->db->select_min()</kdb>, etc could throw notices. Thanks to w43l for the patch.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Replace checks for STDIN with php_sapi_name() == 'cli' which on the whole is more reliable. This should get parameters in crontab working.</li>
+ <li>Fixed issue #199 - Attributes passed as string does not include a space between it and the opening tag.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug where the method <kbd>$this->cart->total_items()</kbd> from <a href="libraries/cart.html">Cart Library</a> now returns the sum of the quantity of all items in the cart instead of your total count.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug where not setting 'null' when adding fields in db_forge for mysql and mysqli drivers would default to NULL instead of NOT NULL as the docs suggest.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug where using <kbd>$this->db->select_max()</kdb>, <kbd>$this->db->select_min()</kdb>, etc could throw notices. Thanks to w43l for the patch.</li>
+ <li>Replace checks for STDIN with php_sapi_name() == 'cli' which on the whole is more reliable. This should get parameters in crontab working.</li>
<h2>Version 2.0.2</h2>
@@ -118,36 +166,36 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.2</p>
<li>The <a href="./libraries/security.html">Security library</a> was moved to the core and is now loaded automatically. Please remove your loading calls.</li>
<li>The CI_SHA class is now deprecated. All supported versions of PHP provide a <kbd>sha1()</kbd> function.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><kbd>constants.php</kbd> will now be loaded from the environment folder if available.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added language key error logging</li>
- <li class="reactor">Made Environment Support optional. Comment out or delete the constant to stop environment checks.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added Environment Support for Hooks.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added CI_ Prefix to the <a href="libraries/caching.html">Cache driver</a>.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <a href="./general/cli.html">CLI usage</a> documentation.</li>
+ <li><kbd>constants.php</kbd> will now be loaded from the environment folder if available.</li>
+ <li>Added language key error logging</li>
+ <li>Made Environment Support optional. Comment out or delete the constant to stop environment checks.</li>
+ <li>Added Environment Support for Hooks.</li>
+ <li>Added CI_ Prefix to the <a href="libraries/caching.html">Cache driver</a>.</li>
+ <li>Added <a href="./general/cli.html">CLI usage</a> documentation.</li>
<li>Removed the previously deprecated <kbd>dohash()</kbd> from the <a href="./helpers/security_helper.html">Security helper</a>; use <kbd>do_hash()</kbd> instead.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Changed the 'plural' function so that it doesn't ruin the captalization of your string. It also take into consideration acronyms which are all caps.</li>
+ <li>Changed the 'plural' function so that it doesn't ruin the captalization of your string. It also take into consideration acronyms which are all caps.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><kbd>$this->db->count_all_results()</kbd> will now return an integer instead of a string.</li>
+ <li><kbd>$this->db->count_all_results()</kbd> will now return an integer instead of a string.</li>
<h3>Bug fixes for 2.0.2</h3>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Reactor #145) where the Output Library had parse_exec_vars set to protected.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Reactor #80) where is_really_writable would create an empty file when on Windows or with safe_mode enabled.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed various bugs with User Guide.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added is_cli_request() method to documentation for <a href="libraries/input.html">Input class</a>.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added form_validation_lang entries for <kbd>decimal</kbd>, <kbd>less_than</kbd> and <kbd>greater_than</kbd>.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><a href="">Fixed issue #153</a> Escape Str Bug in MSSQL driver.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><a href="">Fixed issue #172</a> Google Chrome 11 posts incorrectly when action is empty.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #145) where the Output Library had parse_exec_vars set to protected.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #80) where is_really_writable would create an empty file when on Windows or with safe_mode enabled.</li>
+ <li>Fixed various bugs with User Guide.</li>
+ <li>Added is_cli_request() method to documentation for <a href="libraries/input.html">Input class</a>.</li>
+ <li>Added form_validation_lang entries for <kbd>decimal</kbd>, <kbd>less_than</kbd> and <kbd>greater_than</kbd>.</li>
+ <li><a href="">Fixed issue #153</a> Escape Str Bug in MSSQL driver.</li>
+ <li><a href="">Fixed issue #172</a> Google Chrome 11 posts incorrectly when action is empty.</li>
@@ -159,34 +207,34 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.1</p>
<li>General changes
<li>Added <kbd>$config['cookie_secure']</kbd> to the config file to allow requiring a secure (HTTPS) in order to set cookies.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added the constant <kbd>CI_CORE</kbd> to help differentiate between Core: TRUE and Reactor: FALSE.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added an <kbd>ENVIRONMENT</kbd> constant in index.php, which affects PHP error reporting settings, and optionally,
+ <li>Added the constant <kbd>CI_CORE</kbd> to help differentiate between Core: TRUE and Reactor: FALSE.</li>
+ <li>Added an <kbd>ENVIRONMENT</kbd> constant in index.php, which affects PHP error reporting settings, and optionally,
which configuration files are loaded (see below). Read more on the <a href="general/environments.html">Handling Environments</a> page.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added support for <a href="libraries/config.html#environments">environment-specific</a> configuration files.</li>
+ <li>Added support for <a href="libraries/config.html#environments">environment-specific</a> configuration files.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <kbd>decimal</kbd>, <kbd>less_than</kbd> and <kbd>greater_than</kbd> rules to the <a href="libraries/form_validation.html">Form validation Class</a>.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><a href="libraries/input.html">Input Class</a> methods <kbd>post()</kbd> and <kbd>get()</kbd> will now return a full array if the first argument is not provided.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Secure cookies can now be made with the <kbd>set_cookie()</kbd> helper and <a href="libraries/input.html">Input Class</a> method.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added <kbd>set_content_type()</kbd> to <a href="libraries/output.html">Output Class</a> to set the output <kbd>Content-Type</kbd> HTTP header based on a MIME Type or a config/mimes.php array key.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><a href="libraries/output.html">Output Class</a> will now support method chaining.</li>
+ <li>Added <kbd>decimal</kbd>, <kbd>less_than</kbd> and <kbd>greater_than</kbd> rules to the <a href="libraries/form_validation.html">Form validation Class</a>.</li>
+ <li><a href="libraries/input.html">Input Class</a> methods <kbd>post()</kbd> and <kbd>get()</kbd> will now return a full array if the first argument is not provided.</li>
+ <li>Secure cookies can now be made with the <kbd>set_cookie()</kbd> helper and <a href="libraries/input.html">Input Class</a> method.</li>
+ <li>Added <kbd>set_content_type()</kbd> to <a href="libraries/output.html">Output Class</a> to set the output <kbd>Content-Type</kbd> HTTP header based on a MIME Type or a config/mimes.php array key.</li>
