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Created April 11, 2012 12:42
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(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(setf (ext:package-lock :ext) nil))
(defun non-alphanumericp (ch)
(not (alphanumericp ch)))
(defvar +hex-chars+ "0123456789ABCDEF")
(declaim (type simple-string +hex-chars+))
(defun hexchar (n)
(declare (type (integer 0 15) n))
(schar +hex-chars+ n))
(defun count-string-char (s c)
"Return a count of the number of times a character appears in a string"
(declare (simple-string s)
(character c)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(do ((len (length s))
(i 0 (1+ i))
(count 0))
((= i len) count)
(declare (fixnum i len count))
(when (char= (schar s i) c)
(incf count))))
(defun count-string-char-if (pred s)
"Return a count of the number of times a predicate is true
for characters in a string"
(declare (simple-string s)
(type (or function symbol) pred)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))
(do ((len (length s))
(i 0 (1+ i))
(count 0))
((= i len) count)
(declare (fixnum i len count))
(when (funcall pred (schar s i))
(incf count))))
(defconstant +char-code-lower-a+ (char-code #\a))
(defconstant +char-code-upper-a+ (char-code #\A))
(defconstant +char-code-0+ (char-code #\0))
(declaim (type fixnum +char-code-0+ +char-code-upper-a+
(defun charhex (ch)
"convert hex character to decimal"
(let ((code (char-code (char-upcase ch))))
(declare (fixnum ch))
(if (>= code +char-code-upper-a+)
(+ 10 (- code +char-code-upper-a+))
(- code +char-code-0+))))
(defun uriencode-string (query)
"Escape non-alphanumeric characters for URI fields"
(declare (simple-string query)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))
(do* ((count (count-string-char-if #'non-alphanumericp query))
(len (length query))
(new-len (+ len (* 2 count)))
(str (make-string new-len))
(spos 0 (1+ spos))
(dpos 0 (1+ dpos)))
((= spos len) str)
(declare (fixnum count len new-len spos dpos)
(simple-string str))
(let ((ch (schar query spos)))
(if (non-alphanumericp ch)
(let ((c (char-code ch)))
(setf (schar str dpos) #\%)
(incf dpos)
(setf (schar str dpos) (hexchar (logand (ash c -4) 15)))
(incf dpos)
(setf (schar str dpos) (hexchar (logand c 15))))
(setf (schar str dpos) ch)))))
(defun uridecode-string (query)
"Unescape non-alphanumeric characters for URI fields"
(declare (simple-string query)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))
(do* ((count (count-string-char query #\%))
(len (length query))
(new-len (- len (* 2 count)))
(str (make-string new-len))
(spos 0 (1+ spos))
(dpos 0 (1+ dpos)))
((= spos len) str)
(declare (fixnum count len new-len spos dpos)
(simple-string str))
(let ((ch (schar query spos)))
(if (char= #\% ch)
(let ((c1 (charhex (schar query (1+ spos))))
(c2 (charhex (schar query (+ spos 2)))))
(declare (fixnum c1 c2))
(setf (schar str dpos)
(code-char (logior c2 (ash c1 4))))
(incf spos 2))
(setf (schar str dpos) ch)))))
(defun current-time (&optional (out t))
"Print the current time to the stream (defaults to T)."
(multiple-value-bind (se mi ho da mo ye) (get-decoded-time)
(format out "~4d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d"
ye mo da ho mi se)))
(defmacro string-beg-with (beg strv &optional (lenv `(length ,strv)))
"Check whether the string STRV starts with BEG."
