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#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/Tensor.cpp"
PyObject *THPTensorClass = NULL;
THPCopyList THTensor_(copy_functions);
PyObject * THPTensor_(NewEmpty)()
return THPTensor_(New)(THTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS));
PyObject * THPTensor_(New)(THTensor *tensor)
THTensorPtr ptr(tensor);
if (!tensor->storage) {
tensor->storage = THStorage_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
PyTypeObject *type = (PyTypeObject *)THPTensorClass;
PyObject *obj = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (obj) {
((THPTensor *)obj)->cdata = ptr.release();
return obj;
static THTensor* THPTensor_(_new)()
THTensorPtr tensor = THTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
if (!tensor->storage) {
tensor->storage = THStorage_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
return tensor.release();
static THTensor* THPTensor_(_newWithSize)(THLongStorage *size)
THTensorPtr tensor = THTensor_(newWithSize)(LIBRARY_STATE size, NULL);
if (!tensor->storage) {
tensor->storage = THStorage_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
return tensor.release();
static void THPTensor_(dealloc)(THPTensor* self)
THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
static std::string THPTensor_(indicesToString)(std::vector<size_t> &indices,
size_t depth)
std::string index = "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i <= depth; ++i) {
index += std::to_string(indices[i]);
index += ", ";
index.erase(index.length()-2); // Remove trailing ", "
index += ")";
return index;
static void THPTensor_(setInconsistentDepthError)(std::vector<size_t> &sizes,
std::vector<size_t> &indices, size_t depth, size_t length)
std::string error = "inconsistent sequence length at index ";
error += THPTensor_(indicesToString)(indices, depth);
error += " - expected ";
error += std::to_string(sizes[depth]);
error += " but got ";
error += std::to_string(length);
THTensor* THPTensor_(fromNumpy)(PyObject *numpy_array) {
PyArrayObject *array = (PyArrayObject*)numpy_array;
// Numpy and Torch disagree on empty tensors. In Torch, an empty
// tensor is a tensor with zero dimensions. In Numpy, an empty tensor
// keeps its shape, but has 0 as the size of one of the dimensions.
// So we'll convert all Numpy tensors of 0 elements to empty Torch tensors.
if (PyArray_SIZE(array) != 0) {
auto ndim = PyArray_NDIM(array);
size_t storage_size = 1;
THLongStoragePtr sizes = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndim);
long *sizes_data = sizes->data;
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
sizes_data[i] = PyArray_DIM(array, i);
THLongStoragePtr strides = THLongStorage_newWithSize(ndim);
long *strides_data = strides->data;
for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
// numpy uses bytes, torch uses elements
// we have to cast sizeof to long, because otherwise stride gets
// promoted to size_t, and is UB for negative values
strides_data[i] = PyArray_STRIDE(array, i) / ((long)sizeof(real));
if (strides_data[i] < 0) {
THPUtils_setError("some of the strides of a given numpy array are "
"negative. This is currently not supported, but will be added in "
"future releases.");
return NULL;
// XXX: this won't work for negative strides
storage_size += strides_data[i] * (sizes_data[i] - 1);
THStoragePtr storage = THStorage_(newWithDataAndAllocator)(
new NumpyArrayAllocator(numpy_array));
THTensor *result = THTensor_(newWithStorage)(storage, 0, sizes, strides);
return result;
} else {
THStoragePtr storage = THStorage_(new)();
THTensor *result = THTensor_(newWithStorage)(storage, 0, NULL, NULL);
return result;
static PyObject * THPTensor_(pynew)(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
Py_ssize_t num_args = args ? PyTuple_Size(args) : 0;
THPTensorPtr self = (THPTensor *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
if (!self) {
return NULL;
self->cdata = NULL;
THCPAutoGPU gpu_guard;
// Internally we allow constructing with a keyword only argument cdata
if (kwargs != NULL) {
Py_ssize_t num_kwargs = PyDict_Size(kwargs);
PyObject *device_id = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "device");
if (device_id == Py_None) {
} else if (device_id) {
THPUtils_assert(THPUtils_checkLong(device_id), "device argument "
" has to be an int, but got %s", THPUtils_typename(device_id));
// simulate pop() and pretend this key was never there
if (num_args == 0) {
PyObject *cdata_ptr = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "cdata");
if (num_kwargs == 1 && cdata_ptr && THPUtils_checkLong(cdata_ptr)) {
THTensor *ptr = (THTensor*)PyLong_AsVoidPtr(cdata_ptr);
self->cdata = ptr;
return (PyObject*)self.release();
// This is an internal option, so we don't want to advertise it.