+ <li><a href="libraries/output.html">Output Class</a> will now support method chaining.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Changed the logic for <kbd>form_open()</kbd> in <a href="helpers/form_helper.html">Form helper</a>. If no value is passed it will submit to the current URL.</li>
+ <li>Changed the logic for <kbd>form_open()</kbd> in <a href="helpers/form_helper.html">Form helper</a>. If no value is passed it will submit to the current URL.</li>
<h3>Bug fixes for 2.0.1</h3>
- <li class="reactor">CLI requests can now be run from any folder, not just when CD'ed next to index.php.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed issue #41: Added audio/mp3 mime type to mp3.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Core #329) where the file caching driver referenced the incorrect cache directory.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug (Reactor #69) where the SHA1 library was named incorrectly.</li>
+ <li>CLI requests can now be run from any folder, not just when CD'ed next to index.php.</li>
+ <li>Fixed issue #41: Added audio/mp3 mime type to mp3.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (Core #329) where the file caching driver referenced the incorrect cache directory.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug (Reactor #69) where the SHA1 library was named incorrectly.</li>
<h2>Version 2.0.0</h2>
@@ -200,7 +248,7 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.0</p>
<li>Scaffolding, having been deprecated for a number of versions, has been removed.</li>
<li>Plugins have been removed, in favor of Helpers. The CAPTCHA plugin has been converted to a Helper and <a href="./helpers/captcha_helper.html">documented</a>. The JavaScript calendar plugin was removed due to the ready availability of great JavaScript calendars, particularly with jQuery.</li>
<li>Added new special Library type: <a href="./general/drivers.html">Drivers</a>.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added full query-string support. See the config file for details.</li>
+ <li>Added full query-string support. See the config file for details.</li>
<li>Moved the application folder outside of the system folder.</li>
<li>Moved system/cache and system/logs directories to the application directory.</li>
<li>Added routing overrides to the main index.php file, enabling the normal routing to be overridden on a per "index" file basis.</li>
@@ -210,15 +258,15 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.0</p>
<li>In-development code is now hosted at <a href="">BitBucket</a>.</li>
<li>Removed the deprecated Validation Class.</li>
<li>Added CI_ Prefix to all core classes.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Package paths can now be set in application/config/autoload.php.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><a href="libraries/file_uploading.html">Upload library</a> file_name can now be set without an extension, the extension will be taken from the uploaded file instead of the given name.</li>
- <li class="reactor">In <a href="database/forge.html">Database Forge</a> the name can be omitted from $this->dbforge->modify_column()'s 2nd param if you aren't changing the name.</li>
- <li class="reactor"><kbd>$config['base_url']</kbd> is now empty by default and will guess what it should be.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Enabled full Command Line Interface compatibility with <kbd>config['uri_protocol'] = 'CLI';</kbd>.</li>
+ <li>Package paths can now be set in application/config/autoload.php.</li>
+ <li><a href="libraries/file_uploading.html">Upload library</a> file_name can now be set without an extension, the extension will be taken from the uploaded file instead of the given name.</li>
+ <li>In <a href="database/forge.html">Database Forge</a> the name can be omitted from $this->dbforge->modify_column()'s 2nd param if you aren't changing the name.</li>
+ <li><kbd>$config['base_url']</kbd> is now empty by default and will guess what it should be.</li>
+ <li>Enabled full Command Line Interface compatibility with <kbd>config['uri_protocol'] = 'CLI';</kbd>.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Added a <a href="libraries/caching.html">Cache driver</a> with APC, memcached, and file-based support.</li>
+ <li>Added a <a href="libraries/caching.html">Cache driver</a> with APC, memcached, and file-based support.</li>
<li>Added <var>$prefix</var>, <var>$suffix</var> and <var>$first_url</var> properties to <a href="./libraries/pagination.html">Pagination library</a>.</li>
<li>Added the ability to suppress first, previous, next, last, and page links by setting their values to FALSE in the <a href="./libraries/pagination.html">Pagination library</a>.</li>
<li>Added <a href="./libraries/security.html">Security library</a>, which now contains the <dfn>xss_clean</dfn> function, <dfn>filename_security</dfn> function and other security related functions.</li>
@@ -249,8 +297,8 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.0</p>
<li>Altered Form_Validation library to allow for method chaining on <kbd>set_rules()</kbd>, <kbd>set_message()</kbd> and <kbd>set_error_delimiters()</kbd> functions.</li>
<li>Altered Email Library to allow for method chaining.</li>
<li>Added <kbd>request_headers()</kbd>, <kbd>get_request_header()</kbd> and <kbd>is_ajax_request()</kbd> to the input class.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Altered <a href="libraries/user_agent.html">User agent library</a> so that <kbd>is_browser()</kbd>, <kbd>is_mobile()</kbd> and <kbd>is_robot()</kbd> can optionally check for a specific browser or mobile device.</li>
- <li class="reactor">Altered <a href="libraries/input.html">Input library</a> so that <kbd>post()</kbd> and <kbd>get()</kbd> will return all POST and GET items (respectively) if there are no parameters passed in.</li>
+ <li>Altered <a href="libraries/user_agent.html">User agent library</a> so that <kbd>is_browser()</kbd>, <kbd>is_mobile()</kbd> and <kbd>is_robot()</kbd> can optionally check for a specific browser or mobile device.</li>
+ <li>Altered <a href="libraries/input.html">Input library</a> so that <kbd>post()</kbd> and <kbd>get()</kbd> will return all POST and GET items (respectively) if there are no parameters passed in.</li>
@@ -312,7 +360,7 @@ Hg Tag: v2.0.0</p>
<h3>Bug fixes for 2.0.0</h3>
- <li class="reactor">Fixed a bug where you could not change the User-Agent when sending email.</li>
+ <li>Fixed a bug where you could not change the User-Agent when sending email.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where the Output class would send incorrect cached output for controllers implementing their own <dfn>_output()</dfn> method.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where a failed query would not have a saved query execution time causing errors in the Profiler</li>
<li>Fixed a bug that was writing log entries when multiple identical helpers and plugins were loaded.</li>
diff --git a/user_guide/database/active_record.html b/user_guide/database/active_record.html
index 3f44fcd..074f869 100644
--- a/user_guide/database/active_record.html
+++ b/user_guide/database/active_record.html
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<div id="masthead">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%">
-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
diff --git a/user_guide/database/caching.html b/user_guide/database/caching.html
index 16d380f..e6e72f2 100644
--- a/user_guide/database/caching.html
+++ b/user_guide/database/caching.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div id="masthead">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%">
-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
diff --git a/user_guide/database/call_function.html b/user_guide/database/call_function.html
index 38cbd1b..4fc8947 100644
--- a/user_guide/database/call_function.html
+++ b/user_guide/database/call_function.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div id="masthead">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%">
-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
diff --git a/user_guide/database/configuration.html b/user_guide/database/configuration.html
