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Last active February 8, 2025 18:41
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Unicode ranges
Hex Start Hex End Name Category
0x0000 0x001F C0 Controls Control
0x0020 0x007F Basic Latin Latin
0x0080 0x009F C1 Controls Control
0x00A0 0x00FF Latin-1 Supplement Latin
0x0100 0x017F Latin Extended-A Latin
0x0180 0x024F Latin Extended-B Latin
0x0250 0x02AF IPA Extensions Phonetic
0x02B0 0x02FF Spacing Modifier Letters Phonetic
0x0300 0x036F Combining Diacritical Marks Modifiers
0x0370 0x0373 Greek Additional European
0x0374 0x03FF Greek European
0x0400 0x04FF Cyrillic European
0x0500 0x052F Cyrillic Extended European
0x0531 0x0587 Armenian European
0x0590 0x05FE Hebrew Middle Eastern
0x0600 0x06FF Arabic Middle Eastern
0x0700 0x074F Syriac Middle Eastern
0x0750 0x077F Arabic Supplement Middle Eastern
0x0780 0x07BF Thaana Middle Eastern
0x07C0 0x07FF NKo African
0x0800 0x083F Samaritan Middle Eastern
0x0840 0x085F Mandaic Middle Eastern
0x0860 0x086F Syriac Supplement Middle Eastern
0x0870 0x089F Arabic Extended-B Middle Eastern
0x08A0 0x08FF Arabic Extended-A Middle Eastern
0x0900 0x097F Devanagari South Asian
0x0980 0x09FF Bengali South Asian
0x0A00 0x0A7F Gurmukhi South Asian
0x0A80 0x0AFF Gujarati South Asian
0x0B00 0x0B7F Oriya South Asian
0x0B80 0x0BFF Tamil South Asian
0x0C00 0x0C7F Telugu South Asian
0x0C01 0x0C6F Vedic Extensions South Asian
0x0C80 0x0CFF Kannada South Asian
0x0D00 0x0D7F Malayalam South Asian
0x0D80 0x0DFF Sinhala South Asian
0x0E00 0x0E7F Thai Southeast Asian
0x0E80 0x0EFF Lao Southeast Asian
0x0F00 0x0FFF Tibetan Asian
0x1000 0x109F Myanmar Southeast Asian
0x10A0 0x10FF Georgian European
0x1100 0x11FF Hangul Jamo East Asian
0x1200 0x137F Ethiopic African
0x1380 0x139F Ethiopic Supplement African
0x13A0 0x13FF Cherokee American
0x1400 0x167F Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Canadian Aboriginal
0x1680 0x169F Ogham European
0x16A0 0x16FF Runic European
0x1700 0x171F Tagalog Southeast Asian
0x1720 0x173F Hanunoo Southeast Asian
0x1740 0x175F Buhid Southeast Asian
0x1760 0x177F Tagbanwa Southeast Asian
0x1780 0x17FF Khmer Southeast Asian
0x1800 0x18AF Mongolian Asian
0x1900 0x194F Limbu South Asian
0x1950 0x197F Tai Le Southeast Asian
0x1980 0x19DF New Tai Lue Southeast Asian
0x19E0 0x19FF Khmer Symbols Southeast Asian
0x1A00 0x1A1F Buginese Southeast Asian
0x1AB0 0x1AFF Combining Diacritical Marks Extended Modifiers
0x1B00 0x1B7F Balinese Southeast Asian
0x1B80 0x1BBF Sundanese Southeast Asian
0x1BC0 0x1BFF Batak Southeast Asian
0x1C00 0x1C4F Lepcha Southeast Asian
0x1C50 0x1C7F Ol Chiki Southeast Asian
0x1C80 0x1C8F Cyrillic Extended-C European
0x1C90 0x1CBF Georgian Extended European
0x1CC0 0x1CCF Sundanese Supplement Southeast Asian
0x1CD0 0x1CFF Vedic Extensions South Asian
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0x1D80 0x1DBF Phonetic Extensions Supplement Phonetic
0x1DC0 0x1DFF Combining Marks Supplement Modifiers
0x1E00 0x1EFF Latin Extended Additional Latin
0x1F00 0x1FFF Greek Extended European
0x2000 0x206F General Punctuation Symbols
0x2070 0x209F Super/Subscripts Symbols
0x20A0 0x20CF Currency Symbols
0x20D0 0x20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols Modifiers
0x2100 0x214F Letterlike Symbols Symbols
0x2150 0x218F Number Forms Symbols
0x2190 0x21FF Arrows Symbols
0x2200 0x22FF Math Operators Mathematical
0x2300 0x23FF Miscellaneous Technical Technical
0x2400 0x243F Control Pictures Technical
0x2440 0x245F Optical Character Recognition Technical
0x2460 0x24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics Symbols
0x2500 0x257F Box Drawing Drawing
0x2580 0x259F Block Elements Drawing
0x25A0 0x25FF Geometric Shapes Drawing
0x2600 0x26FF Miscellaneous Symbols Symbols
0x2700 0x27BF Dingbats Symbols
0x27C0 0x27EF Math Symbols-A Mathematical
0x27F0 0x27FF Supplemental Arrows-A Symbols
