A list of public repositories, content, and web from re:Invent 2019 Workshops. Many of the links are subject to be moved or completely removed at any point in time in the future.
Session ID | Session Name | Repo/Site |
SVS203 | Build a serverless ride-sharing web application | https://webapp.serverlessworkshops.io/ |
SVS340 | Serverless image processing workflows at scale with AWS Step Functions | https://image-processing.serverlessworkshops.io/ |
AIM362 | Build, train & debug, and deploy & monitor with Amazon SageMaker | http://bit.ly/aim362-workshop |
GPSTEC406 | AWS Alien Attack workshop | https://alienattack.workshop.aws/ |
ANT401 | Build real-time analytics for a ride-sharing app | https://streaming-analytics.labgui.de/ |
API306 | https://event-driven-architecture.workshop.aws/ | |
MOB304 | Implement auth and authorization flows in your iOS apps | https://amplify-ios-workshop.go-aws.com/ |
NET207 | Understand the basics of IPv6 networking on AWS | https://net207-ipv6networking.workshop.aws/ |
ARC314 | Decoupled microservices: Building scalable applications | https://mainline.d1x1ku9g0a2648.amplifyapp.com/ |
It is also exciting inforn=mation about the ride-sharing app! Inserting the link https://requestum.com/ride-sharing-app