index bbdd0a3..17a291a 100644
--- a/user_guide/database/configuration.html
+++ b/user_guide/database/configuration.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
<div id="masthead">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%">
-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ for the primary connection, but it too can be renamed to something more relevant
<li><strong>cache_on</strong> - TRUE/FALSE (boolean) - Whether database query caching is enabled, see also <a href="caching.html">Database Caching Class</a>.</li>
<li><strong>cachedir</strong> - The absolute server path to your database query cache directory.</li>
<li><strong>char_set</strong> - The character set used in communicating with the database.</li>
-<li><strong>dbcollat</strong> - The character collation used in communicating with the database. <p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> For MySQL and MySQLi databases, this setting is only used as a backup if your server is running PHP &lt; 5.2.3 or MySQL &lt; 5.0.7. There is an incompatibility in PHP with mysql_real_escape_string() which can make your site vulnerable to SQL injection if you are using a multi-byte character set and are running versions lower than these. Sites using Latin-1 or UTF-8 database character set and collation are unaffected.</p></li>
-<li><strong>swap_pre</strong> - A default table prefix that should be swapped with <var>dbprefix</var>. This is useful for distributed applications where you might run manually written queries, and need the prefix to still be customizable by the end user.</li>
+<li><strong>dbcollat</strong> - The character collation used in communicating with the database. <p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> For MySQL and MySQLi databases, this setting is only used as a backup if your server is running PHP &lt; 5.2.3 or MySQL &lt; 5.0.7 (and in table creation queries made with DB Forge). There is an incompatibility in PHP with mysql_real_escape_string() which can make your site vulnerable to SQL injection if you are using a multi-byte character set and are running versions lower than these. Sites using Latin-1 or UTF-8 database character set and collation are unaffected.</p></li>
+<li><strong>swap_pre</strong> - A default table prefix that should be swapped with <var>dbprefix</var>. This is useful for distributed applications where you might run manually written queries, and need the prefix to still be customizable by the end user.</li>
<li><strong>autoinit</strong> - Whether or not to automatically connect to the database when the library loads. If set to false, the connection will take place prior to executing the first query.</li>
<li><strong>stricton</strong> - TRUE/FALSE (boolean) - Whether to force "Strict Mode" connections, good for ensuring strict SQL while developing an application.</li>
<li><strong>port</strong> - The database port number. To use this value you have to add a line to the database config array.<code>$db['default']['port'] = 5432;</code>
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@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ Query Results
<br />
foreach ($query->result('User') as $user)<br />
{<br />
- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $user->name; // call attributes<br />
- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $user->reverse_name(); // or methods defined on the 'User' class<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $row->name; // call attributes<br />
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $row->reverse_name(); // or methods defined on the 'User' class<br />
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+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
@@ -90,6 +90,17 @@ String Helper
<code>echo random_string('alnum', 16);</code>
+<p>Increments a string by appending a number to it or increasing the number. Useful for creating "copies" or a file or duplicating database content which has unique titles or slugs.</p>
+<p>Usage example:</p>
+<code>echo increment_string('file', '_'); // "file_1"<br/>
+echo increment_string('file', '-', 2); // "file-2"<br/>
+echo increment_string('file-4'); // "file-5"<br/></code>
<p>Allows two or more items to be alternated between, when cycling through a loop. Example:</p>
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index 496eccb..9f0d22f 100644
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.0</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.2</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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index 422332c..4328e48 100644
Binary files a/user_guide/images/appflowchart.gif and b/user_guide/images/appflowchart.gif differ
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.</p>
<li>You want a framework that requires nearly zero configuration.</li>
<li>You want a framework that does not require you to use the command line.</li>
<li>You want a framework that does not require you to adhere to restrictive coding rules.</li>
-<li>You are not interested in large-scale monolithic libraries like PEAR.</li>
<li>You do not want to be forced to learn a templating language (although a template parser is optionally available if you desire one).</li>
<li>You eschew complexity, favoring simple solutions.</li>
<li>You need clear, thorough documentation.</li>
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--- a/user_guide/installation/downloads.html
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ Downloading CodeIgniter
<h1>Downloading CodeIgniter</h1>
- <li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.0.3 (Current version)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.1.0 (Current version)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.0.3</a></li>
<li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.0.2</a></li>
<li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.0.1</a></li>
<li><a href="">CodeIgniter V 2.0.0</a></li>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
+<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.0</h1></td>
<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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<td id="breadcrumb_right"><a href="../toc.html">Table of Contents Page</a></td>
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-<td><h1>CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.3</h1></td>
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@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Upgrading from a Previous Version
<p>Please read the upgrade notes corresponding to the version you are upgrading from.</p>
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<li><a href="upgrade_201.html">Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.0.1</a></li>
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@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Shopping Cart Class
<p>The Cart Class permits items to be added to a session that stays active while a user is browsing your site.
These items can be retrieved and displayed in a standard "shopping cart" format, allowing the user to update the quantity or remove items from the cart.</p>
-<p>Please note that the Cart Class ONLY provides the core "cart" functionality. It does not provide shipping, credit card authorization, or other processing components.</p>
+<p>Please note that the Cart Class ONLY provides the core "cart" functionality. It does not provide shipping, credit card authorization, or other processing components.</p>
<h2>Initializing the Shopping Cart Class</h2>
@@ -106,20 +106,20 @@ It is intended to be used in cases where your product has options associated wit
<li><strong>qty</strong> - The quantity being purchased.
<li><strong>price</strong> - The price of the item.
<li><strong>name</strong> - The name of the item.
-<li><strong>options</strong> - Any additional attributes that are needed to identify the product. These must be passed via an array.
+<li><strong>options</strong> - Any additional attributes that are needed to identify the product. These must be passed via an array.
