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Last active December 23, 2015 07:39
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[ #137462] AutoReply: Making amends with ChanServ
This message has been automatically generated in response to the
creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
"Making amends with ChanServ",
a summary of which appears below.
There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
assigned an ID of [ #137462].
Please include the string:
[ #137462]
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you may reply to this message.
Thank you,
[email protected]
Dear Freenode Staff
First of all, thanks for the great service and the great work you all are
doing as volunteers. You're really making the internet a better place for
all of us, trolls and angels alike.
I have a question regarding two channels that I registered years ago, and
have been dutifully guarded by ChanServ ever since.
I've been on a hiatus from open source and IRC, but have been slowly making
a comeback over the last few weeks. Last night I join these channels for
the first time in nearly 2 years and I couldn't recover my OP status at all.
ChanServ says:
11:14 <Freenode> kennethkalmer: info #opensourcery
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Information on #opensourcery:
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Founder : freenode-staff
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Registered : Aug 29 19:59:28 2010 (3 years, 2 weeks, 0 days, 13:15:09 ago)
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Last used : Nov 11 22:17:13 2011 (1 year, 43 weeks, 4 days, 10:57:24 ago)
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Mode lock : +ntc-slk
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: URL :
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Flags : KEEPTOPIC TOPICLOCK GUARD
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: *** End of Info ***
11:14 <Freenode> kennethkalmer: info #daemon-kit
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Information on #daemon-kit:
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Founder : freenode-staff
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Registered : May 25 20:27:39 2009 (4 years, 15 weeks, 5 days, 12:47:08 ago)
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Last used : Nov 11 22:17:13 2011 (1 year, 43 weeks, 4 days, 10:57:34 ago)
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Mode lock : +ntc-slk
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Entrymsg : Welcome to #daemon-kit. If nobody is here, hang around, we try to be here as much as we can and will say hello when we join :)
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: Flags : SECURE KEEPTOPIC TOPICLOCK GUARD
11:14 <Freenode> ChanServ: *** End of Info ***
I would appreciate if I could be reregistered as the founder of both these
channels, or some guidance on how to rectify the situation.
Thanks again for your help here, and the general awesomeness that is
Kenneth Kalmer
[email protected]
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