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Last active November 16, 2024 17:40
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Scaladays 2014 slides

As compiled by Kevin Wright a.k.a @thecoda

(executive producer of the movie, and I didn't even know it... clever huh?)

please, please, please - If you know of any slides/code/whatever not on here, then ping me on twitter or comment this Gist!

This gist will be updated as and when I find new information. So it's probably best not to fork it, or you'll miss the updates!

Monday June 16th

Scala: The Simple Parts

Tuesday June 17th


Contravariance is the Dual of Covariance | Observable is the Dual of Iterable


Catalyst: A Functional Query Optimizer for Spark and Shark
Quote or be quoted
Solving Data Analytics Problems with Delite
Pitching Scala: An Interactive Session on Creating Change in your Organization


Reactive Streams: And why you should care.
JScala - write your JavaScript in Scala
Good to Great: IntelliJ IDEA and Scala
Slick in the field, learning to forget ORM




Composable application architecture with reasonably priced monads
Without Past and Present
Scalding - the not-so basics
Learn you an sbt for fun and profit!


akka-http: (un)REST for your Actors
The Trouble with Tests
Fun Functional-Reactive Programming with Scala.Rx
Play Framework - from 2.2 to 2.3 and Beyond


Resilient Applications with Akka Persistence
Macros for the Rest of Us
Lightning-Fast Standard Collections With ScalaBlitz
Scala code quality assurance - SCCT


Introduction to Reactive: A Hands-on Workshop with Play and Akka
Using the Scalatest Selenium DSL - an introduction and return on experience
Writing Reactive Applications for Fun
Simplifying Scala — The Past, Present and Future


Spores: Towards Function-Passing Style in the Age of Concurrency and Distribution
Why Scala is Taking Over the Big Data World
Easy Metaprogramming For Everyone!
Delicious Play recipes for real world (with Akka and Slick ingredients)

Wednesday June 18th

09:00 - Keynote



Serious Fun With Scala
The no-framework Scala Dependency Injection Framework
Building a DBMS in Scala or how types can turn a SQL interpreter into a SQL compiler
DOT calculus


Scala.js: what has it become and how is it used in the wild?
Building a Reactive Application
Yin-Yang: Programming DSLs Made Simple
Laugh, Then Learn: Scala Puzzlers Returns!




Futures and Async: When to Use Which?
Customizable code generation and other Slick 2 features
What's in your pocket? The state of the art in Android programming with Scala (macroid)
Git Going Faster... with Scala


Scala: The First Ten Years
A whirlwind tour of specs2 2.x
How to manage large amounts of data with Iteratee
RESTTest: exploring DSL design in Scala


Effective APIs
Unsung Heroes: Less Fashionable Patterns in Scala
Testing Stateful Systems with ScalaCheck
Meet parboiled2 – A Macro-Based PEG Parser Generator for Scala 2.10.3+


Rethinking the debugger
Enterprise brownfield: Scala to the rescue
Miniboxing: Specialization on a Diet
Scala in Numbers - The Ecosystem Census


Sparkle: Reactive streams to the browser with scala and d3
Experiment: A Reactive 3D Game Engine in Scala
Monitoring Akka
The Reader Monad for Dependency Injection
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mkhl commented Jun 19, 2014

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mkhl commented Jun 19, 2014

Code from Dave Gurnell's talk is at

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Thanks mkhl, both added!

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mkhl commented Jun 20, 2014

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mkhl - added :)

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lhohan commented Jun 21, 2014

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lhohan - okay, added. Thanks!

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oluies - added!

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stanch commented Jun 22, 2014

Just published the code from the live-coding session @ Scala-on-Android: Also I think the link to the guide should be just, since some people would find the tutorial section to be a better introduction than the guide.

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jarhart commented Jun 24, 2014

Slides for "The Reader Monad For Dependency Injection":

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jarhart - thanks!

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soc commented Jul 4, 2014

I gave up on trying to make webfonts work in a SVG, but managed to convert the SVG+Scala.js to a PDF:

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@kevinwright my slides are also available at

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