<p>In addition to the five indexes above, there are two reserved words: <dfn>rowid</dfn> and <dfn>subtotal</dfn>. These are used internally by the Cart class, so
please do NOT use those words as index names when inserting data into the cart.</p>
-<p>Your array may contain additional data. Anything you include in your array will be stored in the session. However, it is best to standardize your data among
-all your products in order to make displaying the information in a table easier.</p>
+<p>Your array may contain additional data. Anything you include in your array will be stored in the session. However, it is best to standardize your data among all your products in order to make displaying the information in a table easier.</p>
+<p>The insert() method will return the $rowid if you successfully insert a single item.</p>
<h2>Adding Multiple Items to The Cart</h2>
-<p>By using a multi-dimensional array, as shown below, it is possible to add multiple products to the cart in one action. This is useful in cases where you wish to allow
-people to select from among several items on the same page.</p>
+<p>By using a multi-dimensional array, as shown below, it is possible to add multiple products to the cart in one action. This is useful in cases where you wish to allow people to select from among several items on the same page.</p>
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ $this->cart->update($data);
<p><strong>What is a Row ID?</strong>&nbsp; The <kbd>row ID</kbd> is a unique identifier that is generated by the cart code when an item is added to the cart. The reason a
unique ID is created is so that identical products with different options can be managed by the cart.</p>
-<p>For example, let's say someone buys two identical t-shirts (same product ID), but in different sizes. The product ID (and other attributes) will be
-identical for both sizes because it's the same shirt. The only difference will be the size. The cart must therefore have a means of identifying this
+<p>For example, let's say someone buys two identical t-shirts (same product ID), but in different sizes. The product ID (and other attributes) will be
+identical for both sizes because it's the same shirt. The only difference will be the size. The cart must therefore have a means of identifying this
difference so that the two sizes of shirts can be managed independently. It does so by creating a unique "row ID" based on the product ID and any options associated with it.</p>
<p>In nearly all cases, updating the cart will be something the user does via the "view cart" page, so as a developer, it is unlikely that you will ever have to concern yourself
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ function when the update form is submitted. Please examine the construction of t
-<p>Returns TRUE (boolean) if a particular row in the cart contains options. This function is designed to be used in a loop with <dfn>$this->cart->contents()</dfn>, since you must pass the <kbd>rowid</kbd> to this function, as shown in the <dfn>Displaying the Cart</dfn> example above.</p>
+<p>Returns TRUE (boolean) if a particular row in the cart contains options. This function is designed to be used in a loop with <dfn>$this->cart->contents()</dfn>, since you must pass the <kbd>rowid</kbd> to this function, as shown in the <dfn>Displaying the Cart</dfn> example above.</p>
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ function when the update form is submitted. Please examine the construction of t
-<p>Permits you to destroy the cart. This function will likely be called when you are finished processing the customer's order.</p>
+<p>Permits you to destroy the cart. This function will likely be called when you are finished processing the customer's order.</p>
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@@ -390,10 +390,10 @@ $this->form_validation->set_rules($config);
<p>CodeIgniter lets you pipe multiple rules together. Let's try it. Change your rules in the third parameter of rule setting function, like this:</p>
-$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required|min_length[5]|max_length[12]');<br />
+$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'required|min_length[5]|max_length[12]|is_unique[users.username]');<br />
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|matches[passconf]');<br />
$this->form_validation->set_rules('passconf', 'Password Confirmation', 'required');<br />
-$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|valid_email');<br />
+$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|valid_email|is_unique[]');<br />
<p>The above code sets the following rules:</p>
@@ -508,15 +508,13 @@ create a callback function that does that. Let's create a example of this.</p>
<code>$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', '<kbd>callback_username_check</kbd>');</code>
<p>Then add a new function called <dfn>username_check</dfn> to your controller. Here's how your controller should now look:</p>
-<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="44">&lt;?php
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="40">&lt;?php
class Form extends CI_Controller {
- function index()
+ public function index()
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
@@ -525,7 +523,7 @@ class Form extends CI_Controller {
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'callback_username_check');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('passconf', 'Password Confirmation', 'required');
- $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required');
+ $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'required|is_unique[]');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
@@ -537,7 +535,7 @@ class Form extends CI_Controller {
- function username_check($str)
+ public function username_check($str)
if ($str == 'test')
@@ -556,14 +554,13 @@ class Form extends CI_Controller {
<p><dfn>Reload your form and submit it with the word "test" as the username. You can see that the form field data was passed to your
callback function for you to process.</dfn></p>
-<p><strong>To invoke a callback just put the function name in a rule, with "callback_" as the rule prefix.</strong></p>
+<p>To invoke a callback just put the function name in a rule, with "callback_" as the rule <strong>prefix</strong>. If you need
+to receive an extra parameter in your callback function, just add it normally after the function name between square brackets,
+as in: "callback_foo<strong>[bar]</strong>", then it will be passed as the second argument of your callback function.</p>
-<p>You can also process the form data that is passed to your callback and return it. If your callback returns anything other than a boolean TRUE/FALSE
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> You can also process the form data that is passed to your callback and return it. If your callback returns anything other than a boolean TRUE/FALSE
it is assumed that the data is your newly processed form data.</p>
<a name="settingerrors"></a>
<h2>Setting Error Messages</h2>
@@ -947,6 +944,13 @@ POST array:</p>
+ <td class="td"><strong>is_unique</strong></td>
+ <td class="td">Yes</td>
+ <td class="td">Returns FALSE if the form element is not unique to the table and field name in the parameter.</td>
+ <td class="td">is_unique[table.field]</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
<td class="td"><strong>min_length</strong></td>
<td class="td">Yes</td>
<td class="td">Returns FALSE if the form element is shorter then the parameter value.</td>
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@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ and deleted. The FTP class also includes a "mirroring" function that permits an
<h2>Usage Examples</h2>
<p>In this example a connection is opened to the FTP server, and a local file is read and uploaded in ASCII mode. The
-file permissions are set to 755. Note: Setting permissions requires PHP 5.</p>
+file permissions are set to 755.</p>
$this->load->library('ftp');<br />
@@ -185,8 +185,7 @@ Example:</p>
<p><strong>Mode options are:</strong>&nbsp; <kbd>ascii</kbd>, <kbd>binary</kbd>, and <kbd>auto</kbd> (the default). If
<kbd>auto</kbd> is used it will base the mode on the file extension of the source file.</p>
-<p>Permissions are available if you are running PHP 5 and can be passed as an <kbd>octal</kbd> value in the fourth parameter.</p>
+<p>Permissions can be passed as an <kbd>octal</kbd> value in the fourth parameter.</p>
@@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ $this->ftp->mirror('/path/to/myfolder/', '/public_html/myfolder/');
<p>Lets you create a directory on your server. Supply the path ending in the folder name you wish to create, with a trailing slash.