THPUtils_assert(num_kwargs == 0, THPTensorStr " constructor only "
"accepts a 'device' keyword argument")
THPUtils_assert(num_kwargs == 0, THPTensorStr " constructor doesn't "
"accept any keyword arguments");
// torch.Tensor()
if (num_args == 0) {
self->cdata = THPTensor_(_new)();
return (PyObject*)self.release();
PyObject *first_arg = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0);
// torch.Tensor(torch.Tensor tensor)
if (num_args == 1 && THPTensor_(Check)(first_arg)) {
THTensor *tensor = ((THPTensor*)first_arg)->cdata;
self->cdata = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE tensor);
return (PyObject*)self.release();
// torch.Tensor(torch.Size sizes)
if (num_args == 1 && THPSize_Check(first_arg)) {
THLongStoragePtr sizes = THPUtils_unpackSize(first_arg);
self->cdata = THPTensor_(_newWithSize)(sizes.get());
return (PyObject *)self.release();
// TODO: implement storageOffset, sizes and strides
// torch.Tensor(torch.Storage data)
if (num_args == 1 && THPStorage_(Check)(first_arg)) {
THStorage *storage = ((THPStorage*)first_arg)->cdata;
self->cdata = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE storage, 0, storage->size, -1);
return (PyObject *)self.release();
// torch.Tensor(np.ndarray array)
if (num_args == 1 && PyArray_Check(first_arg) &&
PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)first_arg) == NUMPY_TYPE_ENUM) {
THPObjectPtr numpy_array =
PyArray_FromArray((PyArrayObject*)first_arg, nullptr, NPY_ARRAY_BEHAVED);
self->cdata = THPTensor_(fromNumpy)(numpy_array.get());
if (!self->cdata)
return NULL;
return (PyObject*)self.release();
// torch.Tensor(Sequence data)
if (num_args == 1 && PySequence_Check(first_arg)) {
Py_ssize_t length = PySequence_Length(first_arg);
THPUtils_assert(length >= 0, "couldn't obtain the length of %s",
if (length == 0) {
self->cdata = THPTensor_(_new)();
return (PyObject*)self.release();
THPObjectPtr item = first_arg;
std::vector<size_t> sizes;
while ((length = PySequence_Length(item)) >= 0) {
// TODO: check for string in this case
THPUtils_assert(sizes.size() < 1000000, "already counted a million "
"dimensions in a given sequence. Most likely your items are also "
"sequences and there's no way to infer how many dimension should "
"the tensor have");
THPUtils_assert(length > 0, "given sequence has an invalid size of "
"dimension %ld: %ld", (long)sizes.size(), (long)length);
item = PySequence_GetItem(item, 0);
if (!item)
return NULL;
// Last length check has set an error flag, so we need to clear it.
THLongStoragePtr sizes_storage = THLongStorage_newWithSize(sizes.size());
long *sizes_data = sizes_storage->data;
for (auto size: sizes)
*sizes_data++ = size;
THTensorPtr tensor = THTensor_(newWithSize)(LIBRARY_STATE sizes_storage, NULL);
int ndims = sizes.size();
std::vector<size_t> indices(ndims);
std::vector<THPObjectPtr> sequences(ndims);
item = first_arg;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sequences.size(); i++) {
PyObject *item_ptr = item.get();
sequences[i] = std::move(item);
if (i < sequences.size()-1) {
item = PySequence_ITEM(item_ptr, 0);
if (!item)
return NULL;
// half tensors don't have CPU counterparts so we have to buffer them as
// floats while loading
#define load_real real
#define UNPACK_REAL(item) THPUtils_(unpackReal)(item)
#define load_real float
#define UNPACK_REAL(item) THPFloatUtils_unpackReal(item)
real *data = tensor->storage->data;
size_t numel = THTensor_(numel)(LIBRARY_STATE tensor);
std::unique_ptr<load_real> data_guard(new load_real[numel]);
load_real *data = data_guard.get();
THPObjectPtr final_sequence;
while (true) {
final_sequence = std::move(sequences[ndims-1]);
try {
// We're taking a fast-track over the last dimension
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizes[ndims-1]; i++) {
indices[ndims-1] = i;
item = PySequence_ITEM(final_sequence, i);
// We've checked the length earlier, so it must have been an error
if (!item)
return NULL;
*data++ = UNPACK_REAL(item);
} catch(std::runtime_error &e) {
std::string index = THPTensor_(indicesToString)(indices, ndims-1);
THPUtils_setError("tried to construct a tensor from a %s%s sequence, "
"but found an item of type %s at index %s",
(ndims > 1 ? "nested " : ""),
return NULL;
THFloatStorage *cpu_storage = THFloatStorage_newWithData(data_guard.get(), numel);
cpu_storage->flag &= ~TH_STORAGE_FREEMEM;
THCudaHalfStorage_copyFloat(LIBRARY_STATE tensor->storage, cpu_storage);
THHostStorage *cpu_storage = THHostStorage_(newWithData)(data_guard.get(), numel);
cpu_storage->flag &= ~TH_STORAGE_FREEMEM;
THCStorage_(copyCPU)(LIBRARY_STATE tensor->storage, cpu_storage);
#undef load_real
// Update the counters
int dim = ndims-2;
size_t last_updated_dim = dim;
while (dim >= 0) {
last_updated_dim = dim;
if (++indices[dim] == sizes[dim])
indices[dim--] = 0;
// Check if we've just made a full cycle
if ((last_updated_dim == 0 && indices[0] == 0) || ndims == 1)
// Update sequences
for (int i = last_updated_dim+1; i < ndims; i++) {
