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Last active January 24, 2019 18:40
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HTML is for peasants.
Dynamic Hatred
//Monomorphic singletons are an antipattern, but thats fine because javascript itself is an antipattern.
//For what would normally be polymorphic getters, I use pseudostatic ctor vars per class
//because prototypes are somehow even less readable
Dynamic typing is the original sin which we all are born into; trying to seek forgiveness in this chaos is wasted effort.
Appearance.uniforms= {name:value,...}
Intuitive, right? Not when the only way to know about this is to grep, debug, and hop 4 levels up the stack.
Uncaught ReferenceError: defined is not defined (on line 82)
Uncaught dicks (on line 83)
//saves the vsh a divide... pls i spam sine lol
Who needs self-documenting code? Spaghetti classes are more powerful.
JavaScript is easy to hack. This is how some people think applications are made.
//TODO fix the stupid
"Modern graphics engines abstract OpenGL."
In such a way that makes it completely inaccessible?
This module is function oriented, object oriented, and state oriented. All at once.
//TODO defuck
It has a return value, still requires you pass a return parameter. Yes, they are equal.
Every time I explicitly have to type "this." I want to punch whomever is responsible.
Don't question or try to understand JS libs. Just do what you need to as quickly as possible, and hope it doesn't
throw 'dicks';
//dont do this
Short Message Service is for barbarians.
This incomprehensible dynamic-type chaos has had me internally screaming all day.
This idiotic API who’s documentation only occasionally describes what a class does,
never even hints at how to construct and aggregate things other than tautologies.
The tautologies somehow don’t explain themselves, I didn’t know that was possible.
Based off the forums, the only people who understand it are the contributors and people who directly follow examples,
except most examples are broken.
I don’t know how any reasonable person would call this horrifying garbage usable.
Deep hierarchies with no specification that cause first degree spaghetti.
throw 'dicks';
Its so absurdly maladaptive that I could rebuild an engine from the ground up in the time it would take to learn and mod it.
"Abstraction", meaning obfuscation.
A factory that creates a class of factory that creates factories.
Runtime overloading (branching based off parameter type) is unreadable, difficult to write, and slow.
Literally bad in every possible way.
It's very popular.
No error whatsoever when trying to access a function as an array. Function, array, same thing, thats obviously what you wanted to do.
Take the most cross platform language and make it an Electron build, that way it only works on one platform.
//state machine do what it want
//(1 month later) fuck why did I think that was okay
Number parsing doesn't throw exception when failing to convert to number.
Because silent NaN propagation is "more performant".
//TODO horrible hacking belongs here
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, nobody knows how it works.
The web is an environment where compressed data is critical, as everything is transmitted over network.
Webdevs like to store and transmit bulk numbers as plaintext.
= !!!(!true!=!false) //more readable than a regex
Calling something in js a jury rig is redundant. Anything nontrivial is implied to be a jury rig.
//must (won't) remember to
It’s not a horrible language, it’s just extremely unpleasant to read and encourages bad design everywhere.
Wait, that’s the definition of a horrible language.
//strong foreboding that this will inexplicably break everything and cause pain
Trying to fix javascript with libraries is like trying to cure cancer with pain meds
Nobody knows how to use it, and the people that do hate it.
It's deterministic 90% of the time
A wrapper that is more verbose than what it wraps.
//manually give the handle of the framebuffer
//which is determined empirically (guessing until it looks correct)
Why isn't the console honking?
var uhafrhvuvafd= document;
var aghtyfhhgrgfdv= uhafrhvuvafd;
var tersgdfgfh= 'id';
var terrbgebgr= aghtyfhhgrgfdv.getElementById.bind(uhafrhvuvafd);
var element= terrbgebgr(tersgdfgfh);
Its like third world genocide -
At first you're outraged, but as you learn more,
you realize it will always continue and nothing can be done.
These people who immerse themselves in js become afflicted with its retardation patterns.
Its like they are trying to conform to a spec of making things as verbose, bloated, and as unnecessarily abstracted as possible.
I don't understand the fascination with GLTF, afaik everyone who has actually used it hates it.
//congratulations to cesium for forcing me to write the most unreadable garbage I have ever typed
console.error('wp ctor: e hasnt samples, uninitial probably diswanted');
The constraint being that the operator isnt a retard and can't timetravel.
Timetravelers giving waypoints must be told to fuck themselves.
var n= t2b[!!tool? : {
get a(){
return -1;
Its supposed to be a getter to a private field, doesnt mean it is. *evil laugh*
Using static functions for addition where the result is a forced return parameter.
Why. This is an object oriented language. They probably claim some bs about optimization.
How often do you need to add dates in an environment where everything is an interpolated property??
Even if avoiding an allocation, assuming lack of VM copy elision,
This syntax is so bad that it swept me up in rage and I forgot what I was even working on.
Cesium is astylistic, ugly, disagreeable, unintuitive, verbose, tautological, malperformant, unreadable, and unwritable.
I hate every aspect of it. There is nothing about it I like other than the minimum sanity required for functionality.
Show someone a regular, unlocked door. Give them a hammer. Ask them to open the door. Possible outcomes:
worst- randomly bash the door with the hammer until it falls apart
pessimal- Hit the door handle until the jam breaks open
best- Turn the handle and push it open
Military programmers tend to write pleasantly readable code. But I feel like they are always using an unpowered jackhammer and manually hitting things with it.
Reflective transpiling.
I'd rather spend an hour to write my own 2d matrix functions, than import a package and contend with its verbose garbage syntax.
Its more performant to remultiply something than store local variables. Local variables, including plain floats, are heap allocated and garbage collected.
How do I avoid memory leaks?
Git gud.
How do I never need to write unit tests?
Git gud.
Spent an hour wondering why arithmetic didnt work, apprently Javascript modulo is remainder. Javascript doesn't have a modulus operator.
People always talk shit about Java, but its the only lang I've used with an IDE that is: completely free, does exactly what you want, behaves exactly how you expect it to, has error messages that are not only readable, but actually helpful; doesn't require any setup or configuration to work, doesn't randomly break everything.
Its easier to copypaste than create a fuckerarchy
// A traveler from a far
// A vantage from a hill
// A Proclaimation from a rage
// Acceptance of mediocrity is Accomplice of mediocrity
// Redemption of malformity is Ruination of malformity
// Defuck the fucked
// Fuck the undefuckable
// The chaos is razed
// The land is unrecognizedable
// The traveler is home
i must pray for the blessing of torvalds
//that probably??? wouldnt happen, but this is preemptive antiretardation
//<hack> ritchie forgive my sins
//this will invalidate any pointers to that
/*dynarr, pronounced dinner*/
a flaming undead duck covered in zipties
The most catastrophic idiot Ive had the affliction to interact with
My anguish as a software engineer tells me the world is full of idiotically designed unstable systems spawned of stupidity-chaos, and adding more power gives stupidity more vectors.
So the optimistic thing is to hope things remain heterogeneous enough and that optimal systems are naturally selected.
what the fuck is this tribal-knowledge fuckery bullshit i just want a fucking command to compile a simple fucking task with average nominal behavior i dont wanttofucking hack around copypasting binaries between toolkits holy fuck why is everything always broken nothing ever fucking works this is supposed to be something simple everyone does routinely but its FUCKING BROKEN LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE ALWAYS IS god i dont fucking know how anything works in this assinine meta-pastafuck I realy WOULD like my job if thing actually fucking worked that would be really nice but NO THINGS DONT JUST WORK that would require too much sanity jesusfuck I fucking hate my job
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