-Permissions can be set by passed an <kbd>octal</kbd> value in the second parameter (if you are running PHP 5).</p>
+Permissions can be set by passed an <kbd>octal</kbd> value in the second parameter.</p>
// Creates a folder named "bar"<br />
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+<h1>Migration Class</h1>
+<p>Migrations are a convenient way for you to alter your database in a structured and organized manner. You could edit fragments of SQL by hand but you would then be responsible for telling other developers that they need to go and run them. You’d also have to keep track of which changes need to be run against the production machines next time you deploy.</p>
+<p>The database table <var>migration</var> tracks which migrations have already been run so all you have to do is update your application files and call <dfn>$this->migrate->current()</dfn> to work out which migrations should be run. The current version is found in <var>config/migration.php</var>.</p>
+<h2>Create a Migration</h2>
+<p>This will be the first migration for a new site which has a blog. All migrations go in the folder <var>application/migrations/</var> and have names such as: <kbd>001_add_blog.php</kbd>.</p>
+defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
+class Migration_Add_blog extends CI_Migration {
+ public function up()
+ {
+ $this->dbforge->add_field(array(
+ 'blog_id' => array(
+ 'type' => 'INT',
+ 'constraint' => 5,
+ 'unsigned' => TRUE,
+ 'auto_increment' => TRUE
+ ),
+ 'blog_title' => array(
+ 'type' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'constraint' => '100',
+ ),
+ 'blog_description' => array(
+ 'type' => 'TEXT',
+ 'null' => TRUE,
+ ),
+ ));
+ $this->dbforge->create_table('blog');
+ }
+ public function down()
+ {
+ $this->dbforge->drop_table('blog');
+ }
+<p>Then in <var>application/config/migration.php</var> set <dfn>$config['migration_version'] = 1;</dfn>.
+<h2>Usage Example</h2>
+<p>In this example some simple code is placed in <var>application/controllers/migrate.php</var> to update the schema.</p>
+if ( ! $this->migration->current())
+ show_error($this->migration->error_string());
+<h1>Function Reference</h1>
+<p>The current migration is whatever is set for <dfn>$config['migration_version']</dfn> in <var>application/config/migration.php</var>.</p>
+<p>This works much the same way as current() but instead of looking for the <dfn>$config['migration_version']</dfn> the Migration class will use the very newest migration found in the filesystem.</p>
+<p>Version can be used to roll back changes or step forwards programmatically to specific versions. It works just like current but ignores <dfn>$config['migration_version']</dfn>.</p>
+<h2>Migration Preferences</h2>
+<p>The following is a list of all the config options for migrations.</p>
+<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" style="width:100%" class="tableborder">
+<td class="td"><strong>migration_enabled</strong></td><td class="td">FALSE</td><td class="td">TRUE / FALSE</td><td class="td">Enable or disable migrations.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>migration_version</strong></td><td class="td">0</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">The current version your database should use.</td>
+<td class="td"><strong>migration_path</strong></td><td class="td">APPPATH.'migrations/'</td><td class="td">None</td><td class="td">The path to your migrations folder.</td>
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@@ -37,7 +37,16 @@ function create_menu(basepath)
'<li><a href="'+base+'overview/mvc.html">Model-View-Controller</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'overview/goals.html">Architectural Goals</a></li>' +
'</ul>' +
+ '<h3>Tutorial</h3>' +
+ '<ul>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'tutorial/index.html">Introduction</a></li>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'tutorial/static_pages.html">Static pages</a></li>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'tutorial/news_section.html">News section</a></li>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'tutorial/create_news_items.html">Create news items</a></li>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'tutorial/conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>' +
+ '</ul>' +
'</td><td class="td_sep" valign="top">' +
'<h3>General Topics</h3>' +
@@ -94,6 +103,7 @@ function create_menu(basepath)
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/javascript.html">Javascript Class</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/loader.html">Loader Class</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/language.html">Language Class</a></li>' +
+ '<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/migration.html">Migration Class</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/output.html">Output Class</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/pagination.html">Pagination Class</a></li>' +
'<li><a href="'+base+'libraries/security.html">Security Class</a></li>' +
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@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Appflow
<p>The following graphic illustrates how data flows throughout the system:</p>
-<div><img src="../images/appflowchart.gif" width="697" height="205" border="0" alt="CodeIgniter application flow" /></div>
+<div><img src="../images/appflowchart.gif" width="769" height="212" alt="CodeIgniter application flow"></div>
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<li><a href="./overview/goals.html">Architectural Goals</a></li>
+ <li><a href="./tutorial/index.html">Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="./tutorial/static_pages.html">Static pages</a></li>
+ <li><a href="./tutorial/news_section.html">News section</a></li>
+ <li><a href="./tutorial/create_news_items.html">Create news items</a></li>
+ <li><a href="./tutorial/conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
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+<h1>Tutorial - Conclusion</h1>
+<p>This tutorial did not cover all of the things you might expect of a full-fledged content management system, but it introduced you to the more important topics of routing, writing controllers, and models. We hope this tutorial gave you an insight into some of CodeIgniter's basic design patterns, which you can expand upon.</p>
+<p>Now that you've completed this tutorial, we recommend you check out the rest of the documentation. CodeIgniter is often praised because of its comprehensive documentation. Use this to your advantage and read the "Introduction" and "General Topics" sections thoroughly. You should read the class and helper references when needed.</p>
+<p>Every intermediate PHP programmer should be able to get the hang of CodeIgniter within a few days.</p>
+<p>If you still have questions about the framework or your own CodeIgniter code, you can:</p>
+ <li>Check out our <a href="">forums</a></li>
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+<h1>Tutorial - Create news items</h1>
+<p>You now know how you can read data from a database using CodeIgnite, but you haven't written any information to the database yet. In this section you'll expand your news controller and model created earlier to include this functionality.</p>
+<h2>Create a form</h2>
+<p>To input data into the database you need to create a form where you can input the information to be stored. This means you'll be needing a form with two fields, one for the title and one for the text. You'll derive the slug from our title in the model. Create the new view at <dfn>application/views/news/create.php</dfn>.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="16">
+<h2>Create a news item</h2>
+&lt;?php echo validation_errors(); ?>
+&lt;?php echo form_open('news/create') ?>
+ <label for="title">Title</label>
+ <input type="input" name="title" /><br />
+ <label for="text">Text</label>
+ <textarea name="text">&lt;/textarea><br />
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create news item" />
+<p>There are only two things here that probably look unfamiliar to you: the <dfn>form_open()</dfn> function and the <dfn>validation_errors()</dfn> function.</p>
+<p>The first function is provided by the <a href="../helpers/form_helper.html">form helper</a> and renders the form element and adds extra functionality, like adding a hidden <a href="../libraries/security.html">CSFR prevention field</a>. The latter is used to report errors related to form validation.</p>
+<p>Go back to your news controller. You're going to do two things here, check whether the form was submitted and whether the submitted data passed the validation rules. You'll use the <a href="../libraries/form_validation.html">form validation</a> library to do this.</p>
+public function create()
+ $this->load->helper('form');
+ $this->load->library('form_validation');
+ $data['title'] = 'Create a news item';
+ $this->form_validation->set_rules('title', 'Title', 'required');
+ $this->form_validation->set_rules('text', 'text', 'required');
+ if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE)
+ {