0x2800 0x28FF Braille Patterns Writing Systems
0x2C00 0x2C5F Glagolitic European
0x2C60 0x2C7F Latin Extended-C Latin
0x2C80 0x2CFF Coptic African
0x2D00 0x2D2F Georgian Supplement European
0x2D30 0x2D7F Tifinagh African
0x2D80 0x2DDF Ethiopic Extended African
0x2DE0 0x2DFF Cyrillic Supplement European
0x2E00 0x2E7F Supplemental Punctuation Symbols
0x2E80 0x2EFF CJK Radicals East Asian
0x2F00 0x2FDF Kangxi Radicals East Asian
0x2FF0 0x2FFF Ideographic Description Characters East Asian
0x3000 0x303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation East Asian
0x3040 0x309F Hiragana East Asian
0x30A0 0x30FF Katakana East Asian
0x3100 0x312F Bopomofo East Asian
0x3130 0x318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo East Asian
0x3190 0x319F Kanbun East Asian
0x31A0 0x31BF Bopomofo Extended East Asian
0x31C0 0x31EF CJK Strokes East Asian
0x31F0 0x31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions East Asian
0x3200 0x32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months East Asian
0x3300 0x33FF CJK Compatibility East Asian
0x3400 0x4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A East Asian
0x4DC0 0x4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols East Asian
0x4E00 0x9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs East Asian
0xA000 0xA48F Yi Syllables East Asian
0xA490 0xA4CF Yi Radicals East Asian
0xA4D0 0xA4FF Lisu Southeast Asian
0xA500 0xA63F Vai African
0xA640 0xA69F Cyrillic Extended-B European
0xA6A0 0xA6FF Bamum African
0xA700 0xA71F Modifier Tone Letters Phonetic
0xA720 0xA7FF Latin Extended-D Latin
0xA800 0xA82F Syloti Nagri South Asian
0xA830 0xA83F Common Indic Number Forms South Asian
0xA840 0xA87F Phags-pa Asian
0xA880 0xA8DF Saurashtra South Asian
0xA8E0 0xA8FF Devanagari Extended South Asian
0xA900 0xA92F Kayah Li Southeast Asian
0xA930 0xA95F Rejang Southeast Asian
0xA960 0xA97F Hangul Jamo Extended-A East Asian
0xA980 0xA9DF Javanese Southeast Asian
0xA9E0 0xA9FF Myanmar Extended-B Southeast Asian
0xAA00 0xAA5F Cham Southeast Asian
0xAA60 0xAA7F Myanmar Extended-A Southeast Asian
0xAA80 0xAADF Tai Viet Southeast Asian
0xAAE0 0xAAFF Meetei Mayek Extensions Southeast Asian
0xAB00 0xAB2F Ethiopic Extended-A African
0xABC0 0xABFF Meetei Mayek Southeast Asian
0xAC00 0xD7AF Hangul Syllables East Asian
0xD7B0 0xD7FF Hangul Jamo Extended-B East Asian
0xD800 0xDB7F High Surrogates Surrogates
0xDB80 0xDBFF High Private Use Surrogates Surrogates
0xDC00 0xDFFF Low Surrogates Surrogates
0xE000 0xF8FF Private Use Area Private Use
0xF900 0xFAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs East Asian
0xFB00 0xFB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms Symbols
0xFB50 0xFDFF Arabic Presentation Forms-A Middle Eastern
0xFE00 0xFE0F Variation Selectors Symbols
0xFE10 0xFE1F Vertical Forms Symbols
0xFE20 0xFE2F Combining Half Marks Modifiers
0xFE30 0xFE4F CJK Compatibility Forms East Asian
0xFE50 0xFE6F Small Form Variants Symbols
0xFE70 0xFEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B Middle Eastern
0xFF00 0xFFEF Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms Symbols
0xFF66 0xFF9F Halfwidth Katakana East Asian
0xFFF0 0xFFFF Specials Specials
0x10000 0x1007F Linear B Syllabary Historic
0x10080 0x100FF Linear B Ideograms Historic
0x10100 0x1013F Aegean Numbers Historic
0x10140 0x1018F Ancient Greek Numbers Historic
0x10190 0x101CF Ancient Symbols Historic
0x101D0 0x101FF Phaistos Disc Historic
0x10280 0x1029F Lycian Historic
0x102A0 0x102DF Carian Historic
0x10300 0x1032F Old Italic Historic
0x10330 0x1034F Gothic Historic
0x10350 0x1037F Old Permic Historic
0x10380 0x1039F Ugaritic Historic
0x103A0 0x103DF Old Persian Historic
0x10400 0x1044F Deseret Historic
0x10450 0x1047F Shavian Historic
0x10480 0x104AF Osmanya Historic
0x104B0 0x104FF Osage Historic
0x10500 0x1052F Elbasan Historic
0x10530 0x1056F Caucasian Albanian Historic
