require 'formula' |
require 'hardware' |
class Qt <Formula |
url 'http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1.tar.gz' |
md5 '6f88d96507c84e9fea5bf3a71ebeb6d7' |
homepage 'http://qt.nokia.com/' |
def patches |
# To fix http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-13623. Patch sent upstream. |
"http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commit/9f18a1ad5ce32dd397642a4c03fa1fcb21fb9456.patch" |
end |
def options |
[ |
['--with-qtdbus', "Enable QtDBus module."], |
['--with-qt3support', "Enable deprecated Qt3Support module."], |
['--with-demos-examples', "Enable Qt demos and examples."], |
['--with-debug-and-release', "Compile Qt in debug and release mode."], |
['--universal', "Build both x86_64 and x86 architectures."], |
] |
end |
depends_on "d-bus" if ARGV.include? '--with-qtdbus' |
depends_on 'libpng' |
depends_on 'sqlite' if MACOS_VERSION <= 10.5 |
def install |
ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-fvisibility=hidden" |
args = ["-prefix", prefix, |
"-system-libpng", "-system-zlib", |
"-confirm-license", "-opensource", |
"-cocoa", "-fast" ] |
# See: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/issue/744 |
args << "-system-sqlite" if MACOS_VERSION <= 10.5 |
args << "-plugin-sql-mysql" if (HOMEBREW_CELLAR+"mysql").directory? |
if ARGV.include? '--with-qtdbus' |
args << "-I#{Formula.factory('d-bus').lib}/dbus-1.0/include" |
args << "-I#{Formula.factory('d-bus').include}/dbus-1.0" |
args << "-L#{Formula.factory('d-bus').lib}" |
args << "-ldbus-1" |
args << "-dbus-linked" |
end |
if ARGV.include? '--with-qt3support' |
args << "-qt3support" |
else |
args << "-no-qt3support" |
end |
if ARGV.include? '--with-debug-and-release' |
args << "-debug-and-release" |
else |
args << "-release" |
end |
unless ARGV.include? '--with-demos-examples' |
args << "-nomake" << "demos" << "-nomake" << "examples" |
end |
args << "-L#{Formula.factory('libpng').lib}" |
args << "-I#{Formula.factory('libpng').include}" |
if snow_leopard_64? or ARGV.include? '--universal' |
args << '-arch' << 'x86_64' |
end |
if !snow_leopard_64? or ARGV.include? '--universal' |
args << '-arch' << 'x86' |
end |
system "./configure", *args |
system "make" |
ENV.j1 |
system "make install" |
# stop crazy disk usage |
(prefix+'doc/html').rmtree |
(prefix+'doc/src').rmtree |
# what are these anyway? |
(bin+'pixeltool.app').rmtree |
(bin+'qhelpconverter.app').rmtree |
# remove porting file for non-humans |
(prefix+'q3porting.xml').unlink |
# Some config scripts will only find Qt in a "Frameworks" folder |
# VirtualBox is an example of where this is needed |
# See: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/issue/745 |
cd prefix do |
ln_s lib, "Frameworks" |
end |
end |
def caveats |
"We agreed to the Qt opensource license for you.\nIf this is unacceptable you should uninstall." |
end |
end |
These steps followed by a simple:
Works perfectly :)