sequences[i] = PySequence_ITEM(sequences[i-1], indices[i-1]);
if (!sequences[i]) {
THPTensor_(setInconsistentDepthError)(sizes, indices, i, indices[i]);
return NULL;
if (!PySequence_Check(sequences[i])) {
std::string index_str = THPTensor_(indicesToString)(indices, i);
THPUtils_setError("an item of time %s at index %s doesn't implement "
"a sequence protocol");
return NULL;
Py_ssize_t length = PySequence_Length(sequences[i]);
if (length < 0) {
std::string index_str = THPTensor_(indicesToString)(indices, i);
THPUtils_setError("could not obtain a length of %s at index %s",
THPUtils_typename(sequences[i].get()), index_str.c_str());
return NULL;
if ((size_t)length != sizes[i]) {
THPTensor_(setInconsistentDepthError)(sizes, indices, i, length);
return NULL;
self->cdata = tensor.release();
return (PyObject *)self.release();
// torch.Tensor(int ...)
THLongStoragePtr sizes;
if (THPUtils_tryUnpackLongVarArgs(args, 0, sizes)) {
self->cdata = THPTensor_(_newWithSize)(sizes.get());
return (PyObject *)self.release();
THPUtils_invalidArguments(args, kwargs, THPTensorStr " constructor", 6,
"no arguments",
"(int ...)",
"(" THPTensorStr " viewed_tensor)",
"(torch.Size size)",
"(" THPStorageStr " data)",
"(Sequence data)");
return NULL;
#define IS_SCALAR(NAME) \
((is_long = THPUtils_checkLong(NAME)) || \
(is_scalar_array = PyArray_CheckScalar(NAME)))
if (is_long) { \
idx = THPUtils_unpackLong(IDX_VARIABLE); \
} else { \
PyArray_CastScalarToCtype(IDX_VARIABLE, &idx, NumpyLongArrDescr); \
#define IS_SCALAR(NAME) THPUtils_checkLong(NAME)
#define THIndexTensor THCudaLongTensor
#define THIndexTensor_(NAME) TH_CONCAT_2(THCudaLongTensor_,NAME)
#define THPIndexTensor THCPLongTensor
#define THPIndexTensor_Check THCPLongTensor_Check
#define THIndexTensor THLongTensor
#define THIndexTensor_(NAME) TH_CONCAT_2(THLongTensor_,NAME)
#define THPIndexTensor THPLongTensor
#define THPIndexTensor_Check THPLongTensor_Check
static bool THPTensor_(_indexOnce)(PyObject *index, int &indexed_dim,
THTensorPtr &tresult, THStorage* &sresult, long &storage_offset)
static PyArray_Descr *NumpyLongArrDescr = PyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_INT64);
bool is_long, is_scalar_array;
// Indexing with a scalar
if(IS_SCALAR(index)) {
int64_t idx;
long dimsize = THTensor_(size)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get(), indexed_dim);
// If the user provided negative idx, convert to positive equivalent
idx = (idx < 0) ? dimsize + idx : idx;
if (dimsize <= 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "indexing an empty tensor");
throw python_error();
if (idx < 0 || idx >= dimsize) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "index %lld is out of range for dimension "
"%lld (of size %lld)", (long long)idx, (long long)indexed_dim, (long long)dimsize);
throw python_error();
// If we are indexing a vector, set the storage to the storage underlying
// the vector, and the storage_offset to the location of the element at
// the specificed index. Otherwise, perform a selection
if(THTensor_(nDimension)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get()) == 1) {
sresult = tresult.get()->storage;
storage_offset = tresult->storageOffset + tresult->stride[0] * idx;
tresult = NULL;
} else {
THTensor_(select)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get(), NULL, indexed_dim, idx);
} else if (index == Py_None) {
// _indexOnce will never be called with tresult == NULL, except for a None index
// e.g. x = torch.Tensor(5); y = x[5, None]
if (!tresult) {
tresult = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE sresult, storage_offset, 1, 1);
sresult = NULL;
} else {
// Insert a singleton dimension at indexed_dim, then bump indexed_dim
THTensor_(unsqueeze1d)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get(), NULL, indexed_dim++);
// Indexing with a slice
} else if (PySlice_Check(index)) {
Py_ssize_t start, end, length, step;
if (!THPUtils_parseSlice(index, THTensor_(size)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get(), indexed_dim), &start, &end, &step, &length))
throw python_error();
if (step <= 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "slice step has to be greater than 0");
throw python_error();
if (length == 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "result of slicing is an empty tensor");
throw python_error();
// Modify the Tensor to point to the sliced components
tresult->storageOffset += tresult->stride[indexed_dim] * start;
tresult->stride[indexed_dim] *= step;
tresult->size[indexed_dim] = length;
} else {
return false;
return true;
static bool THPTensor_(_checkAdvancedIndexing)(THPTensor *indexed, PyObject *arg) {
// Currently we only support the integer-array indexing strategy for advanced
// indexing - where we have ndim sequence/LongTensor arguments
long ndim = THTensor_(nDimension)(LIBRARY_STATE indexed->cdata);
// Verify that all of the inputs are either Tensors or Sequences.