(if (stringp beg)
(let ((len (length beg)))
`(and (>= ,lenv ,len) (string-equal ,beg ,strv :end2 ,len)))
(with-gensyms ("SBW-" len)
`(let ((,len (length ,beg)))
(and (>= ,lenv ,len) (string-equal ,beg ,strv :end2 ,len))))))
;; The characters which must be replaced before putting a string into HTML
(defvar *html-chars* '((#\< . "&lt;") (#\> . "&gt;") (#\& . "&amp;")))
(clos:defclass html-stream-out (fundamental-character-output-stream)
((target-stream :initarg :stream :type stream)))
(clos:defmethod stream-write-char ((stream html-stream-out) ch)
(clos:with-slots (target-stream) stream
(let ((char-cons (assoc ch *html-chars* :test #'char=)))
(if char-cons (write-string (cdr char-cons) target-stream)
(write-char ch target-stream)))))
(clos:defmethod stream-line-column ((stream html-stream-out)) nil)
(clos:defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream html-stream-out))
(clos:with-slots (target-stream) stream (finish-output target-stream)))
(clos:defmethod stream-force-output ((stream html-stream-out))
(clos:with-slots (target-stream) stream (force-output target-stream)))
(clos:defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream html-stream-out))
(clos:with-slots (target-stream) stream (clear-output target-stream)))
(clos:defmethod close ((stream html-stream-out) &rest opts)
(clos:with-slots (target-stream) stream (apply #'close target-stream opts))
(defvar *with-html-output-doctype*
'("html" "PUBLIC" "\"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\""
(defvar *user-mail-address*
(concatenate 'string (or (getenv "USER") (getenv "USERNAME") "nobody") "@"
(let ((st (machine-instance)))
(subseq st 0 (position #\Space st)))))
(defmacro with-html-output ((var stream
&key (doctype '*with-html-output-doctype*)
(meta '(:http-equiv "Content-Type"
:content "text/html"))
base comment (title "untitled") (footer t)
&body body)
(with-gensyms ("HTML-" raw mailto)
`(let* ((,raw ,stream)
(,var (clos::make-instance 'html-stream-out :stream ,raw))
(,mailto (concatenate 'string "mailto:" *user-mail-address*)))
(macrolet ((with-tag ((tag &rest options) &body forms)
`(progn (format ,',raw "<~a~@{ ~a=~s~}>" ,tag ,@options)
,@forms (format ,',raw "</~a>~%" ,tag)))
(with-tagl ((tag &rest options) &body forms)
`(progn (format ,',raw "<~a~@{ ~a=~s~}>" ,tag ,@options)
,@forms (format ,',raw "</~a>" ,tag))))
(format ,raw "<!DOCTYPE~{ ~a~}>~%" ,doctype)
;; print the comment
(format ,raw "<!--~% Created on ") (current-time ,raw)
(format ,raw "~% by ~a~% using `with-open-html'
Lisp: ~a ~a~@[~%~a~]~% -->~2%"
(lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version)
(when ,base
(with-tag (:base :href ,base)))
(with-tag (:html)
(with-tag (:head ,@head)
(with-tag (:meta ,@meta))
(with-tag (:meta :http-equiv "Pragma" :content "no-cache" ))
(with-tag (:link :rev "made" :href ,mailto))
(with-tag (:title) (princ ,title ,var)))
(with-tag (:body)
(when ,footer
(with-tag (:p)
(with-tag (:hr))
(with-tag (:address)
(with-tag (:a :href ,mailto)
(princ *user-mail-address* ,var)))
(with-tagl (:strong) (current-time ,var)))))))
(when ,var (close ,var))
#+nil(when ,raw (close ,raw)))))))
(defvar *http-encoding*
(make-encoding #+UNICODE :charset #+UNICODE charset:utf-8
:line-terminator :dos))
(defmacro with-http-output ((var raw &rest opts &key keep-alive (debug 1)
(return-code 200) (return-name "OK")
&body body)
"Write some HTML to an http client on socket stream RAW.
Supplies some HTTP/1.0 headers and calls `with-html-output'."
