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Last active August 23, 2018 14:23
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  • Save ketankr9/c198170725df4d2627a21ef7c900a3b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* know your public ip: ~$ `curl; echo`
~$ `curl`
* get headers only
curl -sI
* split files and download: ``
curl --range 0-100000 -o song.mp3.part1 http://url/song.mp3
curl --range 100001- -o song.mp3.part2 http://url/song.mp3 #till end, remaining
#join file
cat song.mp3.part? > song.mp3
#transfer files over ssh to amazon aws ec2
scp -i /ketankr9privatekey.pem path_to_current.tar.gz [email protected]:~/file_dir
#scrap JavaScript driven dynamic webpage
>>> import dryscrape
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> session = dryscrape.Session()
>>> session.visit(my_url)
>>> response = session.body()
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
>>> soup.find(id="intro-text")
<p id="intro-text">Yay! Supports javascript</p>
#get netbios name
>>>nmap -sU -p 137,5353 --script nbstat,dns-service-discovery $targets
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