if (PySequence_Check(arg) && PySequence_Size(arg) == ndim) {
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
PyObject *item = PySequence_GetItem(arg, i);
if (!THPIndexTensor_Check(item) && !PySequence_Check(item)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
// Full NumPy advanced indexing requirements are coded up below. To fully support
// such indexing will require changes to the actual indexing logic, so we will
// leave this commented out as a reference
// Checks whether the specified selection object should trigger advanced
// indexing
// Case 1: arg is a non-tuple sequence object
if (PySequence_Check(arg) && !PyTuple_Check(arg)) return true;
// Case 2: arg is an nd-array with type integer or bool
if (PyArray_Check(arg) && (PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)arg) == NPY_INT64 || PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)arg) == NPY_BOOL)) return true;
// Case 3: arg is a tuple containing at least one sequence object, ndarray, or LongTensor
if (PyTuple_Check(arg)) {
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(arg); ++i) {
PyObject *item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(arg, i);
if (PySequence_Check(item)) {
return true;
if (PyArray_Check(item) && (PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)item) == NPY_INT64 || PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*)item) == NPY_BOOL)) return true;
if (THPIndexTensor_Check(item)) return true;
return false;
// Exposed at the interpreter level
static PyObject* THPTensor_(checkAdvancedIndexing)(THPTensor *self, PyObject *arg) {
if (THPTensor_(_checkAdvancedIndexing)(self, arg)) {
static bool THPTensor_(_convertToTensorIndexers)(PyObject *index, std::vector<THIndexTensor*>& broadcasted) {
// At the top-level, index must be a sequence. PySequence_Fast returns a new
// reference
PyObject *fast = PySequence_Fast(index, NULL);
Py_ssize_t seqCount = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fast);
std::vector<THPIndexTensor*> indexers;
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < seqCount; ++i) {
THPIndexTensor *indexer = (THPIndexTensor *)PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(THPLongTensorClass, PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast, i), NULL);
if (!indexer) {
"When performing advanced indexing the indexing objects must be LongTensors or convertible to such");
return false;
THIndexTensor **maybeBroadcasted = (THIndexTensor **)THAlloc(seqCount * sizeof(THIndexTensor*));
THIndexTensor **candidates = (THIndexTensor **)THAlloc(seqCount * sizeof(THIndexTensor*));
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < seqCount; ++i) {
maybeBroadcasted[i] = THIndexTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
candidates[i] = THIndexTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE indexers[i]->cdata);
// Broadcast/Expand indexing Tensors as necessary
int ret = THIndexTensor_(expandNd)(LIBRARY_STATE maybeBroadcasted, candidates, seqCount, 0);
// No matter what, need to cleanup the candidates
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < seqCount; ++i) {
THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE candidates[i]);
if (ret != 0) {
// Broadcasted failed, cleanup and return error
for (int i = 0; i < seqCount; ++i) {
THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE maybeBroadcasted[i]);
return false;
// Place Broadcasted Tensors into output vector, implicitly transferring
// ownership
for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < seqCount; ++i) {
return true;
// Caller takes ownership of the returned IndexTensor
static THIndexTensor* THPTensor_(_calculateLinearIndices)(
THTensorPtr& indexed, std::vector<THIndexTensor *>& broadcasted) {
// Get the number of indices to generate - this will be equal to the number
// of elements in each broadcasted Tensor
ptrdiff_t indexingElements = THIndexTensor_(nElement)(LIBRARY_STATE;
THIndexTensor *linearIndices = THIndexTensor_(newWithSize1d)(LIBRARY_STATE indexingElements);
THLongStorage *indexerSize = THLongStorage_newWithSize(1);
THLongStorage_set(indexerSize, 0, indexingElements);
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < indexingElements; ++i) {
long linearIdx = 0;
for (int j = broadcasted.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
THIndexTensor *indexer = THIndexTensor_(newContiguous)(LIBRARY_STATE;
// The indexing tensor might not be one-dimensional, but we are generating a vector of
// indices, so we need to view the indexer as 1D prior to getting the value for the
// particular dimension
THIndexTensor *oned = THIndexTensor_(newView)(LIBRARY_STATE indexer, indexerSize);
linearIdx += THTensor_(stride)(LIBRARY_STATE indexed, j) * THIndexTensor_(get1d)(LIBRARY_STATE oned, i);
THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE oned);
THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE indexer);
THIndexTensor_(set1d)(LIBRARY_STATE linearIndices, i, linearIdx);
return linearIndices;
static bool THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonInit)(
PyObject *index,
THTensorPtr &indexed,
std::vector<THIndexTensor*>& broadcasted,
THIndexTensor **linearIndices,
THTensor **flattened) {
// Precondition: index is an object that specifies advanced indexing.