+ $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+ $this->load->view('news/create');
+ $this->load->view('templates/footer');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->news_model->set_news();
+ $this->load->view('news/success');
+ }
+<p>The code above adds a lot of functionality. The first few lines load the form helper and the form validation library. After that, rules for the form validation are set. The <var>set_rules()</var> method takes three arguments; the name of the input field, the name to be used in error messages, and the rule. In this case the title and text fields are required.</p>
+<p>CodeIgniter has a powerful form validation library as demonstrated above. You can read <a href="../libraries/form_validation.html">more about this library here</a>.</p>
+<p>Continuing down, you can see a condition that checks whether the form validation ran successfully. If it did not, the form is displayed, if it was submitted <strong>and</strong> passed all the rules, the model is called. After this, a view is loaded to display a success message. Create a view at <dfn>application/view/news/success.php</dfn> and write a success message.</p>
+<p>The only thing that remains is writing a method that writes the data to the database. You'll use the Active Record class to insert the information and use the input library to get the posted data. Open up the model created earlier and add the following:</p>
+public function set_news()
+ $this->load->helper('url');
+ $slug = url_title($this->input->post('title'), 'dash', TRUE);
+ $data = array(
+ 'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
+ 'slug' => $slug,
+ 'text' => $this->input->post('text')
+ );
+ return $this->db->insert('news', $data);
+<p>This new method takes care of inserting the news item into the database. The third line contains a new function, <dfn>url_title()</dfn>. This function - provided by the <a href="../helpers/url_helper.html">URL helper</a> - strips down the string you pass it, replacing all spaces by dashes (-) and makes sure everything is in lowercase characters. This leaves you with a nice slug, perfect for creating URIs.</p>
+<p>Let's continue with preparing the record that is going to be inserted later, inside the <var>$data</var> array. Each element corresponds with a column in the database table created earlier. You might notice a new method here, namely the <dfn>post()</dfn> method from the <a href="../libraries/input.html">input library</a>. This method makes sure the data is sanitized, protecting you from nasty attacks from others. The input library is loaded by default. At last, you insert our <var>$data</var> array into our database.</p>
+<p>Before you can start adding news items into your CodeIgniter application you have to add an extra rule to <dfn>config/routes.php</dfn> file. Make sure your file contains the following. This makes sure CodeIgniter sees 'create' as a method instead of a news item's slug.</p>
+$route['news/create'] = 'news/create';
+$route['news/(:any)'] = 'news/view/$1';
+$route['news'] = 'news';
+$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
+$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
+<p>Now point your browser to your local development environment where you installed CodeIgniter and add <dfn>index.php/news/create</dfn> to the URL. Congratulations, you just created your first CodeIgniter application! Add some news and check out the different pages you made.</p>
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+<h1>Tutorial - Hard coded pages</h1>
+<p>The first thing we're going to do is setting up a controller to handle our hard coded pages. A controller is a class with a collection of methods that represent the different actions you can perform on a certain object. In our case, we want to be able to view a page.</p>
+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> This tutorial assumes you've downloaded CodeIgniter and installed the framework in your development environment.</p>
+<p>Create a file at <dfn>application/controllers/pages.php</dfn> with the following code.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="9">
+class Pages extends CI_Controller {
+ public function view($page = 'home')
+ {
+ }
+<p>If you're familiar with PHP classes you see that we create a Pages class with a view method that accepts one parameter, <var>$page</var>. Another interesting observation is that the Pages class is extending the CI_Controller class. This means that the new Pages class can access the methods and variables defined in the CI_Controller class. When you look at this class in <dfn>system/core/controller.php</dfn> you can see this class is doing something really important; assigning an instance from the CodeIgniter super object to the <var>$this</var> object. In most of your code, <var>$this</var> is the object you will use to interact with the framework.</p>
+<p>Now we've created our first method, it is time to do some basic templating. For this tutorial, we will be creating two views to acts as our footer and header. Let's create our header at <dfn>application/views/templates/header.php</dfn> and ad the following code.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="8">
+ <title><?php echo $title ?> - CodeIgniter 2 Tutorial</title>
+ <h1>CodeIgniter 2 Tutorial</h1>
+<p>Our header doesn't do anything exciting. It contains the basic HTML code that we will want to display before loading the main view. You can also see that we echo the <var>$title</var> variable, which we didn't define. We will set this variable in the Pages controller a bit later. Let's go ahead and create a footer at <dfn>application/views/templates/footer.php</dfn> that includes the following code.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="4">
+<strong>&copy; 2011</strong>
+<h2>Adding logic to the controller</h2>
+<p>Now we've set up the basics so we can finally do some real programming. Earlier we set up our controller with a view method. Because we don't want to write a separate method for every page, we made the view method accept one parameter, the name of the page. These hard coded pages will be located in <dfn>application/views/pages/</dfn>. Create two files in this directory named <dfn>home.php</dfn> and <dfn>about.php</dfn> and put in some HTML content.</p>
+<p>In order to load these pages we'll have to check whether these page actually exists. When the page does exist, we load the view for that pages, including the header and footer and display it to the user. If it doesn't, we show a "404 Page not found" error.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="16">
+public function view($page = 'home')
+ if ( ! file_exists('application/views/pages/' . $page . EXT))
+ {
+ show_404();
+ }
+ $data['title'] = ucfirst($page);
+ $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+ $this->load->view('pages/'.$page);
+ $this->load->view('templates/footer');
+<p>The first thing we do is checking whether the page we're looking for does actually exist. We use PHP's native file_exists() to do this check and pass the path where the file is supposed to be. Next is the function show_404(), a CodeIgniter function that renders the default error page and sets the appropriate HTTP headers.</p>
+<p>In the header template you saw we were using the <var>$title</var> variable to customize our page title. This is where we define the title, but instead of assigning the value to a variable, we assign it to the title element in the <var>$data</var> array. The last thing we need to do is loading the views in the order we want them to be displayed. We also pass the <var>$data</var> array to the header view to make its elements available in the header view file.<p>
+<p>Actually, our controller is already functioning. Point your browser to <dfn>index.php/pages/view</dfn> to see your homepage. When you visit <dfn>index.php/pages/view/about</dfn> you will see the about page, again including your header and footer. Now we're going to get rid of the pages/view part in our URI. As you may have seen, CodeIgniter does its routing by the class, method and parameter, separated by slashes.</p>
+<p>Open the routing file located at <dfn>application/config/routes.php</dfn> and add the following two lines. Remove all other code that sets any element in the <var>$route</var> array.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="3">
+$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
+$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
+<p>CodeIgniter reads its routing rules from top to bottom and routes the request to the first matching rule. These routes are stored in the <var>$route</var> array where the keys represent the incoming request and the value the path to the method, as described above.</p>
+<p>The first rule in our <var>$routes</var> array matches every request - using the wildcard operator <dfn>(:any)</dfn> - and passes the value to the view method of the pages class we created earlier. The default controller route makes sure every request to the root goes to the view method as well, which has the first parameter set to 'home' by default.</p>