0x10600 0x1077F Linear A Historic
0x10800 0x1083F Cypriot Syllabary Historic
0x10840 0x1085F Imperial Aramaic Historic
0x10860 0x1087F Palmyrene Historic
0x10880 0x108AF Nabataean Historic
0x10900 0x1091F Phoenician Historic
0x10920 0x1093F Lydian Historic
0x10980 0x1099F Meroitic Hieroglyphs Historic
0x109A0 0x109FF Meroitic Cursive Historic
0x10A00 0x10A5F Kharoshthi Historic
0x10A60 0x10A7F Old South Arabian Historic
0x10A80 0x10A9F Old North Arabian Historic
0x10AC0 0x10AFF Manichaean Historic
0x10B00 0x10B3F Avestan Historic
0x10B40 0x10B5F Inscriptional Parthian Historic
0x10B60 0x10B7F Inscriptional Pahlavi Historic
0x10B80 0x10BAF Psalter Pahlavi Historic
0x10C00 0x10C4F Old Turkic Historic
0x10E60 0x10E7F Rumi Numeral Symbols Historic
0x11000 0x1107F Brahmi Historic
0x11080 0x110CF Kaithi Historic
0x110D0 0x110FF Sora Sompeng Historic
0x11100 0x1114F Chakma Historic
0x11150 0x1117F Mahajani Historic
0x11180 0x111DF Sharada Historic
0x11660 0x1167F Mongolian Extension Asian
0x11680 0x116CF Takri Historic
0x12000 0x123FF Cuneiform Historic
0x12400 0x1247F Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation Historic
0x13000 0x1342F Egyptian Hieroglyphs Historic
0x14400 0x1467F Anatolian Hieroglyphs Historic
0x16800 0x16A3F Bamum Supplement African
0x16A40 0x16A6F Mro Southeast Asian
0x16AD0 0x16AFF Bassa Vah African
0x16B00 0x16B8F Pahawh Hmong Southeast Asian
0x16FE0 0x16FFF Ideographic Symbols East Asian
0x1B000 0x1B0FF Kana Supplement East Asian
0x1BC00 0x1BC9F Duployan Historic
0x1D200 0x1D24F Ancient Greek Musical Notation Historic
0x1E000 0x1E02F Glagolitic Supplement European
0x1E800 0x1E8DF Mende Kikakui African
0x1EC70 0x1ECBF Indic Siyaq Numbers South Asian
0x1ED00 0x1ED4F Ottoman Siyaq Numbers Middle Eastern
0x1EE00 0x1EEFF Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols Middle Eastern
0x1EF00 0x1EFFF Arabic Mathematical Extended Middle Eastern
0x1F000 0x1F02F Mahjong Tiles Games
0x1F030 0x1F093 Domino Tiles Games
0x1F0A0 0x1F0FF Playing Cards Games
0x1F100 0x1F1FF Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement Symbols
0x1F200 0x1F2FF Enclosed Ideographic Supplement Symbols
0x1F300 0x1F5FF Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs Symbols
0x1F32D 0x1F37F Food & Drink Symbols Emoji
0x1F600 0x1F64F Emoticons Emoji
0x1F650 0x1F67F Ornamental Dingbats Symbols
0x1F680 0x1F6FF Transport and Map Symbols Emoji
0x1F700 0x1F77F Alchemical Symbols Symbols
0x1F780 0x1F7FF Geometric Shapes Extended Symbols
0x1F800 0x1F8FF Supplemental Arrows-C Symbols
0x1F900 0x1F9FF Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs Symbols
0x1FA00 0x1FA6F Chess Symbols Games
0x1FA70 0x1FAFF Symbols & Pictographs Extended Symbols
0x1FB00 0x1FBFF Symbols for Legacy Computing Technical
0x1FC00 0x1FCFF Symbols for Legacy APL Technical
0x1FD00 0x1FDFF Additional Ancient Symbols Historic
0x1FE00 0x1FEFF Additional Musical Symbols Music
0x1FF00 0x1FFFF Ancient Text Annotations Historic
0x20000 0x2A6DF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B East Asian
0x2A6E0 0x2A6FF CJK Extension B Supplement East Asian
0x2A700 0x2B73F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C East Asian
0x2B740 0x2B81F CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D East Asian
0x2B820 0x2CEAF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E East Asian
0x2CEB0 0x2EBEF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F East Asian
0x2F800 0x2FA1F CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement East Asian
0x2FA20 0x2FFFF Reserved Range Unassigned
0x30000 0x3134F CJK Extension G East Asian
0x31350 0x323AF CJK Extension H East Asian
0xE0000 0xE007F Tags Special
0xE0100 0xE01EF Variation Selectors Supplement Special
0xF0000 0xFFFFF Private Use Area-A Private Use
0x100000 0x10FFFF Private Use Area-B Private Use
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