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Created August 16, 2015 15:01
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PHP Helper Functions
// =============================================================================
// Array helpers
// =============================================================================
* Array splice, associatively
* Splices a value into an array by targeting a key, instead of an offset.
* @param array $array The array to splice into.
* @param string $key The key replace with $replacement.
* @param array $replacement The value you'd like to replace $key with.
* @return array The modified array, or $array, if $key not found.
function array_splice_assoc(array $array, $key, array $replacement = array())
// Get numeric offset of the key to remove
$offset = array_search($key, array_keys($array));
if (!is_int($offset)) return $array;
return array_slice($array, 0, $offset, true)
+ (array) $replacement
+ array_slice($array, $offset, null, true);
return $array;
* Array random
* Randomly picks a value from an array. PHP's array_rand() only returns index
* values, so this functions wraps that one, returning an array of random values.
* @param array $array The array to draw from.
* @param integer $number The number or random elements to pick.
* @return array An array containing the randomly selected values.
function array_random(array $array, $number = 1)
$random = array();
// array_rand() only return the indexes, not their index and value, so we'll
// need to iterate over the random index, and extract our values after
$selected = (array) array_rand($array, $number);
foreach ($selected as $index)
$random[] = $array[$index];
return $random;
* Array random, associatively
* Returns an array comprised of randomly selected keys and their values from $array.
* @param array $array The array to draw from.
* @param integer $number The number or random elements to pick.
* @return array An array containing the randomly selected values.
function array_random_assoc(array $array, $num = 1)
$keys = array_keys($array);
$r = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
$r[$keys[$i]] = $array[$keys[$i]];
return $r;
* Array random item
* Returns a random element from an array.
* @param array $array The array to pick an element from.
* @return array The random element, or null if no elements exist.
function array_item_rand(array $array)
if (!$array)
return null;
return $array[array_rand($array)];
* Create an index from an array using the provided key.
* Produces an array where the keys are values pulled from sub arrays, creating
* an index for easy lookup.
* Note: This does not account for duplicate index keys. The last key of a specific
* value will be the final value for the index key. Use for situations where you're
* confident there will only be single index value, such as numeric DB ids, usernames,
* emails, etc.
* Note 2: If a sub array does not have the passed key, it will be excluded from the index
* @param array $array The array to create an index. Should be an array of arrays.
* @param string $key The key to index by. E.g. username, id, etc. Something unique.
* @return array The indexed array (values aren't referenced).
function array_index(array $array, $key)
$index = array();
$count = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if (!array_key_exists($key, $array[$i]))
$index[$array[$i][$key]] = $array[$i];
return $index;
* Array index with callback function
* Similar to the array_index() function, this function will create an array that
* organizes values by a given key. However, unlike array_index(), this function
* accepts a callable for the key, instead of a string. The callable will be passed
* each sub array, and should return the value which the sub array should be index
* under. This allows logic to be used to determine the index, including normalization,
* modification, etc.
* @param array $array The array to index.
* @param callable $callback The callable to handle index logic.
* @return array The indexed array
function array_index_callback(array $array, $callback)
$index = array();
$count = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$indexKey = $callback($array[$i]);
$index[$indexKey] = $array[$i];
return $index;
* Array group
* Creates a multidimensional index from an array.
* This will create an array of arrays of arrays. The sub arrays will contain
* all the original array values that share the same value for $key.
* Example:
* array_group([
* ['name' => 'Kevin', 'lang' => 'php'],
* ['name' => 'Pete', 'lang' => 'ruby'],
* ['name' => 'Greg', 'lang' => 'php']
* ], 'lang')
* Will return:
* [
* 'php' => [
* ['name' => 'Kevin', 'lang' => 'php'],
* ['name' => 'Greg', 'lang' => 'php'],
* ],
* 'ruby' => [
* ['name' => 'Pete', 'lang' => 'ruby'],
* ]
* ]
* Note: arrays which do not contain the key will be excluded.