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+<h1>Tutorial &minus; Introduction</h1>
+<p>This tutorial is intended to introduce you to the CodeIgniter framework and the basic principles of MVC architecture. It will show you how a basic CodeIgniter application is constructed in step-by-step fashion.</p>
+<p>In this tutorial, you will be creating a <strong>basic news application</strong>. You will begin by writing the code that can load static pages. Next, you will create a news section that reads news items from a database. Finally, you'll add a form to create news items in the database.</p>
+<p>This tutorial will primarily focus on:</p>
+<li>Model-View-Controller basics</li>
+<li>Routing basics</li>
+<li>Form validation</li>
+<li>Performing basic database queries using &quot;Active Record&quot;</li>
+<p>The entire tutorial is split up over several pages, each explaining a small part of the functionality of the CodeIgniter framework. You'll go through the following pages:</p>
+<li>Introduction, this page, which gives you an overview of what to expect.</li>
+<li><a href="static_pages.html">Static pages</a>, which will teach you the basics of controllers, views and routing.</li>
+<li><a href="news_section.html">News section</a>, where you'll start using models and will be doing some basic database operations.</li>
+<li><a href="create_news_items.html">Create news items</a>, which will introduce more advanced database operations and form validation.</li>
+<li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a>, which will give you some pointers on further reading and other resources.</li>
+<p>Enjoy your exploration of the CodeIgniter framework.</p>
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+<h1>Tutorial &minus; News section</h1>
+<p>In the last section, we went over some basic concepts of the framework by writing a class that includes static pages. We cleaned up the URI by adding custom routing rules. Now it's time to introduce dynamic content and start using a database.</p>
+<h2>Setting up your model</h2>
+<p>Instead of writing database operations right in the controller, queries should be placed in a model, so they can easily be reused later. Models are the place where you retrieve, insert, and update information in your database or other data stores. They represent your data.</p>
+<p>Open up the <dfn>application/models</dfn> directory and create a new file called <dfn>news_model.php</dfn> and add the following code. Make sure you've configured your database properly as described <a href="../database/configuration.html">here</a>.</p>
+class News_model extends CI_Model {
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->load->database();
+ }
+<p>This code looks similar to the controller code that was used earlier. It creates a new model by extending CI_Model and loads the database library. This will make the database class available through the <var>$this->db</var> object.</p>
+<p>Before querying the database, a database schema has to be created. Connect to your database and run the SQL command below. Also add some seed records.</p>
+ title varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ slug varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+ text text NOT NULL,
+ KEY slug (slug)
+<p>Now that the database and a model have been set up, you'll need a method to get all of our posts from our database. To do this, the database abstraction layer that is included with CodeIgniter — <a href="../database/active_record.html">Active Record</a> — is used. This makes it possible to write your 'queries' once and make them work on <a href="../general/requirements.html">all supported database systems</a>. Add the following code to your model.</p>
+public function get_news($slug = FALSE)
+ if ($slug === FALSE)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->get('news');
+ return $query->result_array();
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('slug' => $slug));
+ return $query->row_array();
+<p>With this code you can perform two different queries. You can get all news records, or get a news item by its <a href="#" title="a URL friendly version of a string">slug</a>. You might have noticed that the <var>$slug</var> variable wasn't sanitized before running the query; Active Record does this for you.</p>
+<h2>Display the news</h2>
+<p>Now that the queries are written, the model should be tied to the views that are going to display the news items to the user. This could be done in our pages controller created earlier, but for the sake of clarity, a new "news" controller is defined. Create the new controller at <dfn>application/controllers/news.php</dfn>.</p>
+class News extends CI_Controller {
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->load->model('news_model');
+ }
+ public function index()
+ {
+ $data['news'] = $this->news_model->get_news();
+ }
+ public function view($slug)
+ {
+ $data['news'] = $this->news_model->get_news($slug);
+ }
+<p>Looking at the code, you may see some similarity with the files we created earlier. First, the "__construct" method: it calls the constructor of its parent class (<dfn>CI_Controller</dfn>) and loads the model, so it can be used in all other methods in this controller.</p>
+<p>Next, there are two methods to view all news items and one for a specific news item. You can see that the <var>$slug</var> variable is passed to the model's method in the second method. The model is using this slug to identify the news item to be returned.</p>
+<p>Now the data is retrieved by the controller through our model, but nothing is displayed yet. The next thing to do is passing this data to the views.</p>
+public function index()
+ $data['news'] = $this->news_model->get_news();
+ $data['title'] = 'News archive';
+ $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+ $this->load->view('news/index', $data);
+ $this->load->view('templates/footer');
+<p>The code above gets all news records from the model and assigns it to a variable. The value for the title is also assigned to the <var>$data['title']</var> element and all data is passed to the views. You now need to create a view to render the news items. Create <dfn>application/views/news/index.php</dfn> and add the next piece of code.</p>
+&lt;?php foreach ($news as $news_item): ?&gt;
+ &lt;h2&gt;&lt;?php echo $news_item['title'] ?&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;
+ &lt;div id="main"&gt;
+ &lt;?php echo $news_item['text'] ?&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="news/&lt;?php echo $news_item['slug'] ?&gt;"&gt;View article&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;?php endforeach ?&gt;
+<p>Here, each news item is looped and displayed to the user. You can see we wrote our template in PHP mixed with HTML. If you prefer to use a template language, you can use CodeIgniter's <a href="../libraries/parser.html">Template Parser</a> class or a third party parser.</p>
+<p>The news overview page is now done, but a page to display individual news items is still absent. The model created earlier is made in such way that it can easily be used for this functionality. You only need to add some code to the controller and create a new view. Go back to the news controller and add the following lines to the file.</p>
+public function view($slug)
+ $data['news_item'] = $this->news_model->get_news($slug);
+ if (empty($data['news_item']))
+ {
+ show_404();
+ }
+ $data['title'] = $data['news_item']['title'];
+ $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+ $this->load->view('news/view', $data);
+ $this->load->view('templates/footer');
+<p>Instead of calling the <var>get_news()</var> method without a parameter, the <var>$slug</var> variable is passed, so it will return the specific news item. The only things left to do is create the corresponding view at <dfn>application/views/news/view.php</dfn>. Put the following code in this file.</p>
+echo '&lt;h2&gt;'.$news_item['title'].'&lt;/h2&gt;';
+echo $news_item['text'];
+<p>Because of the wildcard routing rule created earlier, you need need an extra route to view the controller that you just made. Modify your routing file (<dfn>application/config/routes.php</dfn>) so it looks as follows. This makes sure the requests reaches the news controller instead of going directly to the pages controller. The first line routes URI's with a slug to the view method in the news controller.</p>
+$route['news/(:any)'] = 'news/view/$1';
+$route['news'] = 'news';
+$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
+$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
+<p>Point your browser to your document root, followed by <dfn>index.php/news</dfn> and watch your news page.</p>
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+<h1>Tutorial &minus; Static pages</h1>
+<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> This tutorial assumes you've downloaded CodeIgniter and <a href="../installation/index.html">installed the framework</a> in your development environment.</p>
+<p>The first thing you're going to do is set up a <strong>controller</strong> to handle static pages.
