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Last active September 21, 2017 23:41
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CSS lint options for the modern browser(s)
"box-model" : true,
"display-property-grouping" : true,
"duplicate-properties" : true,
"empty-rules" : true,
"known-properties" : true,
"non-link-hover" : false,
"adjoining-classes" : false,
"box-sizing" : false,
"compatible-vendor-prefixes" : true,
"gradients" : true,
"text-indent" : true,
"vendor-prefix" : true,
"fallback-colors" : true,
"star-property-hack" : true,
"underscore-property-hack" : true,
"bulletproof-font-face" : false,
"font-faces" : true,
"import" : true,
"regex-selectors" : true,
"universal-selector" : true,
"unqualified-attributes" : true,
"zero-units" : true,
"overqualified-elements" : true,
"shorthand" : true,
"duplicate-background-images" : true,
"floats" : true,
"font-sizes" : true,
"ids" : true,
"important" : false,
"outline-none" : true,
"qualified-headings" : true,
"unique-headings" : true,
"errors" : true,
"rules-count" : true,
"selector-max-approaching" : true,
"selector-max" : true
// Possible Errors
"box-model" : true, // Don't use width or height when using padding or border.
"display-property-grouping" : true, // Certain properties shouldn't be used with certain display property values.
"duplicate-properties" : true, // Duplicate properties must appear one after the other.
"empty-rules" : true, // Rules without any properties specified should be removed.
"known-properties" : true, // Properties should be known (listed in CSS3 specification) or be a vendor-prefixed property.
"non-link-hover" : false, // Avoid un-anchored hovers in doctype strict (targets IE6/7)
// Compatibility
"adjoining-classes" : false, // Don't use adjoining classes.
"box-sizing" : false, // The box-sizing properties isn't supported in IE6 and IE7.
"compatible-vendor-prefixes" : true, // Include all compatible vendor prefixes to reach a wider range of users.
"gradients" : true, // When using a vendor-prefixed gradient, make sure to use them all.
"text-indent" : true, // Checks for text indent less than -99px
"vendor-prefix" : true, // When using a vendor-prefixed property, make sure to include the standard one.
"fallback-colors" : true, // For older browsers that don't support RGBA, HSL, or HSLA, provide a fallback color.
"star-property-hack" : true, // Checks for the star property hack (targets IE6/7)
"underscore-property-hack" : true, // Checks for the underscore property hack (targets IE6)
"bulletproof-font-face" : false, // Use the bulletproof @font-face syntax to avoid 404's in old IE (
// Performance
"font-faces" : true, // Too many different web fonts in the same stylesheet.
"import" : true, // Don't use @import, use <link> instead.
"regex-selectors" : true, // Selectors that look like regular expressions are slow and should be avoided.
"universal-selector" : true, // The universal selector (*) is known to be slow.
"unqualified-attributes" : true, // Unqualified attribute selectors are known to be slow.
"zero-units" : true, // You don't need to specify units when a value is 0.
"overqualified-elements" : true, // Don't use classes or IDs with elements ( or a#foo).
"shorthand" : true, // Use shorthand properties where possible.
"duplicate-background-images" : true, // Every background-image should be unique. Use a common class for e.g. sprites.
// Maintainability & Duplication
"floats" : true, // This rule tests if the float property is used too many times
"font-sizes" : true, // Checks the number of font-size declarations.
"ids" : true, // Selectors should not contain IDs.
"important" : false, // Be careful when using !important declaration
// Accessibility
"outline-none" : true, // Use of outline: none or outline: 0 should be limited to :focus rules.
"qualified-headings" : true, // Headings should not be qualified (namespaced).
"unique-headings" : true, // Headings should be defined only once.
// Settings
"errors" : true, // This rule looks for recoverable syntax errors.
"rules-count" : true, // Track how many rules there are.
"selector-max-approaching" : true, // Will warn when selector count is >= 3800 selectors.
"selector-max" : true // Will error when selector count is > 4095.
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