* @param array $array The array of arrays to group.
* @param string $key The key to group by.
* @return array The grouped array.
function array_group(array $array, $key)
$index = array();
$count = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if (!array_key_exists($key, $array[$i]))
// Does the group exist already?
if (!isset($index[$key]))
// No, so create it
$index[$key] = array();
$index[$key][] = $array[$i];
return $index;
* Array group with callback function
* Similar to the array_group() function, this function will create an array of
* arrays where the first tier arrays contain arrays from $array, grouped by an
* index. The index is generated from the passed the callable $callback, which is
* passed each member from $array. The $callback return value will be used as the
* grouping index for the passed $array item.
* @param array $array The array to group.
* @param callable $callback The callable to handle index logic.
* @return array The grouped array
function array_group_callback(array $array, $callback)
$index = array();
$count = count($array);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$key = $callback($array[$i]);
// Does the group exist already?
if (!isset($index[$key]))
// No, so create it
$index[$key] = array();
$index[$key][] = $array[$i];
return $index;
* Array translate
* Returns a new array where $data's keys are renamed using the $lookup. Only
* the keys found in $lookup will be returned.
* Example:
* array_trans(['foo' => 'bar'], ['foo' => 'foozle', 'wizzle' => 'wazzle'])
* Returns:
* [
* 'bar' => 'foozle',
* ]
* @param array $lookup The key renaming lookup. Keys are the old name, values are the new name.
* @param array $data An array containing the keys to be renamed, and values.
* @return array An array with renamed keys. Only keys found in $lookup will be returned.
function array_trans(array $lookup, array $data)
$translated = array();
foreach ($lookup as $from => $to)
if (array_key_exists($from, $data))
$translated[$to] = $data[$from];
return $translated;
// Adapted from
function array_to_csv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"')
// Open a memory "file" for read/write...
$fp = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
// ... write the $input array to the "file" using fputcsv()...
fputcsv($fp, $input, $delimiter, $enclosure);
// ... rewind the "file" so we can read what we just wrote...
// ... read the entire line into a variable...
$data = fread($fp, 1048576);
// ... close the "file"...
// ... and return the $data to the caller, with the trailing newline from fgets() removed.
return rtrim($data, "\n");
// =============================================================================
// Array and object helpers
// =============================================================================
* Flatten data structure
* Takes a multidimensional array and flattens it down to a single dimensional array.
* Will handle sub values of string, numeric, array, and object.
* Example:
* [
* 'foo' => ['foozle' => 'barzle', 'wizzle' => 'wuzzle'],
* 'bar' => ['apple' => 'red', 'orange' => ['size' => 'medium', 'shape' => 'round']]
* ]
* Will be returned as:
* [
* 'foo.foozle' => 'barzle',
* 'foo.wizzle' => 'wuzzle',
* '' => 'red',
* '' => 'medium',
* '' => 'round',
* ]
* @param array|object $record The record to flatten.
* @param string $prepend A key prefix to add to all sub values.
* @param string $delimiter The concatenated key delimiter. Defaults to ".".
* @return array The flattened $record.
function flatten($record, $prepend = '', $delimiter = '.')
$results = array();
foreach ($record as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value) or is_object($value))
$results = array_merge($results, flatten((array) $value, $prepend.$key.$delimiter));
$results[$prepend.$key] = $value;
return $results;
// =============================================================================
// String parsing and formatting helpers
// =============================================================================
* Parse currency
* Strips unnecessary values from a string presentation of a currency value, turning
* it into a floating point value. Useful for parsing user-supplied currency values.
* @param string $value The currency value to parse.
* @return float The parsed currency value.
function parse_currency($value)
// Strip out everything but digits and the final decimal
$value = preg_replace('/([^\d\.]|\.(?=.*\.))/', '', $value);
// Strip any extra 'left' zeros
// This prevent the number from being interpreted as hex, octal, or binary numbers
$value = ltrim($value, 0);
return ($value) ? number_format($value, 2, '.', '') : 0;
* Format currency
* Formats a number into a US currency string.
