#The Scret Life of Objects (Object-Oriented Programming)
// // Method
// // method is simply property that hold function values
// var rabbit = {};
// rabbit.speak = function(line){
// console.log("The rabit says:'" + line + "'");
// };
// rabbit.speak("I'm alive");
// function speak(line){
// console.log("The "+ this.type + " rabbit says '" + line + "'");
// }
// var whiteRabbit = {type: "white", speak: speak};
// var fatRabbit = {type: "fat", speak: speak};
// whiteRabbit.speak("Oh my ears and whiskers, " + "how late it's getting!");
// fatRabbit.speak("I could sure use a carrot right now");
// // Prototype
// // Prototype is another object that is used as a fallback
// // source of properties
// // When object request a property that it does not have, its
// // prototype will be searched for the property
// var empty = {};
// console.log(empty.toString);
// console.log(empty.toString);
// Get prototype of an object 2 ways:
// console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf({}) == Object.prototype);
// console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype));
// // Using Object.create to create an object with an specific prototype
// var protoRabbit = {
// speak: function(line){
// console.log("The " + this.type + " rabbit says '" + line + "'");
// }
// };
// var killerRabbit = Object.create(protoRabbit);
// killerRabbit.type = "Killer";
// killerRabbit.speak("Skreeee!");
// // Constructor
// // share prototype. Using the new key word
// // constructor using this variable
// function Rabbit(type){
// this.type = type;
// }
// var killerRabbit = new Rabbit("Killer");
// var blackRabbit = new Rabbit("black");
// console.log(blackRabbit.type);
// // using prototype to add a new method
// Rabbit.prototype.speak = function(line) {
// console.log("The " + this.type + " rabit says '" + line + "'");
// };
// blackRabbit.speak("Doom...");
// adding a property to an object. it is added to itself, not
// depending on prototype. And in prototype, that property does not
// change.
// Rabbit.prototype.teeth = "small";
// console.log(killerRabbit.teeth);
// killerRabbit.teeth = "Long, sharp, and bloody";
// console.log(killerRabbit.teeth);
// console.log(blackRabbit.teeth);
// console.log(Rabbit.prototype.teeth);
// // A prototype can be used at any time to add methods, properties
// // to all objects based on it
// Rabbit.prototype.dance = function (){
// console.log("The " + this.type + " rabbit dances a jig");
// };
// killerRabbit.dance();
// // but there is a problem:
// var map = {};
// function storePhi(event, phi){
// map[event] = phi;
// }
// storePhi("pizza", 0.069);
// storePhi("touched tree", -0.081);
// console.log(map);
// Object.prototype.nonsense = "hi";
// for (var name in map) {
// console.log(name);
// }
// console.log("nonsense" in map);
// console.log("toString" in map);
// delete Object.prototype.nonsense;
// // we can use Object.defineProperty to solve it
// Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "hiddenNonsense", {
// enumerable: false,
// value: "hi"
// });
// for (var name in map) {
// console.log(name);
// }
// console.log(map.hiddenNonsense);
// // but there still has a problem
// console.log("toString" in map);
// console.log(map.hasOwnProperty("toString"));
// // if we only want to create an fresh object, without prototype
// // then we tranform null to create
// var map = Object.create(null);
// map["pizza"] = 0.09;
// console.log("toString" in map);
// console.log("pizza" in map);
// laying out a table: example for polymorphism
function rowHeights(rows) {
return rows.map(function(row){
return row.reduce(function(max, cell) {
return Math.max(max, cell.minHeight());
}, 0);
function colWidths(rows) {
return rows[0].map(function(_, i) {
return rows.reduce(function(max, row){
return Math.max(max, row[i].minWidth());
}, 0);
function drawTable(rows) {
var heights = rowHeights(rows);
var widths = colWidths(rows);
function drawLine(blocks, lineNo) {
return blocks.map(function(block) {
return block[lineNo];
}).join(" ");
function drawRow(row, rowNum){
var blocks = row.map(function(cell, colNum) {
return cell.draw(widths[colNum], heights[rowNum]);
return blocks[0].map(function(_, lineNo) {
return drawLine(blocks, lineNo);
return rows.map(drawRow).join("\n");
function repeat(string, times){
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < times; i++){
result += string;
return result;
function TextCell(text){
this.text = text.split("\n");
TextCell.prototype.minWidth = function(){
return this.text.reduce(function(width, line){
return Math.max(width, line.lenght);
}, 0);
TextCell.prototype.minHeight = function(){
return this.text.length;
TextCell.prototype.minHeight = function(){
return this.text.lenght;
TextCell.prototype.minHeight = function(){
return this.text.length;
TextCell.prototype.draw = function(width, height){
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < height; i++){
var line = this.text[i] || "";
result.push(line + repeat(" ", width - line.length));
return result;
var rows = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
var row = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++){
if ((i + j) % 2 == 0){
row.push(new TextCell("1234"));
} else{
row.push(new TextCell("5"));
// var pile = {
// elements: ["eggshell", "orange peel", "worm"],
// get height(){
// return this.elements.length;
// },
// set height(value) {
// console.log("Ignoring attemp to set high to ", value);
// }
// };
// console.log(pile.height);
// pile.height = 100;
// console.log(pile.height);