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Volume Profile Price by Volume - Fixed Range
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
//# *
//# * Study : Volume Profile / Price by Volume - Fixed Ragne
//# * Author : © dgtrd
//# *
//# * Revision History
//# * Release : Feb 23, 2022
//# * Update : Feb 27, 2022 : added volume indicator (histogram)
//# * Update : Feb 28, 2022 : volume indicator now has a moving average option
//# * Update : Mar 10, 2022 : horizontal offset option added, applicable for volume profile placed on right side
//# * Update : Mar 15, 2022 : added bull/bear volume dominace histogram
//# * Update : Apr 09, 2022 : aesthetic tweaks
//# * Update : Apr 25, 2022 : value area addition
//# * Update : Jul 13, 2022 : visable range optin added, thnaks to pine latest update
//# *
//# * ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
// ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ //
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
f_drawLabelX(_x, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip) =>
var id =, _y, _text, _xloc, _yloc, _color, _style, _textcolor, _size, _textalign, _tooltip)
label.set_xy(id, _x, _y)
label.set_text(id, _text)
label.set_tooltip(id, _tooltip)
label.set_textcolor(id, _textcolor)
f_drawLineX(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width) =>
var id =, _y1, _x2, _y2, _xloc, _extend, _color, _style, _width)
line.set_xy1(id, _x1, _y1)
line.set_xy2(id, _x2, _y2)
line.set_color(id, _color)
// Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
indicator("Volume Profile and Indicator by DGT", "VP ʙʏ DGT ☼☾", true, max_bars_back = 5000, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Profile (Price by Volume) / Volume Histogram ------------------------------------------ //
group_volume_profile = 'Volume Profile / Price by Volume'
tooltip_volume_profile = 'Volume Profile (also known as Price by Volume) is an charting study that displays trading activity over a specified time period at specific price levels'
tooltip_dominace = 'Bull/Bear Dominance displays the dominat party at the specific price levels\n' +
' - red rows : selling pressure is higher\n' +
' - green rows : buying pressure is higher\n\nnarrow rows does not mean no interest at that price levels but equlibrium between selling and buying trading activity'
volumeProfile = input.bool(true, 'Volume Profile (Common Interest)' , group = group_volume_profile, tooltip = tooltip_volume_profile)
profileDisplay = input.string('Up/Down', 'Volume', options = ['Up/Down', 'Total'], inline='ZZ' , group = group_volume_profile)
upVolumeColor = input.color(, 30), '' , inline='ZZ' , group = group_volume_profile)
downVolumeColor = input.color(, 30), '' , inline='ZZ' , group = group_volume_profile)
nonVaColor = input.color(, 80), '' , inline='ZZ' , group = group_volume_profile)
bullBearStr = input.bool(true, 'Bull/Bear Dominance,  Bull' , inline='BB' , group = group_volume_profile, tooltip = tooltip_dominace)
bbStrUpColor = input.color(, 30), '' , inline='BB' , group = group_volume_profile)
bbStrDownColor = input.color(, 30), 'Bear' , inline='BB' , group = group_volume_profile)
pointOfControl = input.bool(true, 'Point of Control Line' , inline='PoC', group = group_volume_profile)
pocColor = input.color(, 0), '' , inline='PoC', group = group_volume_profile)
pocWidth =, '', minval = 1 , inline='PoC', group = group_volume_profile)
isValueArea = input.float(68, "Value Area Volume %", minval = 0, maxval = 100 , group = group_volume_profile) / 100
