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Created June 9, 2015 23:02
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App Reviews - Python script to retrieve App Store reviews and save them to a CSV file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# For Python 3.0 and later
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
# Fall back to Python 2's urllib2
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
import time
def getJson(url):
response = urlopen(url)
data = str(
return json.loads(data)
def getReviews(appID, page=1):
url = '' % (appID, page)
data = getJson(url).get('feed')
if data.get('entry') == None:
getReviews(appID, page+1)
for entry in data.get('entry'):
if entry.get('im:name'): continue
review_id = entry.get('id').get('label')
title = entry.get('title').get('label')
author = entry.get('author').get('name').get('label')
author_url = entry.get('author').get('uri').get('label')
version = entry.get('im:version').get('label')
rating = entry.get('im:rating').get('label')
review = entry.get('content').get('label')
vote_count = entry.get('im:voteCount').get('label')
csvData = [review_id, title.replace('"', '""'), author, author_url, version, rating, review.replace('"', '""'), vote_count]
print '"'+'","'.join(csvData)+'"'
getReviews(appID, page+1)
csvTitles = ['review_id', 'title', 'author', 'author_url', 'version', 'rating', 'review', 'vote_count']
print ','.join(csvTitles)
getReviews(<app store id>)
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Thanks for this!

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Here is my version of the code in case you might need. Instead of returning a csv_data, I am returning a list of dictionaries containing the reviews:

import pprint
import time
import typing

import requests

def is_error_response(http_response, seconds_to_sleep: float = 1) -> bool:
    Returns False if status_code is 503 (system unavailable) or 200 (success),
    otherwise it will return True (failed). This function should be used
    after calling the commands and requests.get().

    :param http_response:
        The response object returned from or requests.get.
    :param seconds_to_sleep:
        The sleep time used if the status_code is 503. This is used to not
        overwhelm the service since it is unavailable.
    if http_response.status_code == 503:
        return False

    return http_response.status_code != 200

def get_json(url) -> typing.Union[dict, None]:
    Returns json response if any. Returns None if no json found.

    :param url:
        The url go get the json from.
    response = requests.get(url)
    if is_error_response(response):
        return None
    json_response = response.json()
    return json_response

def get_reviews(app_id, page=1) -> typing.List[dict]:
    Returns a list of dictionaries with each dictionary being one review. 
    :param app_id:
        The app_id you are searching. 
    :param page:
        The page id to start the loop. Once it reaches the final page + 1, the 
        app will return a non valid json, thus it will exit with the current 
    reviews: typing.List[dict] = [{}]

    while True:
        url = (f'{app_id}/'
        json = get_json(url)

        if not json:
            return reviews

        data_feed = json.get('feed')

        if not data_feed.get('entry'):
            get_reviews(app_id, page + 1)

        reviews += [
                'review_id': entry.get('id').get('label'),
                'title': entry.get('title').get('label'),
                'author': entry.get('author').get('name').get('label'),
                'author_url': entry.get('author').get('uri').get('label'),
                'version': entry.get('im:version').get('label'),
                'rating': entry.get('im:rating').get('label'),
                'review': entry.get('content').get('label'),
                'vote_count': entry.get('im:voteCount').get('label')
            for entry in data_feed.get('entry')
            if not entry.get('im:name')

        page += 1

reviews = get_reviews('appid')

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Hi, I am getting the same data irrespective of page number. Please help

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Special thanks to rigogsilva

Your script worked like a charm.
However I am also getting only limited reviews (500 reviews in particular) , the same over over and over again.
Should i do something different?


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can you tell us if we want to store it into wordpress website instead of CSV file

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Sumesh96 commented Nov 2, 2020

Hi rigogsilva,

This is not working for me. Can u help me to solve

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JustStas commented Jan 10, 2021

Updated rigogsilva's code with the new URL:

import pprint
import time
import typing

import requests

def is_error_response(http_response, seconds_to_sleep: float = 1) -> bool:
    Returns False if status_code is 503 (system unavailable) or 200 (success),
    otherwise it will return True (failed). This function should be used
    after calling the commands and requests.get().

    :param http_response:
        The response object returned from or requests.get.
    :param seconds_to_sleep:
        The sleep time used if the status_code is 503. This is used to not
        overwhelm the service since it is unavailable.
    if http_response.status_code == 503:
        return False

    return http_response.status_code != 200

def get_json(url) -> typing.Union[dict, None]:
    Returns json response if any. Returns None if no json found.

    :param url:
        The url go get the json from.
    response = requests.get(url)
    if is_error_response(response):
        return None
    json_response = response.json()
    return json_response

def get_reviews(app_id, page=1) -> typing.List[dict]:
    Returns a list of dictionaries with each dictionary being one review. 
    :param app_id:
        The app_id you are searching. 
    :param page:
        The page id to start the loop. Once it reaches the final page + 1, the 
        app will return a non valid json, thus it will exit with the current 
    print(f'STARTED {page}')
    reviews: typing.List[dict] = [{}]

    while True:
        url = (f'{page}/id={app_id}/sortBy=mostRecent/json')
        json = get_json(url)

        if not json:
            return reviews

        data_feed = json.get('feed')

            if not data_feed.get('entry'):
                get_reviews(app_id, page + 1)

            reviews += [
                    'review_id': entry.get('id').get('label'),
                    'title': entry.get('title').get('label'),
                    'author': entry.get('author').get('name').get('label'),
                    'author_url': entry.get('author').get('uri').get('label'),
                    'version': entry.get('im:version').get('label'),
                    'rating': entry.get('im:rating').get('label'),
                    'review': entry.get('content').get('label'),
                    'vote_count': entry.get('im:voteCount').get('label'),
                    'page': page
                for entry in data_feed.get('entry')
                if not entry.get('im:name')
            page += 1
        except Exception:
            return reviews

reviews = get_reviews('1234567')

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sapna88 commented Sep 13, 2021

Can someone help, Its not going beyond 500 reviews.How to get all the reviews

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kgn commented Sep 25, 2021

500 is the max Apple stores, you'll need to pull them periodically over time if you want to build up your own dataset of reviews

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Hi I'm getting this output:

What's wrong? can someone help?

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@dvlmcr69 you should change the country field.

 url = (f'> ru <-------/rss/customerreviews/page={page}/id={app_id}/sortBy=mostRecent/json')

such as us, ko, ru, ca

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Does this script have the same purpose as the app_store_scraper library?
I see that the return comes different.

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