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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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(defn make-change [x coinset]
(loop [x x
change []]
(let [possible-coins (take-while #(when (>= x %) %) coinset)
current-coin (some #(when (zero? (rem x %)) %) possible-coins)]
(= x (reduce + possible-coins))
(concat possible-coins change)
(= x 0)
(nil? current-coin)
(throw (Exception. "cant make change"))
(recur (- x current-coin) (conj change current-coin))
=> #'user/make-change
(make-change 5 [2 5])
=> (5)
(make-change 6 [2 5])
=> (2 2 2)
(make-change 7 [2 5])
=> (2 5)
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