Bronwyn to witness Stephanie as a backup?
2 h 36 min(166 mi) (20 minute stop)
2 h 41 min(174 mi) (20 minute stop)
2 h 37 min(173 mi) (20 minute stop)
2 h 40 min(174 mi) (20 minute stop)
2 h 39 min(173 mi) (20 minute stop)
2 h 35 min(162 mi) AM/PM next to Whitney’s, then pop over and get her to witness finish.
- Excessive time at gas station stops
- lines at the pump
- Unplanned stops
- bathroom/fatigue breaks
- Disagreements with Law Enforcement
- This is a marathon, not a sprint
- Excessive speed is fatiguing and dangerous
- pack plenty of water and snacks so I don’t spend time waiting for cashiers in minimarts or fast food joints
- careful application of forward momentum (5-10mph over posted limits, which is what Google uses for time estimates)
Dear Kerri - it is ok to stop if you’re tired. Love, Kerri
There’s lots of opportunities to “pull the plug” if we’re too exhausted to continue. On the return leg, the Tri-Cities is about equal to our longest ride to date (770 miles, SF to Olympia.)
Google Maps 76 station by home -> Chevron in Zilla
To Exxon just off highway Google Maps
Chevron on east side of Boise Google Maps
Google reports 507 miles when I map from stop to stop to stop: Google Maps
8 hours of riding at speed limits.
3 gas stops, 15 min each, one additional break?
9 hours
Flip around and return