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" THIS IS MODIFIED, and IN PROGRESS. I'll make it more official when I'm ready. | |
" | |
" Vim indent file | |
" Language: Php | |
" Authors: Miles Lott <[email protected]>, Johannes Zellner <[email protected]>, Pim Snel <[email protected]> | |
" URL: | |
" URL: | |
" Last Change: 23 feb 2004 | |
" Version: 0.3 | |
" Notes: This is a combination of the PHP indent file of Miles Lott with | |
" the HTML indent file of Johannes Zellner. Usefull for editing | |
" php-files with html parts in it. | |
" | |
" Changelog: | |
" 0.3 - 25 mar 2004 | |
" - fixed wrong indention when a php-tag is opened and closed on | |
" one single line. | |
" 0.2 - 23 feb 2004 | |
" - applied patch from Holger Dzeik <[email protected]> | |
" - added changelog | |
" - added default indention of 3 spaces after the <?php for better | |
" reading | |
" - replaced URL | |
" - reformatted the options section | |
" 0.1 - 27 mar 2003 | |
" - initial creation of html-enhanced php indent-file | |
" Options: | |
let g:php_noindent_switch=0 " set this to '1' to not try to indent switch/case statements | |
let g:php_noindent_tags=1 | |
if exists("b:did_indent") | |
finish | |
endif | |
let b:did_indent = 1 | |
setlocal indentexpr=GetPhpIndent() | |
"setlocal indentkeys+=0=,0),=EO | |
"setlocal indentkeys+=0=,0),=EO,o,O,*<Return>,<>>,<bs>,{,} | |
setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],:,!^F,o,O,e,*<Return>,=?>,=<?,=*/ | |
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,:# | |
" Only define the function once. | |
if exists("*GetPhpIndent") | |
finish | |
endif | |
" Handle option(s) | |
if exists("g:php_noindent_switch") | |
let b:php_noindent_switch=1 | |
endif | |
if exists('g:html_indent_tags') | |
unlet g:html_indent_tags | |
endif | |
if exists('g:php_noindent_tags') | |
let b:php_noindent_tags = 1 | |
endif | |
function GetPhpIndent() | |
" Find a non-empty line above the current line. | |
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) | |
" Hit the start of the file, use zero indent. | |
if lnum == 0 | |
return 0 | |
endif | |
let line = getline(lnum) " last line | |
let cline = getline(v:lnum) " current line | |
let pline = getline(lnum - 1) " previous to last line | |
let ind = indent(lnum) | |
let restore_ic=&ic | |
let &ic=1 " ignore case | |
let ind = <SID>HtmlIndentSum(lnum, -1) | |
let ind = ind + <SID>HtmlIndentSum(v:lnum, 0) | |
let &ic=restore_ic | |
let ind = indent(lnum) + (&sw * ind) | |
if line =~ '^\s*/\**$' | |
let ind = ind + 1 | |
endif | |
" Indent after php open tags | |
if line =~ '<?php' && line !~ '?>' && b:php_noindent_tags == 0 | |
let ind = ind + &sw | |
endif | |
if cline =~ '^\s*[?>]' && b:php_noindent_tags == 0 " // Fix from Holger Dzeik <[email protected]> Thanks! | |
let ind = ind - &sw | |
endif | |
if exists("b:php_noindent_switch") " version 1 behavior, diy switch/case,etc | |
" Indent blocks enclosed by {} or () | |
if line =~ '[{(\[]\s*\(#[^\])}]*\)\=$' | |
let ind = ind + &sw | |
endif | |
if cline =~ '^\s*[\])}]' | |
let ind = ind - &sw | |
endif | |
return ind | |
else " Try to indent switch/case statements as well | |
" Indent blocks enclosed by {} or () or case statements, with some anal requirements | |
if line =~ 'case.*:\|[{(\[]\s*\(#[^\])}]*\)\=$' | |
let ind = ind + &sw | |
" return if the current line is not another case statement of the previous line is a bracket open | |
if cline !~ '.*case.*:\|default:' || line =~ '[{(\[]\s*\(#[^\])}]*\)\=$' | |
return ind | |
endif | |
endif | |
if cline =~ '^\s*case.*:\|^\s*default:\|^\s*[\])}]' | |
let ind = ind - &sw | |
" if the last line is a break or return, or the current line is a close bracket, | |
" or if the previous line is a default statement, subtract another | |
if line =~ '^\s*break;\|^\s*return\|' && cline =~ '^\s*[\])}]' && pline =~ 'default:' | |
let ind = ind - &sw | |
endif | |
endif | |
if line =~ 'default:' | |
let ind = ind + &sw | |
endif | |
return ind | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
" [-- local settings (must come before aborting the script) --] | |
"setlocal indentexpr=HtmlIndentGet(v:lnum) | |
"setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,<>>,<bs>,{,} | |
" [-- helper function to assemble tag list --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentPush(tag) | |
if exists('g:html_indent_tags') | |
let g:html_indent_tags = g:html_indent_tags.'\|'.a:tag | |
else | |
let g:html_indent_tags = a:tag | |
endif | |
endfun | |
" [-- <ELEMENT ? - - ...> --] | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('a') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('abbr') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('acronym') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('address') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('article') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('aside') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('audio') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('b') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('bdo') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('big') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('blockquote') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('button') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('canvas') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('caption') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('center') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('cite') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('code') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('colgroup') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('del') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('details') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dfn') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dir') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('div') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('dl') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('em') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('embed') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('fieldset') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('figcaption') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('figure') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('font') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('footer') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('form') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('frameset') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h1') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h2') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h3') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h4') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h5') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('h6') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('header') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('hgroup') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('i') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('iframe') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ins') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('kbd') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('label') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('legend') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('main') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('map') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('menu') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('menuitem') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('nav') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('noframes') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('noscript') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('object') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ol') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('optgroup') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('progress') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('pre') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('q') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('s') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('samp') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('script') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('section') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('select') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('small') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('source') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('span') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('strong') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('style') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('sub') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('summary') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('sup') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('table') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('textarea') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('time') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('title') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('track') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tt') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('u') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('ul') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('var') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('video') | |
" [-- <ELEMENT ? O O ...> --] | |
if !exists('g:html_indent_strict') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('body') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('head') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('html') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tbody') | |
endif | |
" [-- <ELEMENT ? O - ...> --] | |
if !exists('g:html_indent_strict_table') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('th') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('td') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tr') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('tfoot') | |
call <SID>HtmlIndentPush('thead') | |
endif | |
delfun <SID>HtmlIndentPush | |
set cpo-=C | |
" [-- count indent-increasing tags of line a:lnum --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentOpen(lnum) | |
let s = substitute('x'.getline(a:lnum), | |
\ '.\{-}\(\(<\)\('.g:html_indent_tags.'\)\>\)', "\1", 'g') | |
let s = substitute(s, "[^\1].*$", '', '') | |
return strlen(s) | |
endfun | |
" [-- count indent-decreasing tags of line a:lnum --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentClose(lnum) | |
let s = substitute('x'.getline(a:lnum), | |
\ '.\{-}\(\(<\)/\('.g:html_indent_tags.'\)\>>\)', "\1", 'g') | |
let s = substitute(s, "[^\1].*$", '', '') | |
return strlen(s) | |
endfun | |
" [-- count indent-increasing '{' of (java|css) line a:lnum --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentOpenAlt(lnum) | |
return strlen(substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[^{]\+', '', 'g')) | |
endfun | |
" [-- count indent-decreasing '}' of (java|css) line a:lnum --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentCloseAlt(lnum) | |
return strlen(substitute(getline(a:lnum), '[^}]\+', '', 'g')) | |
endfun | |
" [-- return the sum of indents respecting the syntax of a:lnum --] | |
fun! <SID>HtmlIndentSum(lnum, style) | |
if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*</') | |
if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*</\<\('.g:html_indent_tags.'\)\>') | |
let open = <SID>HtmlIndentOpen(a:lnum) | |
let close = <SID>HtmlIndentClose(a:lnum) | |
if 0 != open || 0 != close | |
return open - close | |
endif | |
endif | |
endif | |
if '' != &syntax && | |
\ synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 1), 'name') =~ '\(css\|java\).*' && | |
\ synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, strlen(getline(a:lnum)) - 1, 1), 'name') | |
\ =~ '\(css\|java\).*' | |
if a:style == match(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*}') | |
return <SID>HtmlIndentOpenAlt(a:lnum) - <SID>HtmlIndentCloseAlt(a:lnum) | |
endif | |
endif | |
return 0 | |
endfun | |
" vim: set ts=3 sw=3: |
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