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kenmsj /
Created August 6, 2020 23:38 — forked from htr3n/
Creating RAM disk in macOS


diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAM Disk' `hdiutil attach -nobrowse -nomount ram://XXXXX`

where XXXXX is the size of the RAM disk in terms of memory blocks.


kenmsj /
Created November 23, 2019 00:24 — forked from ruanbekker/
Elasticsearch Cheatsheet : Example API usage of using Elasticsearch with curl
kenmsj / mongo-3.6.conf
Created November 13, 2019 00:17
Full configuration of mongod.conf and mongos.conf file.
# Full configuration of mongod and mongos file, based on MongoDB 3.6.
# Includes links for official docs, for each section of config.
# Are not mentioned in this document:
# - Deprecated options as of 3.6;
# - Options only available to mmapv1;
# - Windows Service Options;
# This document is divided as follows:
# - Options for both mongod and mongos;
##################### ElasticSearch Configuration Example #####################
# This file contains an overview of various configuration settings,
# targeted at operations staff. Application developers should
# consult the guide at <>.
# The installation procedure is covered at
# <>.
# ElasticSearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings,
kenmsj /
Created March 25, 2019 17:49 — forked from subfuzion/
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.

kenmsj /
Created January 25, 2019 23:38 — forked from ibraheem4/
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX)

Installing Postgres via Brew


Brew Package Manager

In your command-line run the following commands:

  1. brew doctor
  2. brew update
kenmsj /
Created November 16, 2017 02:37 — forked from mombrea/
Example of performing a POST request using Google Volley for Android
public static void postNewComment(Context context,final UserAccount userAccount,final String comment,final int blogId,final int postId){
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
StringRequest sr = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,"", new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
kenmsj / spark-svd.scala
Created February 28, 2017 02:12 — forked from vrilleup/spark-svd.scala
Spark/mllib SVD example
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
// To use the latest sparse SVD implementation, please build your spark-assembly after this
// change:
// Input tsv with 3 fields: rowIndex(Long), columnIndex(Long), weight(Double), indices start with 0
// Assume the number of rows is larger than the number of columns, and the number of columns is
// smaller than Int.MaxValue
kenmsj /
Created November 16, 2015 00:15 — forked from rxin/
ramdisk create/delete on Mac OS X.
# From
if [ $# -ne $ARGS ] # correct number of arguments to the script;
kenmsj / LDA_SparkDocs
Created October 1, 2015 22:04 — forked from jkbradley/LDA_SparkDocs
LDA Example: Modeling topics in the Spark documentation
This example uses Scala. Please see the MLlib documentation for a Java example.
Try running this code in the Spark shell. It may produce different topics each time (since LDA includes some randomization), but it should give topics similar to those listed above.
This example is paired with a blog post on LDA in Spark:
import scala.collection.mutable