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Kevin kevprice83

  • Red Hat
  • Barcelona
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lounagen /
Last active April 12, 2023 00:43 — forked from thomasdarimont/
Example for decoding a JWT Payload with your Shell (bash, zsh...)


Add this to your .profile, .bashrc, .zshrc...

BASE64_DECODER_PARAM="-d" # option -d for Linux base64 tool
echo AAAA | base64 -d > /dev/null 2>&1 || BASE64_DECODER_PARAM="-D" # option -D on MacOS

decode_base64_url() {
  local len=$((${#1} % 4))
  local result="$1"
 if [ $len -eq 2 ]; then result="$1"'=='
mayorova /
Created August 10, 2017 14:44
Mutual SSL in NGINX

Securing traffic to upstream servers with client certificates


Creating and Signing Your Certs


This is SSL, so you'll need an cert-key pair for you/the server, the api users/the client and a CA pair. You will be the CA in this case (usually a role played by VeriSign, thawte, GoDaddy, etc.), signing your client's certs. There are plenty of tutorials out there on creating and signing certificates, so I'll leave the details on this to someone else and just quickly show a sample here to give a complete tutorial. NOTE: This is just a quick sample of creating certs and not intended for production.

mayorova /
Last active June 14, 2018 10:59
Deploy 3scale AMP on Amazon EC2

Deploy 3scale AMP on Amazon EC2

This is an easy way to deploy a simple 3scale AMP setup using oc cluster up. Note: This should only be used for development and testing, do not ever use it in production environments.

You will need:

  • a running instance with 8GB RAM minimum (recommended 16GB) and RHEL
javivelasco /
Last active January 10, 2023 19:45
Proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf 2016

Please star ⭐️ the gist to help! This is a proposal for a ⚡️ talk at Reactive Conference.

Styling Components in React Toolbox 2

I wrote react-toolbox and presented it almost a year ago in lighning talk at Reactive Conf 2015 in Bratislava. At first it was just a proof of concept of a component library styled with CSS Modules and SASS. Now the project has grown quite a bit, and during this year there has been tons of changes and lessons learned.

Theming and customization is one of the most difficult and interesting problems to solve. For the first version we needed a custom Webpack loader to generate themes and doing simple style overrides was very painful. Today I'm working on a new playground that will allow you try CSS Modules live, and to create React Toolbox themes on the f