valueAreaHigh = input.bool(true, 'Value Area High (VAH) Line ' , inline='VAH', group = group_volume_profile)
vahColor = input.color(, 0), '' , inline='VAH', group = group_volume_profile)
vahWidth =, '', minval = 1 , inline='VAH', group = group_volume_profile)
valueAreaLow = input.bool(true, 'Value Area Low (VAL) Line  ' , inline='VAL', group = group_volume_profile)
valColor = input.color(, 0), '' , inline='VAL', group = group_volume_profile)
valWidth =, '', minval = 1 , inline='VAL', group = group_volume_profile)
vaBackground = input.bool(true, 'Background Color of Value Area' , inline='vBG', group = group_volume_profile)
vaBackgroundColor = input.color(, 89), '' , inline='vBG', group = group_volume_profile)
priceLevels = input.string('Value Area High/Low', 'Price Levels', options = ['Profile High/Low', 'Value Area High/Low', 'None'], inline='BBe', group = group_volume_profile)
labelColor = input.color(, 0), '' , inline='BBe', group = group_volume_profile)
lookback = input.string('Fixed Range', 'Lookback Range', options = ['Fixed Range', 'Visable Range'], group = group_volume_profile)
lookbackLength =, 'Lookback Length / Fixed Range', minval = 10, maxval = 5000, step = 10 , group = group_volume_profile)
lookbackLength := last_bar_index < lookbackLength ? last_bar_index : lookbackLength
profileLevels =, 'Number of Rows' , minval = 10, maxval = 150 , step = 1 , group = group_volume_profile)
profilePlacement = input.string('Right', 'Placment', options = ['Right', 'Left'] , group = group_volume_profile)
profileWidth =, 'Profile Width', minval = 21, maxval = 150 , group = group_volume_profile)
horizontalOffset =, 'Horizontal Offset', minval = 0 , maxval = 50 , group = group_volume_profile)
applyBackColor = input.bool(true, 'Background Fill of Profile Range' , inline = 'BG', group = group_volume_profile)
backgroundColor = input.color(, 95), '' , inline = 'BG', group = group_volume_profile)
group_volume = 'Volume Histogram'
tooltip_volume = 'The Volume indicator is used to measure how much of a given financial asset has traded in each specific candle'
volumeHistogram = input.bool(true, 'Volume Histogram' , group = group_volume, tooltip = tooltip_volume)
volumeMA = input.bool(true, 'Volume MA,         Length' , inline='vol2', group = group_volume)
volumeMALength =, '', minval = 1 , inline='vol2', group = group_volume)
volumeUpColor = input.color(, 30), 'Grawing' , inline='vol1', group = group_volume)
volumeDownColor = input.color(, 30), ' Falling' , inline='vol1', group = group_volume)
volumeMAColor = input.color(, 0), ' Volume MA' , inline='vol1', group = group_volume)
volumePlacement = input.string('Top', 'Placment', options = ['Top', 'Bottom'] , group = group_volume)
volumeHistHight = 11 -, 'Hight' , minval = 1, maxval = 10 , group = group_volume)
verticalOffset =, 'Vertical Offset', minval = 0 , maxval = 20 , group = group_volume) / 20
volumeStorageT = array.new_float(profileLevels + 1, 0.)
volumeStorageB = array.new_float(profileLevels + 1, 0.)
var a_profile = array.new_box()
var a_histogram = array.new_line()
var levelAbovePoc = 0
var levelBelowPoc = 0
var pocLevel = 0
barPriceLow = low
barPriceHigh = high
bullCandle = close > open
nzVolume = nz(volume)
priceHighestFR = ta.highest(high, lookbackLength)
priceLowestFR = ta.lowest (low , lookbackLength)
volumeHighestFR = ta.highest(nzVolume, lookbackLength > 0 ? lookbackLength : 200)
var startBarIndexX = 0
if time == chart.left_visible_bar_time
startBarIndexX := bar_index
if lookback == 'Visable Range'
lookbackLength := last_bar_index - startBarIndexX
f_getHighLow() =>
var htf_h = 0., var htf_l = 0., var vol_h = 0.
