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Created January 6, 2013 08:26
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  • Save kennethkalmer/4466065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kennethkalmer/4466065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'prawn'
require 'benchmark'
LIPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam urna
augue, tempor a ornare tempor, blandit in sapien. Cras et purus sit amet eros
dictum euismod non sed risus. Duis sed commodo felis. Fusce scelerisque
gravida nunc, nec malesuada elit volutpat eu. Mauris rutrum posuere hendrerit.
Nulla laoreet semper tristique. Nullam aliquam dignissim auctor. Sed luctus
posuere ultricies. Proin felis lacus, feugiat eu aliquam vitae, fringilla
molestie quam."
# Add text and tables of Lipsum with an AFM & TTF font
def basic_pdf
pdf =
pdf.font 'Helvetica'
pdf.text LIPSUM
pdf.table([[ LIPSUM, LIPSUM ]])
pdf.font File.join( Prawn::DATADIR, 'fonts', 'Chalkboard.ttf' )
pdf.text LIPSUM
pdf.table([[ LIPSUM, LIPSUM ]])
#$stdout.write "."
def bigger_pdf
n = 100 do |x|"basic_pdf") { n.times { basic_pdf } }"bigger_pdf") { n.times { bigger_pdf } }
Benchmarks at present with MRI 1.9.3-p327 on Mountain Lion
Master (with memory leak)
user system total real
basic_pdf 18.590000 0.050000 18.640000 ( 18.643244)
table-memory-leak (without cache)
user system total real
basic_pdf 18.890000 0.030000 18.920000 ( 18.929270)
table-memory-leak (with naive metric cache)
user system total real
basic_pdf 14.820000 0.030000 14.850000 ( 14.857459)
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