To see the number of lines changed in the current working directory:
git diff --stat=10000
The output will look something like this:
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
#!/bin/bash | |
# The MAC address of the Bluetooth device to remove and connect | |
# Create a coprocess for bluetoothctl | |
coproc bluetoothctl | |
# Function to send a command to the coprocess | |
send_command() { |
import json | |
import requests | |
import subprocess | |
home = requests.get("").text | |
home = json.loads(home) | |
shows = {} | |
episodes = {} |
#!/bin/sh | |
# | |
# Perform certificate updates in Vault. | |
set -eo pipefail | |
if ! vault token lookup > /dev/null; then | |
echo "Login to Vault first." | |
exit 1 | |
fi |
<?php | |
// Form a list of all CF IP zones | |
// For each zone, grab all A records and TXT records matching $oldip | |
// For each matching record, update it to the new IP address | |
$authemail = "[email protected]"; | |
// Old IP address to find | |
$oldip = ""; |
To see the number of lines changed in the current working directory:
git diff --stat=10000
The output will look something like this:
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
//// TeaEncryptECB //// | |
function xor(a, b) { | |
var l = a.length, | |
t, ret = []; | |
console.log("l:" + l); | |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { | |
var aa = a[i]; |
#!/bin/bash | |
find -name "*.mp4" -exec sh -c "ffmpeg -v error -i '{}' -map 0:1 -f null - 2>'{}.log'" \; |
venus_eea_or_global: | |
- Mi 11 EEA Orange | |
- VENUSEEAORGlobal | |
monet_eea_or_global: | |
- Mi 10 Lite EEA Orange | |
create a cron for
cpulimit --pid `ps aux|awk '{if($3 < 10) print $2}'` --limit=99
cpulimit --pid `ps aux|awk '{if($3 > 60) print $2}'` --limit=25