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Created May 27, 2014 03:24
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WIP SRFI-1 implementation
;;; erfi-srfi-1.el --- SRFI-1 -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2014 Ken Okada
;; Author: Ken Okada <[email protected]>
;; Keywords: extensions, lisp
;; URL:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
;; Apache License, Version 2.0
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(setq byte-compile-warnings '(not cl-functions))
(require 'cl))
(require 'erfi-macros)
(require 'cl-lib)
;; Constructors
(defun erfi:xcons (d a)
(cons a d))
(defalias 'erfi:cons* 'list*)
(defun erfi:make-list (n &optional fill)
(when (< n 0)
(error "erfi:make-list: negative length given: %s\n" n))
(rlet1 rs '()
(while (< 0 n)
(push fill rs)
(decf n)))))
(defun erfi:list-tabulate (n init-proc)
(when (< n 0)
(error "erfi:make-list: negative length given: %s\n" n))
(setq n (1- n))
(rlet1 rs '()
(while (<= 0 n)
(push (funcall init-proc n) rs)
(decf n)))))
(defalias 'erfi:list-copy 'copy-sequence)
(defun erfi:circular-list (x &rest xs)
; `#1=(,@xs . #1#))
(let1 ys (cons x xs)
(rlet1 head ys
(while (not (null (cdr ys)))
(pop ys))
(setcdr ys head))))
(defun erfi:iota (count &optional start step)
(let ((x (or start 0))
(d (or step 1)))
(let1 rs '()
(while (< 0 count)
(push x rs)
(incf x d)
(decf count))
(nreverse rs))))
;; Predicates
(defmacro erfi:circular-list-p:aux (f x)
`(if (not (consp ,x))
(let ((sub-list (list ,x))
(y (cdr ,x)))
(while (and (consp y)
(not (erfi:any1 (cut 'eq y <>) sub-list)))
(push y sub-list)
(pop y))
,(funcall f 'y))))
(defun erfi:proper-list-p (x)
(erfi:circular-list-p:aux (lambda (y) `(null ,y)) x))
(defun erfi:circular-list-p (x)
(erfi:circular-list-p:aux (lambda (y) `(consp ,y)) x))
(defun erfi:dotted-list-p (x)
(erfi:circular-list-p:aux (lambda (y) `(not (or (null ,y) (consp ,y)))) x))
;; (defun erfi:list= (elt= &rest xss)
;; (cond ((>= 1 (length xss))
;; t)
;; ((let1 len (length (car xss))
;; (not (erfi:every1 (lambda (xs) (eq len (length xs))) (cdr xss))))
;; nil)
;; (t
;; (erfi:let outer-iter ((xss xss))
;; (if (null (car xss))
;; t
;; (erfi:let inner-iter ((ys (mapcar 'car xss)))
;; (if (null (cdr ys))
;; (outer-iter (mapcar 'cdr xss))
;; (and (funcall elt= (car ys) (cadr ys))
;; (inner-iter (cdr ys))))))))))
(defun erfi:list= (elt= &rest xss)
(if (let1 len (length (car xss))
(not (erfi:every1 (lambda (xs) (eq len (length xs))) (cdr xss))))
(erfi:let outer-iter ((xss xss))
(if (null (cdr xss))
(erfi:let inner-iter ((xs (car xss))
(ys (cadr xss)))
(if (null xs)
(outer-iter (cdr xss))
(and (funcall elt= (car xs) (car ys))
(inner-iter (cdr xs) (cdr ys)))))))))
; pair? null-list? not-pair? ...