(with-gensyms ("HTTP-" string vector stream sock header line dbg alive)
`(let* ((,sock ,raw)
(,dbg ,debug) (,alive ,keep-alive)
(,string (with-output-to-string (,stream)
(with-html-output (,var ,stream ,@(remove-plist opts :keep-alive :debug :return-code :return-name))
(,vector (ext:convert-string-to-bytes ,string *http-encoding*))
(,header (list (format nil "HTTP/1.0 ~d ~a"
,return-code ,return-name)
#+UNICODE "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
#-UNICODE "Content-type: text/html"
(format nil "Content-length: ~d" (length ,vector))
(format nil "Connection: close"))))
(dolist (,line ,header)
(write-line ,line ,sock)
(when (and ,dbg (> ,dbg 0))
(format t "<- ~a~%" ,line)))
(terpri ,sock)
(setf (stream-element-type ,sock) 'unsigned-byte)
(write-byte-sequence ,vector ,sock)
(setf (stream-element-type ,sock) 'character)
(when (and ,dbg (> ,dbg 3))
(close ,sock)))))
(defun flush-http (sock)
"Read everything from the HTTP socket SOCK, until a blank line."
(loop :for line = (read-line sock nil nil)
:while (and line (plusp (length line)))
:collect line))
(defun http-error (sock url &key (name "Not Found") (code 404)
(keep-alive nil) (debug 0))
"Report a request error."
(with-http-output (out sock :keep-alive keep-alive :debug debug
:return-code code :return-name name)
(with-tag (:h1) (princ name out))
(with-tag (:p)
(format out "The requested URL ~s was not found on this server." url))))
(defparameter *debuglevel* 0)
(defun http-command (server &key (debug 5) socket)
"Accept a connection from the server, return the GET command and the socket."
(when (> debug 1)
(format t "~s: server: ~s; socket: ~s~%" 'http-command server socket))
(let (response id com keep-alive)
(loop (unless (and socket (open-stream-p socket))
(setq socket (socket-accept server
:external-format *http-encoding*))
(when (> debug 1)
(format t "~s: new socket: ~s~%" 'http-command socket)))
(setq response (flush-http socket))
(when response (return))
;; connection timed out?
(close socket))
(when (> debug 1)
(dolist (line response)
(format t "-> ~a~%" line)))
(dolist (line response)
(when (string-beg-with "Connection: " line)
(setq keep-alive (string-equal line "keep-alive" :start1 12))
(when (> debug 0)
(format t "~s: connection: ~s (keep-alive: ~s)~%"
'http-command (subseq line 12) keep-alive))
(when keep-alive
;; we override `keep-alive' because it makes it impossible to
;; switch browsers in the middle of an inspection session
(setq keep-alive nil)
(when (> debug 0)
(format t "~s: overriding keep-alive to NIL~%" 'http-command))))
(when (string-beg-with "GET /" line)
(let ((pos (position #\/ line :test #'char= :start 5)))
(setq id (parse-integer line :start 5 :end pos :junk-allowed t))
(cond (id
(setq com (read-from-string
(uridecode-string (subseq line (1+ pos))) nil nil))
(when (> debug 0)
(format t "~s: command: id=~d com=~s~%"
'http-command id com)))
(http-error socket line :debug debug :keep-alive keep-alive)
(when (> debug 0)
(format t "~s: invalid request: ~s~%"
'http-command line)))))))
(values socket id com keep-alive)))
(defvar make-url nil)
(defmacro render-field ()
`(with-tag (:table)
(loop for y from 0
and row in *field*
do (with-tag (:tr)
(loop for x from 0
and cell in row
do (with-tag (:td)
(case cell
(0 (with-tag (:a :href (make-url (list :hit x y))) (princ "_" out)))
(:X (princ "X" out))
(:O (princ "O" out)))))))))
(defun serverloop ()
(do ((server
(let* ((server (socket-server)) (port (socket-server-port server))
(host (machine-instance)))
(when (> *debuglevel* 0)
(format t "~&~s [~s]: server: ~s~%"
'inspect-frontend frontend server))
(setf (symbol-function 'make-url) (lambda (cmd) (format nil "http://~a:~d/0/~s"
(if *inspect-browser* ""
(subseq host 0 (position #\Space host)))
port cmd)))