* Note: This function make no attempt at internationalization.
* @param mixed $value The value to format.
* @return [string] The formatted currency.
function format_currency($value)
// Note: there is a money_format() function. I like this brute-force method better.
return '$' . number_format(parse_number($value), 2, '.', ',');
* Parse number
* Parsed a number of any unnecessary characters. Useful for parsing user supplied
* number of things like commas, extra decimals, etc.
* @param [string] $value The number to parse.
* @return mixed The parsed number.
function parse_number($value)
// Strip out everything but digits and the final decimal
$value = preg_replace('/([^\d\.]|\.(?=.*\.))/', '', $value);
// Strip any extra 'left' zeros
// This prevent the number from being interpreted as hex, octal, or binary numbers
$value = ltrim($value, 0);
return ($value) ? $value : 0;
* Format phone number
* Takes a provided integer and converts in into a US-style phone number, e.g.
* (123) 456-7890.
* Note: This function makes no attempt at internationalization, and still needs
* work in respect to handling irregular $number lengths.
* @param string|int $number The number to format
* @return string The formatted number
function format_phone_number($number)
$number = preg_replace('/[^\d x]/', '', $number);
$length = strlen($number);
if ($length === 10)
$area = substr($number, 0, 3);
$prefix = substr($number, 3, 3);
$line = substr($number, 6);
return "({$area}) {$prefix}-{$line}";
// Fix this so the "country" segment can be any length
elseif ($length === 11)
$country = substr($number, 0, 1);
$area = substr($number, 1, 3);
$prefix = substr($number, 4, 3);
$line = substr($number, 7);
return "+{$country} ({$area}) {$prefix}-{$line}";
// Just return the unformatted number
return $number;
* Get first image
* Extracts out the first image's source within a string.
* Adapted from:
function get_first_image($string)
if (!$string) return null;
preg_match('/<img\s+([^>]*\s+)?src=([\'"])((?:(?!\2).)*)\2(\s+[^>]*)>/i', $string, $matches);
return !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null;
* Strip line endings
* Removes line ending from a string, turning it into a "one-liner".
* @param string $value
* @return string
function strip_line_endings($value)
return str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $value);
* Normalize line endings
* Converts line endings to a single type.
* @param string $value The string to normalize.
* @param string $to The line ending type to convert to.
* @return string The normalized string.
function normalize_line_endings($value, $to = "\n")
$opposite = ($to === "\n")
? "\r\n"
: "\n";
return str_replace($opposite, $to, $value);
* Escape HTML entities
* Escapes HTML in a string, without double escaping.
* @param string $value
* @return string
function e($value)
return htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false);
* Escape
* Alias for the e() helper. Not sure why it exists?
function escape($string)
return e($string);
* Escape and echo
* Convenient form of `echo e($value)`.
* @param string $string The value to escape.
* @return string
function ee($string)
echo e($string);
* Strip slashes, escape, and echo
* Strips flashes from a value, then escape it, and echoes the value out. This
* function is particularly handy with Wordpress, as it still relies on magic
* quotes, and possibly always will.
* @param string $string The value to strip, escape, and echo out.
* @return string
function strip_ee($string)
echo stripslashes(e($string));
function hyphenize($string)
return str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', strtolower(trim($string)));
// =============================================================================
// Laravel 4 string helpers
// =============================================================================
function studly_case($value)
$value = ucwords(str_replace(array('-', '_'), ' ', $value));
return str_replace(' ', '', $value);
function camel_case($value)
return lcfirst(studly_case($value));
function snake_case($value, $delimiter = '_')
$replace = '$1'.$delimiter.'$2';
return ctype_lower($value) ? $value : strtolower(preg_replace('/(.)([A-Z])/', $replace, $value));
// =============================================================================
// Request, query string, etc helpers
// =============================================================================
* Query string without
* Returns the a query string $query without the requests keys. Useful for things
* like generating pagination URLs.