+A controller is simply a class that helps delegate work. It is the glue of your
+web application.</p>
+<p>For example, when a call is made to: <code></code> We might imagine
+that there is a controller named &quot;news&quot;. The method being called on news
+would be &quot;latest&quot;. The news method's job could be to grab 10
+news items, and render them on the page. Very often in MVC, you'll see URL
+patterns that match: <code>[controller-class]/[controller-method]/[arguments]</code>
+As URL schemes become more complex, this may change. But for now, this is all we will need to know.</p>
+<p>Create a file at <dfn>application/controllers/pages.php</dfn> with the following code.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="10">
+class Pages extends CI_Controller {
+ public function view($page = 'home')
+ {
+ }
+<p>You have created a class named &quot;pages&quot;, with a view method that accepts one argument named <var>$page</var>.
+The pages class is extending the CI_Controller class.
+This means that the new pages class can access the methods and variables defined in the CI_Controller class
+<p>The <strong>controller is what will become the center of every request</strong> to your web application.
+In very technical CodeIgniter discussions, it may be referred to as the <em>super object</em>.
+Like any php class, you refer to it within your controllers as <var>$this</var>.
+Referring to <var>$this</var> is how you will load libraries, views, and generally
+command the framework.</p>
+<p>Now you've created your first method, it's time to make some basic page templates.
+We will be creating two &quot;views&quot; (page templates) that act as our page footer and header.</p>
+<p>Create the header at <dfn>application/views/templates/header.php</dfn> and add the following code.</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="8">
+ <title><?php echo $title ?> - CodeIgniter 2 Tutorial</title>
+ <h1>CodeIgniter 2 Tutorial</h1>
+<p>The header contains the basic HTML code that you'll want to display before loading the main view, together with a heading.
+It will also output the <var>$title</var> variable, which we'll define later in the controller.
+Now create a footer at <dfn>application/views/templates/footer.php</dfn> that includes the following code:</p>
+<textarea class="textarea" style="width:100%" cols="50" rows="4">
+<strong>&#38;copy; 2011</strong>
+<h2>Adding logic to the controller</h2>
+<p>Earlier you set up a controller with a view() method. The method accepts one parameter, which is the name of the page to be loaded.
+The static page templates will be located in the <dfn>application/views/pages/</dfn> directory.</p>
+<p>In that directory, create two files named <dfn>home.php</dfn> and <dfn>about.php</dfn>.
+Within those files, type some text &minus; anything you'd like &minus; and save them.
+If you like to be particularly un-original, try &quot;Hello World!&quot;.</p>
+<p>In order to load those pages, you'll have to check whether the requested page actually exists:</p>
+public function view($page = 'home')
+ if ( ! file_exists('application/views/pages/'.$page.'.php'))
+ {
+ // Whoops, we don't have a page for that!
+ show_404();
+ }
+ $data['title'] = ucfirst($page); // Capitalize the first letter
+ $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
+ $this->load->view('pages/'.$page, $data);
+ $this->load->view('templates/footer', $data);
+<p>Now, when the page does exist, it is loaded, including the header and footer, and displayed to the user. If the page doesn't exist, a "404 Page not found" error is shown.</p>
+<p>The first line in this method checks whether the page actually exists. PHP's native <var>file_exists()</var> function is used to check whether the file is where it's expected to be. <var>show_404()</var> is a built-in CodeIgniter function that renders the default error page.</p>
+<p>In the header template, the <var>$title</var> variable was used to customize the page title. The value of title is defined in this method, but instead of assigning the value to a variable, it is assigned to the title element in the <var>$data</var> array.</p>
+<p>The last thing that has to be done is loading the views in the order they should be displayed.
+The second parameter in the <var>view()</var> method is used to pass values to the view. Each value in the <var>$data</var> array is assigned to a variable with the name of its key. So the value of <var>$data['title']</var> in the controller is equivalent to $title in the view.<p>
+<p>The controller is now functioning! Point your browser to <dfn>[your-site-url]index.php/pages/view</dfn> to see your page. When you visit <dfn>index.php/pages/view/about</dfn> you'll see the about page, again including the header and footer.</p>
+<p>Using custom routing rules, you have the power to map any URI to any controller and method, and break free from the normal convention:
+<p>Let's do that. Open the routing file located at <dfn>application/config/routes.php</dfn> and add the following two lines. Remove all other code that sets any element in the <var>$route</var> array.</p>
+$route['default_controller'] = 'pages/view';
+$route['(:any)'] = 'pages/view/$1';
+<p>CodeIgniter reads its routing rules from top to bottom and routes the request to the first matching rule. Each rule is a regular expression
+(left-side) mapped to a controller and method name separated by slashes (right-side).
+When a request comes in, CodeIgniter looks for the first match, and calls the appropriate controller and method, possibly with arguments.</p>
+<p>More information about routing can be found in the URI Routing <a href="../general/routing.html">documentation</a>.</p>
+<p>Here, the second rule in the <var>$routes</var> array matches <strong>any</strong> request using the wildcard string <dfn>(:any)</dfn>.
+and passes the parameter to the view() method of the pages class.</p>
+<p>Now visit <dfn>index.php/about</dfn>. Did it get routed correctly to the <var>view()</var> method
+in the pages controller? Awesome!</p>
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