// For now, we only support the simple integer-array indexing strategy
// where there are ndim(self) indexing sequences/LongTensors that can be
// broadcasted and iterated as one
// Precondition: tresult points to the Tensor we are indexing, and is also where
// we will store the output Tensor
// First attempt to convert to Tensor indexers from the arbitrary
// python/tensor objects passed
if (!THPTensor_(_convertToTensorIndexers)(index, broadcasted)) {
return false;
// At this point broadcasted should store our indexing Tensors.
// Our strategy is to view the indexed Tensor as a 1D Tensor, calculate
// the linear indices for each tuple of indexing elements, and then call
// indexSelect using those linear indices
*linearIndices = THPTensor_(_calculateLinearIndices)(indexed, broadcasted);
*flattened = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE
THTensor_(storage)(LIBRARY_STATE indexed.get()),
THTensor_(storageOffset)(LIBRARY_STATE indexed.get()),
THTensor_(nElement)(LIBRARY_STATE indexed.get()),
return true;
// Should called, written in such a way that if any of the parameters are not
// initialized we still don't crash
static void THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonCleanup)(
std::vector<THIndexTensor*>& broadcasted,
THIndexTensor *linearIndices,
THTensor *flattened) {
// Cleanup all TH memory
for (const auto& bTensor : broadcasted) {
THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE bTensor);
if (linearIndices) THIndexTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE linearIndices);
if (flattened) THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE flattened);
static bool THPTensor_(_advancedIndexGet)(PyObject *index, THTensorPtr &tresult)
std::vector<THIndexTensor*> broadcasted;
THIndexTensor *linearIndices = NULL;
THTensor *flattened = NULL;
bool success = THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonInit)(
index, tresult, broadcasted, &linearIndices, &flattened);
if (success) {
THTensor *result = THTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
// Index Select makes a copy of the storage, thus it is enforcing NumPy semantics, which says that the
// array returned by advanced indexing is a copy, not a view
THTensor_(indexSelect)(LIBRARY_STATE result, flattened, 0, linearIndices);
// In the event that the indexing Tensors are not vectors, we need to reshape
// the result to be the appropriate shape
THTensor_(resizeNd)(LIBRARY_STATE result,
// result ptr takes ownership of result tensor, and implicitly frees the
// indexed one
tresult = result;
THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonCleanup)(broadcasted, linearIndices, flattened);
return success;
static bool THPTensor_(_advancedIndexSet)(PyObject *index, THTensorPtr &dest, PyObject *src)
std::vector<THIndexTensor*> broadcasted;
THIndexTensor *linearIndices = NULL;
THTensor *flattened = NULL;
bool success = THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonInit)(
index, dest, broadcasted, &linearIndices, &flattened);
if (success) {
if (THPUtils_(checkReal)(src)) {
real v = THPUtils_(unpackReal)(src);
THTensor_(indexFill)(LIBRARY_STATE flattened, 0, linearIndices, v);
} else if (THPTensor_(Check)(src)) {
// Because we are doing an index copy, we need to make sure of two things:
// 1. the src Tensor is 1D and
// 2. the src is made contiguous before being flattened into a 1D view, if
// necessary
THTensor *contiguous;
if (THTensor_(isContiguous(LIBRARY_STATE ((THPTensor*)src)->cdata))) {
contiguous = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE ((THPTensor*)src)->cdata);
} else {
contiguous = THTensor_(newContiguous)(LIBRARY_STATE ((THPTensor*)src)->cdata);
THTensor *cviewed = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE
THTensor_(storage)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(storageOffset)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(nElement)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(indexCopy)(LIBRARY_STATE flattened, 0, linearIndices, cviewed);
THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous);
THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE cviewed);
} else {
THPUtils_setError("can't assign %s to a " THPTensorStr " using a LongTensor "
"(only " THPTensorStr " or %s are supported)",
THPUtils_typename(src), THPUtils_typeTraits<real>::python_type_str);
success = false;
THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonCleanup)(broadcasted, linearIndices, flattened);
return success;
static bool THPTensor_(_advancedIndexAdd)(PyObject *index, THTensorPtr &dest, THTensorPtr &src) {
std::vector<THIndexTensor*> broadcasted;
THIndexTensor *linearIndices = NULL;
THTensor *flattened = NULL;
bool success = THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonInit)(
