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Last active April 6, 2018 06:44
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Prototype for the "Pair programming enthusiasts" page


  1. Tell everyone about the club.
  2. Join chat XXX. You will obtain collaborator rights to edit this file.
  3. Add short contact info into a summary table and verbose info as a separate section below. Keep alphabetical order.
  4. There are two chats:
    the quick one
    to find a partner withing 30 minutes time window
    the other one
    to find someone for a longer partnership or for general discussions.
  5. Nicknames in chat rooms and in this list should match.

Summary table

kevroletinbeginner-intermidiate-UTC+10 flexibleen,ru
Wizekintermidiatereflex, hs-diUTC+2 flexibleen


  1. Availability

    UTC+10 VLAT 9am - 12pm

    I have a very flexible schedule and generally, I am available at any time during my day. From time to time I have activities which can’t be rescheduled but most of the time it’s easy for me to be available. But due to my time zone, it can be hard to connect with people from Europe or America. Australia, Japan, China, and India are much easier.

  2. Haskell level of experience

    I am a (advanced?) beginner haskeller who is trying to pass “mythical middle level” which every Haskell programmer somehow passes without speaking much about it :) Before that, I’ve been programming with different popular languages including C++ and Java.

    I am quite comfortable with basic everyday constructs (i.e. Monoid .. Monad, typeclasses, ADT, basic lenses, basics of streaming libraries and I had several chances to apply profiling tools). I didn’t touch type-level programming (including GADT).

  3. Interests

    Anything goes. As long as it’s Haskell, I’m in :)

    But I don’t have experience with pair programming. I mean at my previous job we did short “uni-directional” sessions when you come to help a newbie, or you are a newbie and someone helps you. But we were never meant to actually develop stuff together.

    Also, I have thoughts about tasks planning and knowledge organizing using plain text files (emacs ord-mode, etc…). So if someone wants to start a small silly project, or want to work with existing tools, that will be interesting for me.


  1. Availability

    Time is quite flexible for me. E.g. even now for the next few hours I could start and try a session with one of you. I live in UTC+2, CEST, but that doesn’t mean much because my sleep cycle is often shifted. Even now the local time here is 4:43 AM. I suspect your schedule might be a narrower bottleneck here.

  2. Haskell level of experience

    I’ve started learning Haskell about 5 years ago IIRC, and about 3 years ago I’ve made it one of my primary languages. I’ve written a few webservers with yesod, a few GUIs with reflex-frp/reflex-dom, and written a few open source libraries as well like and

  3. Interests

    Two main interests jump to mind at first that I’d quite like to pair on:

    • I’d like to spend a bit of time trying to write a POC solution to this issue that I’ve had with reflex-dom: reflex-frp/reflex-dom#175 I have an idea how we could begin, but so far I’ve found it a bit daunting to start working on it without a pair.
    • I’d like to find a solution together with someone to this issue with hs-di: Maybe with someone who has a deeper understanding than I currently possess about GHC and similar type errors.
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