We are trying to expose some pods as nodeport to allow inter k8s communication. But the nodeport does not get routed properly to the target pod when the origin is one of the pods themselves.
We run KOPS v1.11.9
# Reference: https://github.com/i3/i3/blob/next/etc/config | |
enable-normalization-flatten-containers = false | |
enable-normalization-opposite-orientation-for-nested-containers = false | |
# All possible keys: | |
# - Letters. a, b, c, ..., z | |
# - Numbers. 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 | |
# - Keypad numbers. keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, ..., keypad9 | |
# - F-keys. f1, f2, ..., f20 |
package pgfile | |
import ( | |
"context" | |
"fmt" | |
"io/ioutil" | |
"log" | |
"os" | |
"strings" | |
"time" |
#!/bin/bash | |
set -o pipefail -e -u | |
SCRIPT_NAME="$0" | |
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" | |
PROJECT_ROOT_DIR="$(cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}" && git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" | |
# Role to assume before trying to assume the master_user role | |
for i in 21 22; do for o in 0{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 10 11 12; do wget http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/softwaredevelopers/rates/exrates-monthly-$o$i.XML; done; done | |
for i in *; do xq < $i; done | \ | |
jq ' | |
.exchangeRateMonthList | | |
(."@Period" | split(" ")[0] | strptime("%d/%b/%Y") | strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) as $from | | |
(."@Period" | split(" ")[2] | strptime("%d/%b/%Y") | strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) as $to | | |
.exchangeRate[] | | |
select(.currencyCode == "USD") | | |
{from: $from, to: $to, rate: .rateNew} |
func CloneAzureDisk( | |
ctx context.Context, | |
azureClients AzureClients, | |
originSubscriptionID, | |
originResourceGroupName, | |
originDiskName, | |
targetSubscriptionID, | |
targetResourceGroupName, | |
targetDiskName string, | |
) (snapshot compute.Snapshot, disk compute.Disk, err error) { |
mQENBGE+ickBCADt5K+QcLPG9v7bKIE1d66MUsDm3XdJjK8pOIQKx65BesDE4H2Z | |
/n0fUvJHrwYCHQ5ejGibTLyeihQtz++LTKCA3bCOdRNh4GeAT+Jre/NxTwcrawgw | |
2ojNsqm6dHCgyXc2Db1UVxaduo2gfvZuxCYe0uKoNRQnZyGm9Z67E4r3kqCyDyfl | |
3rJYSW3cEjQvq4dSynOcyhfRiL/dWiK7VWweaI6NA9CVH+8EAlfGJB88r2mW68YQ | |
2DKlmtBDeKC79b1x5TBbUwXtHRThytMW9ikGD0hylxtviVSDJjFBHCUyZTGvQI6+ | |
ZMWevz4HRWnXry0YAarOhMbtdt14gZmid3KLABEBAAG0NUhlY3RvciBSaXZhcyBH | |
YW5kYXJhIChZdWJpa2V5IE5lbykgPGtleW1vbkBnbWFpbC5jb20+iQFUBBMBCgA+ | |
FiEEs4OvNfQ6eXux7Bzp/Tc4vA/SoXwFAmE+ickCGwMFCQeEzgAFCwkIBwIGFQoJ |
#!/bin/bash | |
jq -r -n --argjson limit 150 --argjson size_x 140 --argjson size_y 400 ' | |
def add_i($a;$b): [$a[0]+$b[0],$a[1]+$b[1]]; | |
def mult_i($a;$b): [$a[0]*$b[0]-$a[1]*$b[1], $a[0]*$b[1]+$b[0]*$a[1]]; | |
def norm($a): $a[0]*$a[0]+$a[1]*$a[1] | sqrt; | |
def compute_c: [-2.0+.[0]*2.5/$size_x+0.8, 1.15-.[1]*2.3/$size_y*1.2+0.22]; | |
def compute_z($iter;$c): | |
if ($iter == 0) or (norm(.) >= 4) then $iter | |
else | |
add_i(mult_i(.;.); $c//[0,0]) | compute_z($iter-1; $c//.) |
#!/bin/bash | |
## Ensure we redact credentials in output | |
redact_creds() { | |
sed 's/\(password[:="\\ ]*\)[^" ]*/\1<REDACTED>/ig' | |
} | |
exec > >(redact_creds) 2>&1 | |
## Example code | |
set -x |