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Created February 7, 2013 00:00
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Save kepler/4727084 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Variable length n-gram markov chain for sequence learning.
Fabio N. Kepler, Sergio L. S. Mergen, Cleo Z. Billa, Jose C. Bins
First written for the PAutomaC Competition, 2012.
Check URL for file format details.
You are free to use it. We would like if you let us know ([email protected]).
Version: 2
import math
import sys
import time
import collections
import argparse
def number(arg):
return float(arg)
class VLNGramTree:
def __init__(self, rootLabel='ROOT', max_depth=10, cut_value=0.0, density=1):
self.root = self.Node(rootLabel)
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.cut_value = cut_value
self.density = density
self.size = 0
self.depth = 1
def train(self, data):
def build(self, data):
window = self.max_depth
for sequence in data:
ngramseq = [-1] + sequence + [-2]
for end in range(1,len(ngramseq)):
start = max(end - window, 0)
self.addSequence(list(reversed(ngramseq[start:end])), ngramseq[end])
def addSequence(self, sequence, dest):
curNode = self.root
num_new_nodes = 0
for label in sequence:
if curNode.children.has_key(label):
curNode = curNode.children[label]
newNode = self.Node(label, parent=curNode)
curNode = newNode
num_new_nodes += 1
def shake(self, protect=[-1, -2]):
Discard nodes occurring less times than @self.density.
queue = collections.deque([self.root])
discarded = 0
while len(queue) > 0:
node = queue.popleft()
if node.label in protect: continue # Do not discard sentence border markers!
if node.count < self.density:
discarded += 1
del node
queue.extend(node.children.values() or [])
self.size -= discarded
def prune(self):
Discard leaves that divergence less than @self.cut_value from its parent.
num_cut = 0
leaves = self.getLeaves()
while leaves:
leaf = leaves.popleft()
if not leaf.parent: continue
#if leaf.label == -1 or leaf.label == -2: continue # Do not prune sentence border markers.
divergence = self.getDivergence(leaf, leaf.parent) # according to a paper by Pereira
#divergence = self.getDivergence(leaf.parent, leaf) # according to other sources
if divergence < self.cut_value: # or > depending on the direction of the divergence
if not leaf.parent.children: #len(leaf.parent.children) == 0:
del leaf
num_cut += 1
else: # leaf will stay
self.depth = max(self.depth, leaf.depth)
self.size -= num_cut
def getDivergence(self, P, Q):
Using Kullback-Leibler divergence (with absolute discounting smoothing).
DKL = number(0.0)
SP = set(P.sprouts.keys())
SQ = set(Q.sprouts.keys())
SU = SP.union(SQ)
epsilon = number(0.0000000001)
pcount = number(epsilon * len(SU - SP)) / number(len(SP))
qcount = number(epsilon * len(SU - SQ)) / number(len(SQ))
for i in SU:
pi = P.getSproutLogProbability(i)
if pi: pi = pi - pcount
else: pi = epsilon
qi = Q.getSproutLogProbability(i)
if qi: qi = qi - qcount
else: qi = epsilon
DKL += number(math.exp(pi)) * number(pi - qi)
# Weighting by probability of P
P_prob = number(P.count) / number(self.root.count)
DKL = P_prob * DKL
return DKL
def getSequenceLogProbability(self, sequence, dest):
probs = collections.deque([self.root.getSproutLogProbability(dest)])
curNode = self.root
for label in sequence:
if curNode.children.has_key(label):
p = curNode.children[label].getSproutLogProbability(dest)
if p:
curNode = curNode.children[label]
return number(probs[-1])
def predictProbabilities(self, testData):
probs = collections.deque([])
window = self.max_depth
for sequence in testData:
prob = number(0.0)
ngramseq = [-1] + sequence + [-2]
for end in range(1,len(ngramseq)):
start = max(end - window, 0)
p = self.getSequenceLogProbability(list(reversed(ngramseq[start:end])), ngramseq[end])
prob = prob + p
return probs
def getLeaves(self):
leaves = collections.deque([])
queue = collections.deque([self.root])
node_count = 0
while len(queue) > 0:
node_count += 1
node = queue.popleft()
children = node.children.values()
if not children:
self.size = node_count
return leaves
def getSize(self):
queue = collections.deque([self.root])
count = 0
while len(queue) > 0:
count += 1
queue.extend(queue.popleft().children.values() or [])
return count
def __str__(self):
s = collections.deque([])
queue = collections.deque([self.root])
while len(queue) > 0:
node = queue.popleft()
s.append(str(node) + ', path: ' + str([n.label for n in node.nodePath()]))
queue.extend(node.children.values() or [])
return "\n".join(s)
class Node:
A node in a context tree. Contains a pointer
to the parent and a dictionary with the children.