if lookback == 'Visable Range'
if time == chart.left_visible_bar_time
htf_l := low
htf_h := high
vol_h := nzVolume
else if time > chart.left_visible_bar_time
htf_l := math.min(low , htf_l)
htf_h := math.max(high, htf_h)
vol_h := math.max(nzVolume, vol_h)
htf_h := priceHighestFR
htf_l := priceLowestFR
vol_h := volumeHighestFR
[htf_h, htf_l, vol_h]
[priceHighest, priceLowest, volumeHighest] = f_getHighLow()
priceStep = (priceHighest - priceLowest) / profileLevels
priceChangeRate = (priceHighest - priceLowest) / priceHighest
volumeMARate = nzVolume/ta.sma(nzVolume, volumeMALength)
if barstate.islast and nzVolume
if array.size(a_profile) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(a_profile) - 1
if array.size(a_histogram) > 0
for i = 0 to array.size(a_histogram) - 1
for barIndex = 0 to lookbackLength - 1
level = 0
for priceLevel = priceLowest to priceHighest by priceStep
if barPriceHigh[barIndex] >= priceLevel and barPriceLow[barIndex] < priceLevel + priceStep
array.set(volumeStorageT, level, array.get(volumeStorageT, level) + nzVolume[barIndex] * ((barPriceHigh[barIndex] - barPriceLow[barIndex]) == 0 ? 1 : priceStep / (barPriceHigh[barIndex] - barPriceLow[barIndex])) )
if bullCandle[barIndex] and (profileDisplay == 'Up/Down' or bullBearStr)
array.set(volumeStorageB, level, array.get(volumeStorageB, level) + nzVolume[barIndex] * ((barPriceHigh[barIndex] - barPriceLow[barIndex]) == 0 ? 1 : priceStep / (barPriceHigh[barIndex] - barPriceLow[barIndex])) )
level += 1
if volumeHistogram and array.size(a_histogram) < 500
array.push(a_histogram,[barIndex], volumePlacement == 'Top' ? priceHighest * (1 + priceChangeRate * verticalOffset) : priceLowest * (1 - priceChangeRate * verticalOffset) , bar_index[barIndex], (volumePlacement == 'Top' ? priceHighest * (1 + priceChangeRate * verticalOffset) : priceLowest * (1 - priceChangeRate * verticalOffset)) * (1 + ( volumePlacement == 'Top' ? 1 : -1) * nzVolume[barIndex] / volumeHighest * priceChangeRate / volumeHistHight), xloc.bar_index, extend.none, bullCandle[barIndex] ? volumeUpColor : volumeDownColor, line.style_solid, 2))
if volumeMA
array.push(a_histogram,[barIndex], (volumePlacement == 'Top' ? priceHighest * (1 + priceChangeRate * verticalOffset) : priceLowest * (1 - priceChangeRate * verticalOffset)) * (1 + (volumePlacement == 'Top' ? 1 : -1) * nzVolume[barIndex] / volumeHighest * priceChangeRate / volumeHistHight / volumeMARate[barIndex]), bar_index[barIndex + 1], (volumePlacement == 'Top' ? priceHighest * (1 + priceChangeRate * verticalOffset) : priceLowest * (1 - priceChangeRate * verticalOffset)) * (1 + (volumePlacement == 'Top' ? 1 : -1) * nzVolume[barIndex + 1] / volumeHighest * priceChangeRate / volumeHistHight / volumeMARate[barIndex + 1]), xloc.bar_index, extend.none, volumeMAColor, line.style_solid, 2))
pocLevel := array.indexof(volumeStorageT, array.max(volumeStorageT))
if pointOfControl
f_drawLineX(bar_index - lookbackLength + 1, priceLowest + (pocLevel + 0.50) * priceStep, bar_index + (profilePlacement == 'Right' ? horizontalOffset + profileWidth : 0), priceLowest + (pocLevel + 0.50) * priceStep, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, pocColor, line.style_solid, pocWidth)
if priceLevels != 'None'
f_drawLabelX(bar_index + (profilePlacement == 'Right' ? horizontalOffset + profileWidth + (bullBearStr ? 17 : 7) : 7), priceLowest + (array.indexof(volumeStorageT, array.max(volumeStorageT)) + .5) * priceStep, str.tostring(priceLowest + (array.indexof(volumeStorageT, array.max(volumeStorageT)) + .5) * priceStep, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,, 89), label.style_label_left,, 0), size.normal, text.align_left, 'Point Of Control Price')
totalVolumeTraded = array.sum(volumeStorageT) * isValueArea
valueArea = array.get(volumeStorageT, pocLevel)
levelAbovePoc := pocLevel
levelBelowPoc := pocLevel
while valueArea < totalVolumeTraded
if levelBelowPoc == 0 and levelAbovePoc == profileLevels - 1
volumeAbovePoc = 0.
