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Created May 5, 2015 13:11
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  • Save kezadias/aa921587d529f2e84f91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Problem with light
#include "src/graphics/window.h"
#include "src/graphics/shader.h"
#include "src/maths/maths.h"
#include "src/graphics/buffers/buffer.h"
#include "src/graphics/buffers/indexbuffer.h"
#include "src/graphics/buffers/vertexarray.h"
int main()
using namespace sparky;
using namespace graphics;
using namespace maths;
Window window("Sparky!", 960, 540);
// glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
#if 0
GLfloat vertices[] =
0, 0, 0,
8, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0,
0, 3, 0,
8, 3, 0,
8, 0, 0
GLuint vbo;
glGenBuffers(1, &vbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
GLfloat vertices[] =
0, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0,
8, 3, 0,
8, 0, 0
GLushort indices[] =
0, 1, 2,
2, 3, 0
GLfloat colorsA[] =
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1
GLfloat colorsB[] =
0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1,
0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1,
0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1,
0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1
VertexArray sprite1, sprite2;
IndexBuffer ibo(indices, 6);
sprite1.addBuffer(new Buffer(vertices, 4 * 3, 3), 0);
sprite1.addBuffer(new Buffer(colorsA, 4 * 4, 4), 1);
sprite2.addBuffer(new Buffer(vertices, 4 * 3, 3), 0);
sprite2.addBuffer(new Buffer(colorsB, 4 * 4, 4), 1);
mat4 ortho = mat4::orthographic(0.0f, 16.0f, 0.0f, 9.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
Shader shader("/Users/djangolorentzson/documents/Sparky/Sparky-core/Sparky-core/src/shaders/basic.vert", "/Users/djangolorentzson/documents/Sparky/Sparky-core/Sparky-core/src/shaders/basic.frag");
shader.setUniformMat4("pr_matrix", ortho);
shader.setUniformMat4("ml_matrix", mat4::translation(vec3(4, 3, 0)));
shader.setUniform2f("light_pos", vec2(4.0f, 1.5f));
shader.setUniform4f("colour", vec4(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
while (!window.closed())
double x, y;
window.getMousePosition(x, y);
// Here is the triggering of the light, yo!
shader.setUniform2f("light_pos", vec2((float)(x * 10.0f / 960.0f), (float)(9.0f - y * 9.0f / 540)));
#if 0
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
shader.setUniformMat4("ml_matrix", mat4::translation(vec3(4, 3, 0)));
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, ibo.getCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
shader.setUniformMat4("ml_matrix", mat4::translation(vec3(0, 0, 0)));
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, ibo.getCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
return 0;
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