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Created June 30, 2013 05:44
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Save keshavsaharia/5894016 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Mathematica function for generating beautiful ASCII art out of any image.
(*ASCIIrange = { " ","` ",". "," .","..",".:",":.","::",":#","##","#@","x@","o@","@@","@X","XX"};*)
(*ASCIIrange = { " "," ",".","..",".:","::",":i","io","ex","pq","Xq","AG","ZY","VW"};*)
(* Produces the best results by randomizing letters using a held random choice call *)
ASCIIrange = {" ", Hold[RandomChoice[{" ", " `"}]], ". ", "..",
Hold[RandomChoice[{".:", ":."}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"::", ";:", ":;", ";;"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{":x", "x:"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"io", "ae", "oc"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"yj", "tp", "qw"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"IL", "02", "JC"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"GP", "ZY", "VW"}]],
Hold[RandomChoice[{"#@", "&%", "8#"}]]};
maxthreshold = Length[ASCIIrange] - 2;
ASCIIart[image_, adjust_: {0.2, 1.5}, resolution_: 200,
threshold_: maxthreshold] := StringJoin[(StringJoin[#] <> "\n" & /@ (ReleaseHold /@ (Round /@ (threshold*
Rescale /@ Map[Mean[#] & /@ # &, ImageData[
ImageResize[ImageAdjust[image, adjust], resolution],
"Byte"]]) /. MapThread [#1 -> #2 &, {Reverse[Range[0, threshold + 1]],Take[ASCIIrange, threshold + 2]}])))] /; (2 <= threshold <= maxthreshold && ImageQ[image]);
ASCIIimage[image_, adjust_: {0.2, 1.5}, resolution_: 200,
threshold_: maxthreshold] := Rasterize[Style[ASCIIart[image, adjust, resolution, threshold], Bold,FontFamily -> "Courier", FontSize -> 5]]
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