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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Save kevinswiber/8696975 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Exploring hypermedia aware acceptance testing.
Feature: Root Resource
As an API client
I want to see the root resource
So that I have a starting point to complete my task.
Scenario: Request the root
Given an anonymous client
When I make a GET request to /
Then I should get a 200 status code
And the content type should be JSON
Scenario: Request the hypermedia root
Given an anonymous client
When I make a request to the root URI
Then the request should succeed
And the response media type should be Siren
And the response should include a self link
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Certainly. The only reason I made the distinction of "hypermedia" in the scenario is because I'm actually executing the specifications and needed a way to distinguish between the two. :)

This is still riddled with technical details that are irrelevant to the domain. Of course, I have a lot more experience writing automated acceptance tests for domain logic, not APIs. When the reader happens to be a developer, perhaps this is perfectly acceptable. Thoughts?

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