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Created July 25, 2016 22:58
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\documentclass[12pt, oneside, a4paper]{report}
%% Include required packages
% Some useful commands
% Arg1 : Width : \linewidth
% Define some variables
\renewcommand\UrlFont{\ignore{Actually do nothing!}}
% Red - #FF0000 - Réalisation pratique (machines, bancs d'essai, prototypes...)
% Violet - #800080 - Etude et assistance technique (optimisation de procédés, développement d'applications...)
% Green - #008000 - Innovation et développement durable (environnement, énergie...)
% Blue - #0000FF - Recherche technologique (appliquée ou fondamentale)
% i ii iii iv ...
% START the page
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ @{} p{0.4\textwidth} @{} m{0.2\textwidth} @{} p{0.4\textwidth} @{} }
% Line 1
Republic of Tunisia\\%
Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research %
and Information and Communication Technologies\\%
% Column 2
\includegraphics[width=2.5cm, height=2.5cm]{images/logo-enis.pdf}%
% Column 3
Computer Engineering \& Applied Mathematics Department%
% Engineering Education Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics Discipline%
% Cycle de Formation d'Ingénieurs dans la Discipline Génie Computer Engineering \& Applied Mathematics Department%
% Line 2
Sfax University\\
National Engineering School of Sfax
% Column 2 is empty (contains the ENIS logo)
% Column 3
\textsc{Graduation Project}\\%
Serial N°: 2016 / DIMA-999%
\vspace{30pt} {%
\textsc{Graduation Project\\Report}\\%
\textbf{\textit{presented at}}\\
National Engineering School of Sfax\\
(Computer Engineering \& Applied Mathematics Department)\\
\textbf{\textit{in order to obtain the}}\\
National Engineering Diploma in Computer Science\\
%du Diplôme National d'Ingénieur en Génie Informatique\\
\vspace{10pt} {%
\textbf{Soumaya \textsc{Gouider}}\\
\vspace{10pt} {%
PFE with \\ MHA\\%
Defended on~08/08/2016~in front of the committee composed of\\
%Soutenu le 08/08/2016, devant la commission d'examen:\\
\begin{tabular}{p{0.3\linewidth} p{0.15\linewidth}}
Mr Foulen \textsc{Fouleni} & President \\
Ms Foulena \textsc{Foulenia} & Supervisor \\
Mr Foulen \textsc{Fouleni} & Reviewer \\
% END the page
% Clead double page after the front one :)
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