index, dest, broadcasted, &linearIndices, &flattened);
if (success) {
// Verify src tensor is contiguous before flattening
THTensor *contiguous;
if (THTensor_(isContiguous(LIBRARY_STATE src))) {
contiguous = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE src);
} else {
contiguous = THTensor_(newContiguous)(LIBRARY_STATE src);
THTensor *cviewed = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE
THTensor_(storage)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(storageOffset)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(nElement)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous),
THTensor_(indexAdd)(LIBRARY_STATE flattened, 0, linearIndices, cviewed);
THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE contiguous);
THTensor_(free)(LIBRARY_STATE cviewed);
THPTensor_(_advancedIndexCommonCleanup)(broadcasted, linearIndices, flattened);
return success;
// Needed for autograd to support backwards passes when there are overlapping
// indices
static PyObject* THPTensor_(advancedIndexAdd)(THPTensor *self, PyObject *args) {
THPUtils_assert(PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 2, "advancedIndexAdd takes exactly two "
"arguments (%d given)", (int) PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args));
THPUtils_assert(THPTensor_(_checkAdvancedIndexing)(self, PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0)),
"first argument must be an indexer that triggers advanced indexing");
THPUtils_assert(THPTensor_(Check)(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 1)), "Second argument "
"must be a Tensor");
THTensorPtr gradOutput = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(
LIBRARY_STATE ((THPTensor *)PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 1))->cdata);
THTensorPtr dest = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
THPTensor_(_advancedIndexAdd)(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0), dest, gradOutput);
#endif // TH_REAL_IS_HALF
// Handles indexing into a Tensor given a tuple, ellipses, sequence, etc. index
static bool THPTensor_(_index)(THPTensor *self, PyObject *index,
THTensorPtr &tresult, THStorage * &sresult, long &storage_offset)
// As a base case, we create a new Tensor that is a copy of the Tensor
// we are indexing
tresult = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
sresult = NULL;
int indexed_dim = 0;
if(PyTuple_Check(index)) {
// num_index_dim is the number of indices in the tuple, num_effective_index
// is the number of non-None, non-ellipses indices
long num_index_dim = (long)PyTuple_Size(index);
long num_effective_index = num_index_dim;
long num_tensor_dim = THTensor_(nDimension)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
long ellipsis_idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_index_dim; i++) {
PyObject *dimidx = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, i);
if (dimidx == Py_Ellipsis) {
if (ellipsis_idx != -1) throw std::runtime_error("ellipsis can be used at most once");
ellipsis_idx = i;
if (dimidx == Py_None) {
if (num_effective_index > num_tensor_dim) {
"trying to index %ld dimensions of a %ld dimensional tensor",
num_effective_index, num_tensor_dim);
return false;
// Loop through the indices and perform the indiviudal indexing at each dim
bool valid = true;
for (int dim = 0; dim < num_index_dim; dim++) {
if (dim == ellipsis_idx) {
// tresult can be NULL if ellipsis is the last item
if (tresult) indexed_dim = tresult->nDimension - (num_index_dim - dim - 1);
PyObject *dimidx = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, dim);
valid = THPTensor_(_indexOnce)(dimidx, indexed_dim, tresult, sresult, storage_offset);
if (!valid) {
tresult = NULL;
// overwrite this, so the message mentions the incorrect object
index = dimidx;
if (valid) return true;
} else if (index == Py_Ellipsis) {
// The result of indexing with an ellipsis only is just the entire existing
// Tensor
return true;
} else {
// index is a scalar, perform the indexing once on the 0th-dimension
if (THPTensor_(_indexOnce)(index, indexed_dim, tresult, sresult, storage_offset))
return true;
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "indexing a tensor with an object of type %s. "
"The only supported types are integers, slices"
", numpy scalars and "
"torch.LongTensor or torch.ByteTensor as the only argument.",
"torch.cuda.LongTensor or torch.cuda.ByteTensor as the only argument.",
return false;
#undef IS_SCALAR
template<bool force_tensor>
static PyObject * THPTensor_(getValue)(THPTensor *self, PyObject *index)
THPByteTensor *mask = THPByteTensor_Check(index) ? (THPByteTensor*)index : NULL;
THCPByteTensor *mask = THCPByteTensor_Check(index) ? (THCPByteTensor*)index : NULL;