def __init__(self, label, parent=None, sprouts=None):
self.label = label
self.parent = parent
self.children = dict()
self.count = 0
self.normalized = False
if parent:
self.depth = parent.depth + 1
parent.children[label] = self
self.depth = 0
if sprouts:
self.sprouts = sprouts
self.sprouts = dict()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Node %s, (%s, %s, %s), {%s}>" % (self.label, self.parent, self.depth, self.count, self.sprouts.keys())
def __str__(self):
return "<Node %s, c: %d, d: %d, s: {%s}>" % (self.label, self.count, self.depth, self.sprouts.keys())
def addSprout(self, label):
self.count += 1
self.sprouts[label] = 1 + self.sprouts.get(label, 0)
def getSproutLogProbability(self, sprout):
if self.sprouts.has_key(sprout):
return number(math.log(self.sprouts[sprout]) - math.log(self.count))
return None #-1e50 # UNKNOWN sprout
def nodePath(self):
"Create a list of nodes from the root to this node."
x, result = self, [self]
while x.parent:
x = x.parent
return result
def readset(f):
sett = []
line = f.readline()
l = line.split(" ")
num_strings = int(l[0])
alphabet_size = int(l[1])
sett = [[int(i) for i in l.strip().split(" ")[1:]] for l in f.readlines()]
return alphabet_size, sett
def readprobs(f):
probs = []
line = f.readline()
probs = [number(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()]
return probs
def writeprobs(probs,f):
f.write(str(len(probs)) + "\n")
for i in range(len(probs)):
f.write(str(probs[i]) + "\n")
def normalize(arr):
sumarr = number(sum(arr))
if sumarr != 0.0:
for i in range(len(arr)):
arr[i] = arr[i] / sumarr
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Variable length n-gram for sequence modeling", epilog="Please contact [email protected] for additional help.")
parser.add_argument("-id", help="just printed to the output when in report mode")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--report", metavar="solution_file", nargs='?', help="turn on report mode: only some values are printed to the output, in the following order:\
id, ngram, cut_value, density, len(train+test), vlngram_tree.depth, vlngram_tree.size, total_time, perplexity, test_file")
params_group = parser.add_argument_group('model parameters')
params_group.add_argument("max_ngram", nargs='?', default=4, type=int, help="the maximum length of sequences for building the tree")
params_group.add_argument("cut_value", nargs='?', default=0.001, type=float, help="the threshold for prunning the tree")
params_group.add_argument("density", nargs='?', default=1, type=int, help="the minimum number of occurrences of a node")
parser.add_argument("train_file", help="a file of sequences of symbols in the PAutomaC format")
parser.add_argument("test_file", help="a file of sequences of symbols in the PAutomaC format")
args = parser.parse_args()
ngram = args.max_ngram
cut_value = args.cut_value
density = args.density
train_file = args.train_file
test_file = args.test_file
alphabet, test = readset(open(test_file,"r"))
alphabet, train = readset(open(train_file,"r"))
start_time = time.clock()
vlngram_tree = VLNGramTree(max_depth=ngram, cut_value=cut_value, density=density)
vlngram_probs = vlngram_tree.predictProbabilities(test)
stop_time = time.clock()
total_time = stop_time - start_time
# In report mode, probabilities are not saved to a file
if not
suffix = ".vlngram"
prob_file = test_file+"-L"+str(ngram)+"K"+str(cut_value)+"d"+str(density)+suffix
print "Writing probabilities to '%s'" % prob_file
writeprobs(vlngram_probs, open(prob_file,"w"))
solution_file =
solution_probs = readprobs(open(solution_file,"r"))
exponent = [PrT * number(math.log(PrC, 2)) for PrT, PrC in zip(solution_probs, vlngram_probs) if PrC != 0.0]
perplexity = 2 ** -(sum(exponent))
# Header:, ngram, cut_value, density, len(train+test), vlngram_tree.depth, vlngram_tree.size, total_time, perplexity, test_file
print '\t'.join(map("{}".format, (, ngram, cut_value, density, len(train+test), vlngram_tree.depth, vlngram_tree.size, total_time, perplexity, test_file)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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