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Kent Brewster kentbrew

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kentbrew /
Last active January 28, 2025 03:31
Hi, what's the best way to vertically center some text on a Web page?

Just asked DeepSeek a question:

Hi, what's the best way to vertically center some text on a Web page?

DeepSeek's answer was pretty solid:

Vertically centering text on a web page can be achieved in several ways, depending on the context and the layout method you're using. Here are some of the most common and effective techniques:

1. Using Flexbox

Flexbox is one of the easiest and most flexible ways to center content both vertically and horizontally.

kentbrew /
Last active March 14, 2023 01:10
Tootski, a sharing bookmarklet for Mastodon

Tootski, a sharing bookmarklet for Mastodon

Kent Brewster

Tootski is a bookmarklet that will share the page you're on to your Mastodon instance, including the title, address, and any text you may have selected. If you have any questions or need help, please find me at

Before You Begin

You need to know the name of your Mastodon instance if it's not To find it, visit your home page on Mastodon and copy out the part between the second and third slash. My home URL looks like this:

/* use strict */
const me = {
// we could potentially set this in game.create from game["_gridWidth"]
// instead of hard-coding the number 24
board: {
height: 24,
width: 24
// starting score should be 0
kentbrew /
Last active March 14, 2023 01:19
Instagram RSS via Pinterest

Instagram RSS via Pinterest

Curious reader @plasticmind asked this question on the Twitter:

Dear lazyweb: does anyone know of a way to pull the Instagram feed for a particular user into a site automatically without needing to pay a monthly subscription for a service? Happy to entertain dev-related options.

The answer is, as always, "it depends." If it's your account, you can do this with Pinterest, and along the way make sure that any time one of your Instagram posts winds up on Pinterest it will have correct attribution.

To get a feed of Instagram posts onto a Web site:

kentbrew /
Last active October 20, 2024 15:55
Quick-read cookies via browser extension

Here's a thing you can do to quickly reveal any or all cookies set on your WebExtensions-compatible browser from any domain. For this example we'll use Chrome but it should work wherever you can debug a browser extension.

You need to have at least one add-on installed that has a background page; to find it, go to chrome://extensions, be sure Developer Mode is on (top right sliding switch) and see if any of your installed extensions has a link to background page next to Inspect Views.

Once you find a link to a background page, click it. A Web inspector should appear; when it does, go to the Console tab and paste this:

  {domain: ""},
 results => {
kentbrew /
Last active December 7, 2021 02:45
The One True White Elephant Gift Exchange Ruleset

The One True White Elephant Gift Exchange Ruleset

Gifts must:

  • Number the exact number of players.
  • Be wrapped so their contents cannot be visually discerned.


  • All gifts must be placed in a location where players can see all of them.
kentbrew /
Created November 13, 2019 21:57
Testing Extensions on Chrome Canary

Testing Extensions on Chrome Canary

Kent Brewster, 2019-11-13. For fastest contact, Twitter is your best bet; I'm @kentbrew there and everywhere else that hasn't already kicked me off.

At long last it's time to get serious about Manifest V3:

Problem: all the cool new toys only work in Chrome Canary. If you're like me, your chrome://extensions page is already a giant mass of internally-conflicting test extensions and you dislike the taste of coal dust, so you've avoided Canary versions of Chrome at all costs.

kentbrew /
Last active October 31, 2019 22:04
Avoiding repetition when deciding whether a member exists several layers deep inside an object.

Object Spelunking

This is trouble:

if ( === 8675309) {
kentbrew /
Last active August 30, 2019 15:37
Sorting a JSON Object by Key Name

Sorting a JSON Object by Key Name

While performing eyeball-based QA for an API update I needed a fast way to reformat output so that all keys would be in the same order. Here's what I came up with:

sortByKeys = input => {
  // default: return anything whose typeof is NOT "object"
  let result = input;
  // do we have an object? look inside
 if (input && typeof input === "object") {
kentbrew /
Created March 4, 2019 01:23
Hiding Ads from All Facebook Advertisers who have Added You From a Contact List

Hiding Ads from All Facebook Advertisers who have Added You From a Contact List

Here's a scary page:

Open up the Advertisers section and check out that first section: advertisers who use a contact list added to Facebook. Unlike the other tabs in this section, these ads have nothing to do with your behavior on Facebook or elsewhere on the Internet. All these advertisers got your name the old-fashioned way: by trading something of value for a list containing your contact information.

Per Facebook's vague-but-cheerful explainer, this is "typically" your e-mail address or phone number, but there's really no way to know for sure.