THCPAutoGPU __gpu_guard(NULL, (PyObject*)self);
if (mask) {
THTensorPtr t = THTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
THTensor_(maskedSelect)(LIBRARY_STATE t.get(), self->cdata, mask->cdata);
return THPTensor_(New)(t.release());
if (THPIndexTensor_Check(index)) {
THIndexTensor *index_t = ((THPIndexTensor*)index)->cdata;
THTensorPtr index_result = THTensor_(new)(LIBRARY_STATE_NOARGS);
THTensor_(indexSelect)(LIBRARY_STATE index_result.get(), self->cdata, 0, index_t);
return THPTensor_(New)(index_result.release());
THTensorPtr tresult;
THStorage *sresult;
long storage_offset;
// Check and see if the indexing object triggers advanced indexing semantics
if (THPTensor_(_checkAdvancedIndexing)(self, index)) {
tresult = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
if (!THPTensor_(_advancedIndexGet)(index, tresult)) {
return NULL;
// TODO: needed?
return THPTensor_(New)(tresult.release());
#endif // TH_REAL_IS_HALF
if (!THPTensor_(_index)(self, index, tresult, sresult, storage_offset))
return NULL;
if (tresult)
return THPTensor_(New)(tresult.release());
if (sresult) {
if (force_tensor) {
return THPTensor_(New)(THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE sresult, storage_offset, 1, -1));
} else {
return THPUtils_(newReal)(THStorage_(get)(LIBRARY_STATE sresult, storage_offset));
THPUtils_setError("An unknown error has occured when indexing a tensor "
"in THPTensor_(getValue). Please report this in a github issue at: "
return NULL;
template<bool force_tensor>
static int THPTensor_(setValue)(THPTensor *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *value)
THPByteTensor *mask = THPByteTensor_Check(index) ? (THPByteTensor*)index : NULL;
THCPByteTensor *mask = THCPByteTensor_Check(index) ? (THCPByteTensor*)index : NULL;
THCPAutoGPU __gpu_guard(NULL, (PyObject*)self);
if (mask) {
if (THPUtils_(checkReal)(value)) {
real v = THPUtils_(unpackReal)(value);
THTensor_(maskedFill)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata, mask->cdata, v);
} else if (THPTensor_(Check)(value)) {
THTensor_(maskedCopy)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata, mask->cdata, ((THPTensor*)value)->cdata);
} else {
THPUtils_setError("can't assign %s to a " THPTensorStr " using a mask "
"(only " THPTensorStr " or %s are supported)",
THPUtils_typename(value), THPUtils_typeTraits<real>::python_type_str);
return 0;
if (THPIndexTensor_Check(index)) {
THIndexTensor *index_t = ((THPIndexTensor*)index)->cdata;
if (THPUtils_(checkReal)(value)) {
real v = THPUtils_(unpackReal)(value);
THTensor_(indexFill)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata, 0, index_t, v);
} else if (THPTensor_(Check)(value)) {
THTensor_(indexCopy)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata, 0, index_t, ((THPTensor*)value)->cdata);
} else {
THPUtils_setError("can't assign %s to a " THPTensorStr " using a LongTensor "
"(only " THPTensorStr " or %s are supported)",
THPUtils_typename(value), THPUtils_typeTraits<real>::python_type_str);
return 0;
THTensorPtr tresult;
THStorage *sresult;
long storage_offset;
// Check and see if the indexing object triggers advanced indexing semantics
if (THPTensor_(_checkAdvancedIndexing)(self, index)) {
tresult = THTensor_(newWithTensor)(LIBRARY_STATE self->cdata);
if (!THPTensor_(_advancedIndexSet)(index, tresult, value)) {
return -1;
return 0;
#endif // TH_REAL_IS_HALF
if (!THPTensor_(_index)(self, index, tresult, sresult, storage_offset))
return -1;
if (sresult) {
if (!force_tensor) {
if (!THPUtils_(checkReal)(value)) {
THPUtils_setError("can't assign a %s to a scalar value of type %s",
THPUtils_typename(value), THPUtils_typeTraits<real>::python_type_str);
return -1;
THStorage_(set)(LIBRARY_STATE sresult, storage_offset, THPUtils_(unpackReal)(value));
return 0;
} else {
tresult = THTensor_(newWithStorage1d)(LIBRARY_STATE sresult, storage_offset, 1, -1);
if (tresult) {
if (THPUtils_(checkReal)(value)) {
THTensor_(fill)(LIBRARY_STATE tresult.get(), THPUtils_(unpackReal)(value));
throw std::runtime_error("torch.HalfTensors don't support scalar assignments");
} else {
// TODO: try to do this without creating a temporary object
THPTensorPtr tmp = (THPTensor*)THPTensor_(New)(tresult.release());
if (!tmp)
return -1;
if (!THPCopy(THTensor_(copy_functions), (PyObject*)tmp.get(), value, false)) {
return -1;
return 0;
THPUtils_setError("An unknown error has occured when indexing a tensor "
"in THPTensor_(setValue). Please report this in a github issue at: "
return -1;
#undef THIndexTensor
#undef THIndexTensor_
#undef THPIndexTensor
#undef THPIndexTensor_Check
Py_ssize_t THPTensor_(length)(THPTensor *self)
if (self->cdata->nDimension == 0)
return 0;
return self->cdata->size[0];
#include "TensorMethods.cpp"
