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Last active November 3, 2016 09:06
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List of packages from Bioconda

git clone
cd bioconda-recipes/recipes/
ls > ~/bioconda.pkglist

List of packages from Conda-forge

git clone
cd feedstocks/feedstocks/
ls > ~/condaforge.pkglist

Search for duplicates

cat ~/bioconda.pkglist ~/condaforge.pkglist | sort | uniq -d

List of duplicates

Total: 105

  • aniso8601
  • appdirs
  • argh
  • argparse
  • arrow
  • autoconf
  • awscli
  • bcdoc
  • blinker
  • boltons
  • botocore
  • bottle
  • brewer2mpl
  • click
  • curl
  • cyordereddict
  • deap
  • dominate
  • eigen
  • emperor
  • expat
  • fftw
  • filechunkio
  • flask-admin
  • flask-basicauth
  • flask-script
  • flask-sqlalchemy
  • ftputil
  • functools32
  • gdal
  • gettext
  • ggplot
  • glpk
  • google-api-python-client
  • graphviz
  • grequests
  • httplib2
  • httpretty
  • isodate
  • jellyfish
  • jmespath
  • joblib
  • jq
  • keepalive
  • lapack
  • libffi
  • libgd
  • libssh2
  • libsvm
  • libxml2
  • m4
  • matplotlib-venn
  • ndg-httpsclient
  • netifaces
  • oauth2client
  • openmpi
  • pathtools
  • peewee
  • perl
  • phonenumbers
  • pyaml
  • pyasn1-modules
  • pycodestyle
  • pydoe
  • pydotplus
  • pyinotify
  • pyomo
  • pytest-cov
  • pytest-mock
  • pytest-mpl
  • pytest-timeout
  • pytest-xdist
  • python-dateutil
  • python-levenshtein
  • pyutilib
  • regex
  • requests-cache
  • requests-toolbelt
  • retrying
  • rsa
  • ruamel.ordereddict
  • ruamel.yaml
  • scikit-allel
  • scikit-bio
  • sed
  • setuptools_scm
  • sortedcontainers
  • sparsehash
  • sphinx-argparse
  • sqlalchemy-utils
  • suds-jurko
  • tabulate
  • tbb
  • testfixtures
  • tqdm
  • typing
  • uritemplate
  • urllib3
  • validictory
  • visitor
  • voluptuous
  • watchdog
  • ws4py
  • xmltodict
  • yasm
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