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kevin01523 /
Created February 7, 2024 20:46 — forked from cheriimoya/
This will hopefully help you to build LineageOS 17.1 for the Xiaomi davinci.

LineageOS build guide for n00bs like me

Soo you want to build LineageOS (los) for your xiaomi davinci?

This guide will show you how! In this guide i'll lead you through the process of compiling los 17.1 for xiaomis MI 9T, optionally with spoofing support for microG.

I am not responsible for any damage you do to your phone and this guide does

kevin01523 / ep.tampermonkey.js
Created July 23, 2020 10:34
[Tampermonkey] EP links' fix.
// ==UserScript==
// @name
// @match*/*/*
// ==/UserScript==
var _el = document.querySelectorAll('.download-link a[href*="-download"]'), _url = document.URL.split('/');
if(_url[3] == 'Sega_Dreamcast_ISOs') {
for(var _i = 0; _i < _el.length; _i++) {
_el[_i].href = '' + _el[_i].title.split('Download ').pop().split(' ISO for Sega Dreamcast')[0];
kevin01523 /
Created November 3, 2019 03:36 — forked from kleo/
PLDT HOME FIBR AN5506-04-FA RP2627 Advanced Settings

PLDT HOME FIBR AN5506-04-FA RP2627 Advanced Settings


Project moved to due to excessive amount of unicorns.
Gist here will not be updated anymore
Discussion here on Gist is still allowed but I strongly recommend going over to Gitlab or Discord chat

kevin01523 /
Created November 3, 2019 03:36 — forked from kleo/
PLDT HOME FIBR AN5506-04-FA RP2627 Advanced Settings

PLDT HOME FIBR AN5506-04-FA RP2627 Advanced Settings


Project moved to due to excessive amount of unicorns.
Gist here will not be updated anymore
Discussion here on Gist is still allowed but I strongly recommend going over to Gitlab or Discord chat

# Обновление системы и пакетов
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
cd ~/
# Установка пакетов для сборки softether
apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev libssl-dev libncurses-dev zlib1g-dev git
# Скачивание репозитория Stable версии
git clone
cd /opt/vpnserver/
# Проверка сервера
./vpncmd /TOOLS /CMD Check
# Отключение Keep Alive Internet Connection
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /CMD KeepDisable
# Выбор более устойчивого алгоримта шифрования чем установлен по умолчанию
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /CMD ServerCipherSet AES256-SHA
cd /opt/vpnserver/
# Включение SecureNat
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /HUB:VPN /CMD SecureNatEnable
# Установка mac адреса, ip адреса и маски хаба, где:
# /IP - ip-адрес вируального роутера хаба
# /MASK - его маска
# /MAC - MAC-адрес
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /HUB:VPN /CMD SecureNatHostSet /MAC:00-11-22-33-44-55 /IP: /MASK:
cd /opt/vpnserver
# Создаем новый tap-интерфейс, где:
# VPN - название созданного хаба,
# /DEVICE - часть названия tap-интерфейса, которое будет добсавлено к "tap_"
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /CMD BridgeСreate VPN /DEVICE:vpn /TAP:yes
# Проверяем ново-созданный интерфейс
# Status должен быть "Operating"
./vpncmd localhost:5555 /SERVER /CMD BridgeList
Description=SoftEther VPN Server auditd.service
ExecStart=/opt/vpnserver/vpnserver start
ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 3s
kevin01523 /
Created June 25, 2018 09:15 — forked from AyushSachdev/
A shell script to install VPN using SoftEther and Transmission CLI Torrent Client on Ubuntu 14.04 for use on Digital Ocean


A shell script to install VPN using SoftEther and Transmission CLI Torrent Client on Ubuntu 14.04 for use on Digital Ocean


  • Execution for installation and setup
sudo su