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Last active August 12, 2021 16:30
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Sticky Material-UI ListSubheader that appears beneath fixed AppBar
import ListSubheader from "@material-ui/core/ListSubheader";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
* I have a separate gist for this that explains it a bit
* we do this because the app bar's height is dynamic based on the viewport size
* see:
const toolbarRelativeStyles = (property, theme, modifier = (value) => value) =>
Object.keys(theme.mixins.toolbar).reduce((style, key) => {
const value = theme.mixins.toolbar[key];
if (key === "minHeight") {
return {, [property]: modifier(value) };
if (value.minHeight !== undefined) {
return {, [key]: { [property]: modifier(value.minHeight) } };
return style;
}, {});
* This function allows you to pin an element beneath one or more toolbars
* This is helpful if you've already stuck a toolbar beneath your app's bar and need to pin subheaders under both
* We'll effectively push the element beneath the toolbars using the app bar's height as a modifier for its `top` property
const stickyStyles = (
sticky = true,
backgroundColor = theme.palette.background.paper,
stuckToolbars = 1,
} = {}
) => {
return {
zIndex: 11,
position: "sticky",
(value) => value * stuckToolbars - 1 * stuckToolbars
* We've created a `sticky` class that will be used to override the `sticky` class
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
sticky: {
* a wrapper around the material-ui ListSubheader with an overridden `sticky` class
const StickyListSubheader = (props) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return <ListSubheader {...props} classes={{ sticky: classes.sticky }} />;
export default StickyListSubheader;
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