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Last active July 17, 2020 09:07
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  • Save kensoh/e208789bca4b89e361094dc5aaa11cbc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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TagUI flow to print the list of your starred repos
// created this flow file to archive my starred repos
// it prints the list of starred repos by github user
// you can get TagUI here (macOS / Windows / Linux)
// usage #1 - copy or download this file, then run
// tagui stars github_userid quiet chrome
// usage #2 - if you want to run this gist directly
// tagui github_userid quiet chrome
// get user_id from input parameter
user_id = p1
// go to stars page of github user`user_id`?tab=stars
// extract total stars by user
read (//*[@class="Counter"])[2] to total_stars
// calculate number of pages
no_of_pages = Math.ceil(total_stars / 30)
// loop pages to extract list
for page from 1 to no_of_pages
// page 1 no need to click
if page greater than 1
// to advance stars page
click Next
// make sure not old data
wait 3.5 seconds
// default is 30 stars per page
total_count = 30
// calculate stars for last page
if page equals to no_of_pages
total_count = total_stars - (30 * (no_of_pages - 1))
// loop through stars per page
for count from 1 to total_count
print (//h3/a/@href)[`count`]
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