;; Selectors
(defun erfi:list-ref (clist n)
(if (< n 0)
(error "argument out of range: %s" n)
(nth n clist)))
;; (defun erfi:take! (x i)
;; (if (zerop i)
;; '()
;; (let1 y x
;; (while (and (consp y)
;; (not (= i 1)))
;; (pop y)
;; (decf i))
;; (if (= i 1)
;; (progn
;; (setcdr y '())
;; x)
;; (error (concat "erfi:take: input list is too short (expected at least %s elements, "
;; "but only %s elements long): %s\n")
;; i (length x) x)))))
(defmacro erfi:split-at!:aux (name x i f)
`(if (zerop ,i)
(let1 y ,x
(while (and (consp y)
(not (= ,i 1)))
(pop y)
(decf i))
(if (= ,i 1)
,(funcall f x 'y)
(error ,(concat "%s: input list is too short (expected at least %s elements, "
"but only %s elements long): %s\n")
name ,i (length ,x) ,x)))))
(defun erfi:take! (x i)
(erfi:split-at!:aux 'erfi:take! x i
(lambda (x y)
(setcdr ,y '())
(defun erfi:split-at! (x i)
(erfi:split-at!:aux 'erfi:split-at! x i
(lambda (x y)
`(rlet1 r (list ,x (cdr ,y))
(setcdr ,y '())))))
(defun erfi:drop-right! (flist i)
(let1 j (- (length flist) i)
(cond ((or (< j 0) (< i 0))
(error "argument out of range: %s\n" i))
((zerop j)
(let1 y flist
(while (not (= j 1))
(pop y)
(decf j))
(setcdr y '())
(defun erfi:split-at! (x i)
(if (zerop i)
(let1 y x
(while (and (consp y)
(not (= i 1)))
(pop y)
(decf i))
(if (= i 1)
(setcdr y '())
(error (concat "erfi:split: input list is too short (expected at least %s elements, "
"but only %s elements long): %s\n")
i (length x) x)))))))
(defun erfi:last (pair)
(let1 x pair
(when (not (consp x))
(error "erfi:last: pair required: %s" x))
(while (consp (cdr x))
(pop x))
(car x)))
(defun erfi:last-pair (pair)
(let1 x pair
(when (not (consp x))
(error "erfi:last-pair: pair required: %s" x))
(while (consp (cdr x))
(pop x))
;; Others
(defun erfi:concatenate (xss)
(apply 'append xss))
(defun erfi:concatenate! (xss)
(apply 'nconc xss))
(defun erfi:append-map (proc xs)
(apply 'append (mapcar proc xs)))
(ert-deftest erfi:srfi-1:others-test ()
(should (equal (erfi:iota 10000)
(erfi:concatenate (mapcar 'list (erfi:iota 10000)))))
(should (equal (erfi:iota 10000)
(erfi:concatenate! (mapcar 'list (erfi:iota 10000)))))
(defalias 'erfi:alist-cons 'cl-acons)
(defun erfi:alist-copy (alist)
(let1 res '()
(while (not (null alist))
(push (cons (caar alist) (cdar alist)) res)
(pop alist))
(nreverse res)))
(defun erfi:alist-delete (key alist &optional key=)
"Return a copy of ALIST (as list) if KEY does not appear."
(let ((key= (or key= 'equal))
(res '()))
(while (not (null alist))
(when (not (funcall key= key (caar alist)))
(push (car alist) res))
(pop alist))
(nreverse res)))
(defun erfi:alist-delete! (key alist &optional key=)
(let1 key= (or key= 'equal)
(while (and (not (null alist))
(funcall key= key (caar alist)))
(pop alist))
(rlet1 head alist
(while (not (null (cdr alist)))
(if (funcall key= key (caadr alist))
(setcdr alist (cddr alist))
(pop alist))))))
(defun erfi:alist-update (key value alist &optional key=)
(acons key value
(erfi:alist-delete key alist key=)))
(defun erfi:alist-update! (key value alist &optional key=)
(let1 pair (erfi:find (let1 key= (or key= 'equal)
(lambda (x) (funcall key= key (car x))))
(if pair
(setcdr pair value)
(acons key value alist))))
(defun erfi:find (pred clist)
(let1 res (erfi:find-tail pred clist)
(if res
(car res)
(defun erfi:find-tail (pred clist)
(if (funcall pred (car clist))
(let1 xs clist
(while (and (not (null (cdr xs)))
(not (funcall pred (cadr xs))))
(pop xs))
(cdr-safe xs))))
(defmacro erfi:filter:aux (xs pred-exp)
`(let1 res '()
(while (not (null ,xs))
(when ,pred-exp
(push (car ,xs) res))
(pop ,xs))
(nreverse res)))
(defun erfi:filter (pred xs)
(erfi:filter:aux xs (funcall pred (car xs))))
(defun erfi:remove (pred xs)
(erfi:filter:aux xs (not (funcall pred (car xs)))))
(provide 'erfi-srfi-1)
;;; erfi-srfi-1.el ends here
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