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Created September 8, 2015 16:38
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Save kgmyshin/fe3ce4899e26dc1f8174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC
"-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.2//EN"
<module name="Checker">
<!--module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile"/-->
<module name="FileLength" />
<module name="FileTabCharacter" />
<!-- Trailing spaces -->
<module name="RegexpSingleline">
<property name="format" value="\s+$" />
<property name="message" value="Line has trailing spaces." />
<!-- Space after 'for' and 'if' -->
<module name="RegexpSingleline">
<property name="format" value="^\s*(for|if)[^ ]" />
<property name="message" value="Space needed before opening parenthesis." />
<!-- For each spacing -->
<module name="RegexpSingleline">
<property name="format" value="^\s*for \(.*?([^ ]:|:[^ ])" />
<property name="message" value="Space needed around ':' character." />
<module name="TreeWalker">
<property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>
<!--<property name="cacheFile" value="${checkstyle.cache.file}" />-->
<!-- Checks for Javadoc comments. -->
<!-- See -->
<module name="JavadocMethod">
<property name="scope" value="public"/>
<module name="JavadocType"/>
<module name="JavadocVariable">
<property name="scope" value="public"/>
<module name="JavadocStyle"/>
<!-- Checks for Naming Conventions. -->
<!-- See -->
<!--<module name="ConstantName"/>-->
<module name="LocalFinalVariableName" />
<module name="LocalVariableName" />
<module name="MemberName" />
<module name="MethodName" />
<module name="PackageName" />
<module name="ParameterName" />
<module name="StaticVariableName" />
<module name="TypeName" />
<!-- Checks for imports -->
<!-- See -->
<module name="AvoidStarImport" />
<module name="IllegalImport" />
<!-- defaults to sun.* packages -->
<module name="RedundantImport" />
<module name="UnusedImports">
<property name="processJavadoc" value="true" />
<!-- Checks for Size Violations. -->
<!-- See -->
<module name="LineLength">
<property name="max" value="100" />
<module name="MethodLength">
<property name="max" value="200" />
<!--module name="ParameterNumber"/-->
<!-- Checks for whitespace -->
<!-- See -->
<module name="GenericWhitespace" />
<module name="EmptyForIteratorPad" />
<module name="MethodParamPad" />
<module name="NoWhitespaceAfter" />
<module name="NoWhitespaceBefore" />
<module name="OperatorWrap" />
<module name="ParenPad" />
<module name="TypecastParenPad" />
<module name="WhitespaceAfter" />
<module name="WhitespaceAround" />
<!-- Modifier Checks -->
<!-- See -->
<!--module name="ModifierOrder"/-->
<module name="RedundantModifier" />
<!-- Checks for blocks. You know, those {}'s -->
<!-- See -->
<!--module name="AvoidNestedBlocks"/-->
<!--module name="EmptyBlock"/-->
<module name="LeftCurly" />
<!--module name="NeedBraces"/-->
<module name="RightCurly" />
<!-- Checks for common coding problems -->
<!-- See -->
<!--module name="AvoidInlineConditionals"/-->
<module name="CovariantEquals" />
<module name="EmptyStatement" />
<!--<module name="EqualsAvoidNull"/>-->
<module name="EqualsHashCode" />
<!--module name="HiddenField"/-->
<module name="IllegalInstantiation" />
<!--<module name="InnerAssignment"/>-->
<!--module name="MagicNumber"/-->
<module name="MissingSwitchDefault" />
<module name="RedundantThrows" />
<module name="SimplifyBooleanExpression" />
<module name="SimplifyBooleanReturn" />
<!-- Checks for class design -->
<!-- See -->
<!--module name="DesignForExtension"/-->
<!--module name="FinalClass"/-->
<!--module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor"/-->
<!--module name="InterfaceIsType"/-->
<!--module name="VisibilityModifier"/-->
<!-- Miscellaneous other checks. -->
<!-- See -->
<!--module name="ArrayTypeStyle"/-->
<!--module name="FinalParameters"/-->
<!--module name="TodoComment"/-->
<module name="UpperEll" />
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