* @param string $query The query string in question.
* @param mixed ... Either a single array of keys to exclude, or variadic list of keys to exclude
* @return string A query string without the requested keys.
function query_without($query, $unset)
// Decode, just in case something like EE, which passes some things encoded
$query = html_entity_decode($query);
if (!is_array($unset))
$unset = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
// If a 'foo=bar&bar=baz' format string was passed, prefix with '?' so parse_url() will correctly
// recognize as a query string, instead of a path
if (!preg_match('|^https?:\/\/|', $query)) $query = '?'.trim($query, '?');
// Parse the URL parts
$parts = parse_url($query);
// If no query provided, just return original value
if (!isset($parts['query'])) return $query;
// Trim excess amps
$parts['query'] = trim($parts['query'], '&');
// Convert query string to array
parse_str($parts['query'], $parsed);
foreach ($unset as $key)
return trim(preg_replace('/\?.*/', '?'.http_build_query($parsed), $query), '?');
* Current query string without
* Returns the current query string (via $_GET) without the requests keys. Useful for things
* like generating pagination URLs.
* @param mixed ... Either a single array of keys to exclude, or variadic list of keys to exclude
* @return string A query string without the requested keys.
function current_query_without($unset)
if (!is_array($unset))
$unset = func_get_args();
$query = call_user_func_array('query_without', array_merge(array($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), func_get_args()));
return trim($query, '?');
* HTTP-ify
* Takes a string and prefixes with protocol. Useful for making sure use input is
* a correct URL.
* @param string $url The URL in question
* @param string $type The type of protocol. See switch below for options.
* @return string
function httpify($url, $type = 'http')
// Already a valid URL?
if (filter_var((string) $url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
// Yup, so just return it
return $url;
switch ($type)
case 'https':
case 'secure':
$type = 'https://';
case '//':
case 'relative':
$type = '//';
case 'http':
$type = 'http://';
return $type.$url;
* De-HTTP-ify
* Takes a URL and strips off "https?://" or "//" from the start.
* @param string $url
* @return string
function dehttpify($url)
return preg_replace('/^(https?:\/\/|\/\/)/i', '', $url);
Asset helpers
function asset($url, $revision = null, $useCdn = true)
// Make use of global revision, if none provided
if ($revision !== false && $revision === null)
$revision = $_ENV['app_revision'];
// If we have a revision, prefix with '?'
if ($revision !== false)
$revision = "?{$revision}";
$url = $_ENV['assets_uri'].'/'.ltrim($url, '/');
// If a CDN is provided, we'll use it, unless specifically instructed
// not to do so.
if ($useCdn !== false && !empty($_ENV['cdn_url']))
$url = $_ENV['cdn_url'].'/'.ltrim($url, '/');
return $url.$revision;
function app_asset($path, $revision = null)
return asset('/app/'.ltrim($path, '/'), $revision);
function compiled_asset($file, $revision = null)
static $manifestLoaded = false;
static $manifest = array();
// Lazy-load the compiled asset manifest
if (!$manifestLoaded)
$manFile = $_ENV['public_path'].'/assets/build/rev-manifest.json';
if (file_exists($manFile))
$manifest = json_decode((string) file_get_contents($manFile), true) ?: array();
$manifestLoaded = true;
if (isset($manifest[$file]))
$file = '/build/'.ltrim($manifest[$file], '/');
$revision = false;
$file = '/compiled/'.ltrim($file, '/');
return asset($file, $revision);
function vendor_asset($path, $revision = null)
return asset('/vendor/'.ltrim($path, '/'), $revision);
function local_asset($path, $revision = null)
return asset($path, $revision, false);
Error/Issue helpers
function alert_webmaster($subject, $message)
mail($_ENV['EMAIL_ERROR'], $subject, $message, join("\n", array(
"From: {$_ENV['EMAIL_ERROR']}",
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