if levelAbovePoc < profileLevels - 1
volumeAbovePoc := array.get(volumeStorageT, levelAbovePoc + 1)
volumeBelowPoc = 0.
if levelBelowPoc > 0
volumeBelowPoc := array.get(volumeStorageT, levelBelowPoc - 1)
if volumeAbovePoc >= volumeBelowPoc
valueArea += volumeAbovePoc
levelAbovePoc += 1
valueArea += volumeBelowPoc
levelBelowPoc -= 1
vah = f_drawLineX(bar_index - lookbackLength + 1, priceLowest + (levelAbovePoc + 1.00) * priceStep, bar_index, priceLowest + (levelAbovePoc + 1.00) * priceStep, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, valueAreaHigh ? vahColor : #00000000, line.style_solid, vahWidth)
val = f_drawLineX(bar_index - lookbackLength + 1, priceLowest + (levelBelowPoc + 0.00) * priceStep, bar_index, priceLowest + (levelBelowPoc + 0.00) * priceStep, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, valueAreaLow ? valColor : #00000000, line.style_solid, valWidth)
if applyBackColor
array.push(a_profile, - lookbackLength + 1, priceLowest, bar_index + (profilePlacement == 'Right' ? profileWidth + horizontalOffset : 0), priceHighest, backgroundColor, 1, line.style_dotted, bgcolor = backgroundColor ))
if vaBackground, val, vaBackgroundColor)
if priceLevels != 'None'
upperPriceLevel = priceLevels == 'Value Area High/Low' ? priceLowest + (levelAbovePoc + 1.00) * priceStep : priceHighest
lowerPriceLevel = priceLevels == 'Value Area High/Low' ? priceLowest + (levelBelowPoc + 0.00) * priceStep : priceLowest
f_drawLabelX(last_bar_index + 3, upperPriceLevel, str.tostring(upperPriceLevel, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,, 89), label.style_label_left, labelColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'Profile High - ' + str.tostring(priceHighest, format.mintick) + '\n %' + str.tostring((priceHighest - priceLowest) / priceLowest * 100, '#.##') + ' higher than the Profile Low\n\nValue Area High - ' + str.tostring(priceLowest + (levelAbovePoc + 1.00) * priceStep, format.mintick) + '\n value area volume %' + str.tostring(isValueArea * 100) + '\n\nNumber of bars : ' + str.tostring(lookbackLength) )
f_drawLabelX(last_bar_index + 3, lowerPriceLevel, str.tostring(lowerPriceLevel, format.mintick), xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,, 89), label.style_label_left, labelColor, size.normal, text.align_left, 'Profile Low - ' + str.tostring(priceLowest , format.mintick) + '\n %' + str.tostring((priceHighest - priceLowest) / priceHighest * 100, '#.##') + ' lower than the Profile High\n\nValue Area Low - ' + str.tostring(priceLowest + (levelBelowPoc + 0.00) * priceStep, format.mintick) + '\n value area volume %' + str.tostring(isValueArea * 100) + '\n\nNumber of bars : ' + str.tostring(lookbackLength) )
for level = 0 to profileLevels - 1
if volumeProfile
levelColor = profileDisplay == 'Up/Down' ? level >= levelBelowPoc and level <= levelAbovePoc ? downVolumeColor : nonVaColor : level >= levelBelowPoc and level <= levelAbovePoc ? upVolumeColor : nonVaColor
startBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + horizontalOffset - int(array.get(volumeStorageT, level) / array.max(volumeStorageT) * (profileWidth - 9)) : bar_index - lookbackLength + 1
endBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + horizontalOffset: startBoxIndex + int( array.get(volumeStorageT, level) / array.max(volumeStorageT) * (profileWidth - 9))
array.push(a_profile,, priceLowest + (level + 0.1) * priceStep, endBoxIndex, priceLowest + (level + 0.9) * priceStep, levelColor, bgcolor = levelColor ))
if profileDisplay == 'Up/Down' and volumeProfile
startBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + horizontalOffset - int(array.get(volumeStorageB, level) / array.max(volumeStorageB) * (profileWidth - 9) / 2) : bar_index - lookbackLength + 1
endBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + horizontalOffset: startBoxIndex + int( array.get(volumeStorageB, level) / array.max(volumeStorageB) * (profileWidth - 9) / 2)
array.push(a_profile,, priceLowest + (level + 0.1) * priceStep, endBoxIndex, priceLowest + (level + 0.9) * priceStep, level >= levelBelowPoc and level <= levelAbovePoc ? upVolumeColor : nonVaColor, bgcolor = level >= levelBelowPoc and level <= levelAbovePoc ? upVolumeColor : nonVaColor ))
if bullBearStr
bullBearPower = 2 * array.get(volumeStorageB, level) - array.get(volumeStorageT, level)
startBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + 1 + horizontalOffset + (bullBearPower > 0 ? 1 : -1) * int(bullBearPower / array.max(volumeStorageT) * (profileWidth - 9) * 1.75) : bar_index - lookbackLength
endBoxIndex = profilePlacement == 'Right' ? bar_index + profileWidth + 1 + horizontalOffset: startBoxIndex + (bullBearPower > 0 ? -1 : 1) * int(bullBearPower / array.max(volumeStorageT) * (profileWidth - 9) * 1.75 )
array.push(a_profile,, priceLowest + (level + 0.1) * priceStep, endBoxIndex, priceLowest + (level + 0.9) * priceStep, bullBearPower > 0 ? bbStrUpColor : bbStrDownColor, bgcolor = bullBearPower > 0 ? bbStrUpColor : bbStrDownColor ))
// Volume Profile (Price by Volume) / Volume Histogram ------------------------------------------ //
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Volume Weighted Colored Bars ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
group_volume_weighted_colored_bars = 'Volume Weighted Colored Bars'
vwcb = input.bool(true, 'Volume Weighted Colored Bars', group=group_volume_weighted_colored_bars, tooltip='Colors bars based on the bar\'s volume relative to volume moving average')
vSMA = ta.sma(nzVolume,, 'Volume Moving Average Length', group=group_volume_weighted_colored_bars))
upThesh = input.float(1.618, 'Bold Bars avbove Volume Average * ', minval=1., step=.1, group=group_volume_weighted_colored_bars)
barcolor(vwcb and nzVolume ? nzVolume > vSMA * upThesh ? open < close ? #006400 : #910000 : nzVolume < vSMA * input.float(0.618, 'Light Bars below Volume Average * ', minval=.1, step=.1, group=group_volume_weighted_colored_bars) ? open < close ? #7FFFD4 : #FF9800 : open < close ? : : na, title='Volume Weighted Colored Bars', editable = false)
// Volume Weighted Colored Bars ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Alerts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
priceTxt = str.tostring(close, format.mintick)
tickerTxt = syminfo.ticker
if ta.cross(close, priceLowest + (pocLevel + .50) * priceStep) and pointOfControl
alert(tickerTxt + ' Volume Profile : Price touches/crosses Point Of Control Line, price ' + priceTxt)
if ta.cross(close, priceLowest + (levelAbovePoc + 1.00) * priceStep) and valueAreaHigh
alert(tickerTxt + ' Volume Profile : Price touches/crosses Value Area High Line, price ' + priceTxt)
if ta.cross(close, priceLowest + (levelBelowPoc + 0.00) * priceStep) and valueAreaLow
alert(tickerTxt + ' Volume Profile : Price touches/crosses Value Area Low Line, price ' + priceTxt)
if nzVolume > vSMA * upThesh and vwcb
alert(tickerTxt + ' high volume, price ' + priceTxt)
// Alerts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
var table logo =, 1, 1)
if barstate.islast
table.cell(logo, 0, 0, '☼☾ ', text_size=size.normal, text_color=color.teal)
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