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Created April 17, 2024 20:45
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Calculate which city points are within each tif in a directory
# this script goes through a directory of tif files and a shapefile of cities
# and reports which city points are contained within each tif
import os
import fiona
import rasterio
import shapely
from pyproj import Transformer
tifpath = "path/to/tiffs"
d = os.listdir(tifpath)
for filename in d:
if not filename.endswith(".tif"):
image =, filename))
rasterextent =*image.bounds)
# the city points are in coordinate system EPSG:4269 (latitude, longitude)
# so we'll need to transform into the CRS of the raster
t = Transformer.from_crs(4269,, always_xy=True)
with"cities.shp") as cities:
for feature in cities:
# transform the city coordinates to match the CRS of the current raster
x, y = feature.geometry.coordinates
newx, newy = t.transform(x, y)
newpoint = shapely.geometry.Point(newx, newy)
if shapely.contains(rasterextent, newpoint):
# current city matches the raster
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