static PyMappingMethods THPTensor_(mappingmethods) = {
// TODO: implement equality
PyTypeObject THPTensorType = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
"torch._C." THPTensorBaseStr, /* tp_name */
sizeof(THPTensor), /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
(destructor)THPTensor_(dealloc), /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_print */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_reserved */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
&THPTensor_(mappingmethods), /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
NULL, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
0, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
0, /* will be assigned in init */ /* tp_methods */
0, /* will be assigned in init */ /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
0, /* tp_dictoffset */
0, /* tp_init */
0, /* tp_alloc */
THPTensor_(pynew), /* tp_new */
static struct PyMemberDef THPTensor_(members)[] = {
{(char*)"_cdata", T_ULONGLONG, offsetof(THPTensor, cdata), READONLY, NULL},
typedef struct {
} THPTensorStateless;
PyTypeObject THPTensorStatelessType = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
"torch._C." THPTensorBaseStr ".stateless", /* tp_name */
sizeof(THPTensorStateless), /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_print */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_reserved / tp_compare */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
NULL, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
0, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
THPTensor_stateless_(methods), /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
0, /* tp_dictoffset */
0, /* tp_init */
0, /* tp_alloc */
0, /* tp_new */
0, /* tp_free */
0, /* tp_is_gc */
0, /* tp_bases */
0, /* tp_mro */
0, /* tp_cache */
0, /* tp_subclasses */
0, /* tp_weaklist */
#include "SparseTensor.cpp"
void THPTensor_(initCopyMethods)()
auto& h = THTensor_(copy_functions);
// copy from CPU types
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyByte));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyChar));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyShort));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyInt));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyLong));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyFloat));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyHalf));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyDouble));
// copy from GPU types
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaByte));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaChar));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaShort));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaInt));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaLong));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaFloat));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaDouble));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THTensor_(copyCudaHalf));
THPInsertCopyFunction(h, &THCTensor_(copyAsyncCPU), true);
// add CPU <- GPU copies to base type
#define THCpuTensor_(name) TH_CONCAT_4(TH, Real, Tensor_, name)
extern THPCopyList THCpuTensor_(copy_functions);
auto& b = THCpuTensor_(copy_functions);
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaByte));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaChar));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaShort));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaInt));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaLong));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaFloat));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaDouble));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyCudaHalf));
THPInsertCopyFunction(b, &THCpuTensor_(copyAsyncCuda), true);
#undef THCpuTensor_
bool THPTensor_(init)(PyObject *module)
#if !defined(THC_GENERIC_FILE) && !defined(TH_REAL_IS_HALF)
THPTensorType.tp_methods = THPTensor_(methods);
THPTensorType.tp_members = THPTensor_(members);
if (PyType_Ready(&THPTensorType) < 0)
return false;
THPTensorStatelessType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
if (PyType_Ready(&THPTensorStatelessType) < 0)
return false;
PyModule_AddObject(module, THPTensorBaseStr, (PyObject *)&THPTensorType);
return true;
bool THPTensor_(postInit)(PyObject *module)
THPTensorClass = PyObject_GetAttrString(module,(char*)TH_CONCAT_STRING_2(Real,Tensor));
if (!THPTensorClass) return false;
bool is_cuda = false;
is_cuda = true;
const char *type_name = TH_CONCAT_STRING_2(Real,);
torch::registerPyTypeObject((PyTypeObject*)THPTensorClass, type_name, is_cuda, false);
return true;
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