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Ken Soh kensoh

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TagUI Technical Webinar

TagUI is a free and open-source RPA tool by AI Singapore, a government-funded programme to accelerate AI. TagUI has a bustling user community with ~3k downloads monthly, and extended community champions create new RPA tools for their own communities, based on TagUI. So there's a flavour of the RPA tool which has a flat learning curve for you.

Different flavours of TagUI

Human languages

kensoh / tagui
Last active August 29, 2021 02:38
Google Colab Ubuntu POC - tagui command
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# configure command to launch chrome for Linux (configuration for macOS not required as path is fixed)
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "tagui v6.74: use following options and this syntax to run - ./tagui flow_filename option(s)"
kensoh / TagUI v5.11
Last active April 21, 2024 19:56
TagUI v5.11
kensoh / TagUI for Python
Last active December 25, 2020 19:57
TagUI for Python
kensoh / stars
Last active July 17, 2020 09:07
TagUI flow to print the list of your starred repos
// created this flow file to archive my starred repos
// it prints the list of starred repos by github user
// you can get TagUI here (macOS / Windows / Linux)
// usage #1 - copy or download this file, then run
// tagui stars github_userid quiet chrome
// usage #2 - if you want to run this gist directly
kensoh / automation_projects
Last active August 28, 2024 10:08
Automation Projects
Click the GitHub icon on the homepage to learn about TagUI, or the Python RPA link to learn about Python rpa package. Find out why casual users, tech leads, consultants and system integrators like to leverage them in RPA projects. UI automation can reproduce interactions you have with websites and computer apps. By getting computers to do the hard repetitive work, results can be achieved much faster and more reliably than what is humanly possible.
kensoh / test_repo.csv
Created April 13, 2017 04:12
automation flow for testing running of online flow files (with repository csv) by TA.Gui
get started button btn btn-primary btn-xl
create account btn btn--green btn-lg
email user[email]
password user[password]
enter mail enter `email` as [email protected]
enter password enter `password` as 1234567890
kensoh / test_repo
Last active July 10, 2019 14:17
automation flow for testing running of online flow files (with repository csv) by TA.Gui
click `get started button`
click `create account`
`enter mail`
`enter password`
wait 7.5 seconds
kensoh / test_flow
Last active May 10, 2017 02:13
automation flow for testing running of online flow files by TA.Gui
test.assertTextExists('About','Check for About text');
test.assertSelectorHasText(tx('header'), 'Interface automation','Check for phrase in header element');
kensoh / call_for_pilot_projects
Last active July 29, 2017 20:08
Call For Pilot Projects
• This initiative has been suspended to work on TagUI research and development
For a limited time, Tebel.Automation is helping businesses and individuals implement pilot web automation projects free of charge. If you have a repetitive or time-critical task that you think might be good to automate, email [email protected]. The goal of web automation is to reproduce cognitive interactions that you have with websites so that your laptop or server can do it for you, base on your schedule or conditions.