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Created June 27, 2017 18:33
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// Super Dumb Kernel
__device__ __forceinline__ long calculateOffset(
long index, // index to calculate offset for
int ndim, // number of dimensions in Tensor
long sizes[8], // sizes for Tensor dims (either from the Tensor, or the size of the adv indexer at that dim)
long strides[8], // strides for Tensor
bool adv[8], // which Tensors are advanced indexers
long *advIndexTensors[8], // Adv Indexing Tensors
long offset = 0;
for (int dim = ndim - 1; ndim >= 0; --dim) {
long sizeAtDim, strideAtDim, indexAtDim, nextIndex;
strideAtDim = strides[dim];
sizeAtDim = sizes[dim];
if (adv[dim]) {
indexAtDim = advIndexTensors[dim][index % sizeAtDim];
if (dim > 0 && adv[dim - 1]) {
nextIndex = index;
} else {
nextIndex = index / sizeAtDim;
} else {
indexAtDim = index % sizeAtDim;
nextIndex = index / sizeAtDim;
offset += indexAtDim * strideAtDim;
index = nextIndex;
return offset;
__global__ void calculateLinearIndices(
long *output, // output Tensor for indices
int elements, // number of elements in output <-> indices to calculate
int ndim, // number of dimensions in Tensor
long sizes[8], // sizes for Tensor dims (either from the Tensor, or the size of the adv indexer at that dim)
long strides[8], // strides for Tensor
bool adv[8], // which Tensors are advanced indexers
long *advIndexTensors[8], // Adv Indexing Tensors
for (long i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
i < elements;
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
output[i] = calculateOffset(i, ndim, sizes, strides, adv, advIndexTensors);
// Basic Launch stuff, assume we have all of the parameters needed
// initialize output
long *output;
dim3 block = getApplyBlock();
dim3 grid;
getApplyGrid(state, elements, grid);
calculateLinearIndices<<<grid, block, 0, curr_stream>>>(
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