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Created July 20, 2009 18:49
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Save kergoth/150505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Incomplete, experimental bitbake recipe parsing with shlex
#!/usr/bin/env python
from shlex import shlex
import string
import os
class ParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, lex, message):
self.lex = lex
self.lineno = lex.lineno
self.filename = lex.infile
super(ParseError, self).__init__(self, lex.error_leader() + message)
class UnexpectedToken(ParseError):
def __init__(self, lex, expected, got):
self.expected = expected = got
super(UnexpectedToken, self).__init__(self, lex, 'Expected "%s", got "%s"' % (expected, got))
class UnexpectedEOF(ParseError):
def __init__(self, lex):
super(UnexpectedEOF, self).__init__(self, lex, "Unexpected End of File")
class IncludeError(ParseError):
def start(lex):
global python
key = lex.get_token()
if key is None:
return end(lex)
elif key == "":
# empty line
return start(lex)
python = False
if key == "python":
python = True
key = lex.get_token()
if key is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
op = lex.get_token()
if op == ".":
return dot(key, lex)
elif op == "+":
return plus(key, lex)
elif op == "=":
return equals(key, lex, " ")
elif op == "()":
return parens(key, lex, python)
elif op == "[":
return openbracket(key, lex)
elif op is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
elif key == "include":
return include(lex)
elif key == "require":
return include(lex, True)
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, (".=", "+=", "=", "()"), op)
def openbracket(key, lex):
flag = lex.get_token()
if flag is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF()
endbracket = lex.get_token()
if endbracket is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
elif endbracket != "]":
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, "]", endbracket)
eq = lex.get_token()
if eq != "=":
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, "=", eq)
return equals(key, lex, "[%s] " % flag)
def parens(key, lex, python):
brace = lex.get_token()
if brace == "{":
return funcstart(key, lex, python)
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, "{", brace)
def funcstart(key, lex, python):
whitespace = lex.whitespace
wordchars = lex.wordchars
lex.wordchars = string.printable
lex.whitespace = "\r\n"
value = []
for token in lex:
if token == "}":
print("%s%s () {\n%s\n}" % (python and "python " or "", key, "\n".join(value)))
lex.wordchars = wordchars
lex.whitespace = whitespace
return start(lex)
elif token is None:
lex.wordchars = wordchars
lex.whitespace = whitespace
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
return end(lex)
def dot(key, lex):
eq = lex.get_token()
if eq == "=":
return concat(key, lex)
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, "=", eq)
def plus(key, lex):
eq = lex.get_token()
if eq == "=":
return addword(key, lex)
raise UnexpectedToken(lex, "=", eq)
def equals(key, lex, mode):
wordchars = lex.wordchars
lex.wordchars = string.printable
whitespace = lex.whitespace
lex.whitespace = "\r\n"
value = lex.get_token()
lex.wordchars = wordchars
lex.whitespace = whitespace
if value is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
value = value.strip()
print("%s%s= \"%s\"" % (key, mode, value))
return start(lex)
def concat(key, lex):
return equals(key, lex, " .")
def addword(key, lex):
return equals(key, lex, " +")
def include(lex, required = False):
filename = lex.get_token()
if filename is None:
raise UnexpectedEOF(lex)
elif filename == "":
raise IncludeError(lex, "Unspecified filename for include")
if os.path.exists(filename):
elif required:
raise IncludeError(lex, "Unable to include %s: file not found" % filename)
return start(lex)
def end(lex):
def parse(filename):
lex = shlex(open(filename, "r"), filename, True)
lex.whitespace_split = False
lex.wordchars = string.digits + string.letters + "~!@#$%*_\:;?,./-+()"
lex.whitespace = " \t\r\n"
lex.quotes = "\"'"
#lex.debug = 1
except ParseError, e:
import sys, linecache
# How many lines of context from the file to display
lines = 5
sys.stderr.write("Parsing error: %s\n" % e)
sys.stderr.write("%s context (%s lines):\n" % (filename, lines))
for lineno in xrange(e.lineno - lines, e.lineno + lines):
sys.stderr.write(linecache.getline(filename, lineno))
raise SystemExit(1)
raise SystemExit(0)
# - require
# - addtask
# - inherit
A = "foo"
B .= 'bar'
D += meh moo
foo () {
python bar () {
print("hi mom")
do_clean[nostamp] = "1"
require foo
include testinclude
#C =
#bar () {
weincluded = "yay!"
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