(browse-url (format nil "http://~a:~d/0/:s"
(if *inspect-browser* ""
(subseq host 0 (position #\Space host)))
:browser *inspect-browser*)
sock id com keep-alive)
((eq com :q) (socket-server-close server)
(when (open-stream-p sock)
(do () ((null (read-char-no-hang sock))))
(close sock)))
(setf (values sock id com keep-alive) (http-command server :socket sock))
(print (list sock id com keep-alive))
(when com
(case com
(:q (with-http-output (out sock :keep-alive keep-alive
:debug *debuglevel*
:title "end" :footer nil)
(with-tag (:p) (princ "you may close this window now" out))))
(:s (do-start-session sock))
(t (process-command sock com))))))
(defvar *field* nil)
(defun make-fresh-field (xdim ydim)
(loop repeat ydim collect
(loop repeat xdim collect 0)))
(defun do-start-session(sock)
(setq *field* (make-fresh-field 15 15))
(with-http-output (out sock :keep-alive t
:debug *debuglevel*
:title "start" :footer nil)
(with-tag (:h1) (princ "starting new game" out))
(defvar *X* :X)
(defvar *O* :O)
(defun process-command (sock cmd )
(with-http-output (out sock :keep-alive t
:debug *debuglevel*
:title "XO" :footer nil)
(if (listp cmd)
(case (first cmd)
(destructuring-bind (op x y) cmd
(setf (nth x (nth y *field*)) *X*)
(let ((msg (make-move)))
(when msg
(princ msg out))))
;; Here are the scores of the nine "non-polluted" configurations. Tuning
;; these values will change (hopefully improve) the strength of the program
;; and may change its style (rather aggressive here).
(defconstant nil-score 7 "Score of an empty qtuple.")
(defconstant Xscore 15 "Score of a qtuple containing one X.")
(defconstant XXscore 400 "Score of a qtuple containing two X's.")
(defconstant XXXscore 1800 "Score of a qtuple containing three X's.")
(defconstant XXXXscore 100000 "Score of a qtuple containing four X's.")
(defconstant Oscore 35 "Score of a qtuple containing one O.")
(defconstant OOscore 800 "Score of a qtuple containing two O's.")
(defconstant OOOscore 15000 "Score of a qtuple containing three O's.")
(defconstant OOOOscore 800000 "Score of a qtuple containing four O's.")
;; As we choosed values 0, 1 and 6 to denote empty, X and O squares, the
;; contents of a qtuple is uniquely determined by the sum of its elements and
;; we just have to set up a translation table.
(defconstant gomoku-score-trans-table
(vector nil-score Xscore XXscore XXXscore XXXXscore 0
Oscore 0 0 0 0 0
OOscore 0 0 0 0 0
OOOscore 0 0 0 0 0
OOOOscore 0 0 0 0 0
"Vector associating qtuple contents to their score.")
(defconstant +field-y+ 15)
(defconstant +field-x+ 15)
(defun get-score-in-direction (x y dx dy)
(if (and (<= 0 (+ x (* 4 dx)) (1- +field-x+))
(<= 0 (+ y (* 4 dy)) (1- +field-y+)))
(let ((sm (loop repeat 5
for xd from x by dx
for yd from y by dy
sum (let ((cell (nth xd (nth yd *field*))))
((eql cell 0) 0)
((eql cell *X*) 6)
((eql cell *O*) 1))))))
(aref gomoku-score-trans-table sm))
(defun get-score-for (x y)
(loop repeat 5
for leftb from x downto 0
for highb downfrom y
for lowb upfrom y
when (>= highb 0) sum (get-score-in-direction leftb highb +1 +1)
when (>= highb 0) sum (get-score-in-direction x highb 0 +1)
when (< lowb +field-y+) sum (get-score-in-direction leftb lowb +1 -1)
sum (get-score-in-direction leftb y +1 0)))
(defun get-best-score (test)
(let ((best-score 0)
(dotimes (x +field-x+)
(dotimes (y +field-y+)
(when (eql (nth x (nth y *field*)) 0)
(let ((score (get-score-for x y)))
((= best-score score) (push (cons x y) best-coords))
((funcall test best-score score)
(setq best-coords (list (cons x y))
best-score score)))))))
(defun make-move ()
(let ((pairs (get-best-score #'<)))
(if pairs
(let ((move (nth (random (length pairs)) pairs)))
(setf (nth (car move) (nth (cdr move) *field*)) *O*)
"no more moves")))
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