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Last active December 18, 2020 05:55
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Save kingwrcy/3181181 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
to get infomation from ,a website where maybe u can find a girl friend there,LoL..
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to get infomation from
# a website where maybe u can find a girl friend there,LoL..
# need pyquery termcolor installed.
# sudo easy_install pyquery
# sudo easy_install termcolor
# by jerryWang 2012.7.26
import urllib ,urllib2 ,cookielib ,json,re
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from termcolor import colored
name = "[email protected]"
pwd = "******"
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
personal_infomation = None
def login_to_jiayuan(name,password):
global personal_infomation
post_data = urllib.urlencode({'name': name, 'password': password, 'channel': '200','position':'201'})
post_url = ""
req = urllib2.Request(post_url, post_data)
conn = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
return_json = json.loads(conn)
personal_infomation = return_json
if return_json['err_type'] == 0:
return True
return False
def show_personal_infomation():
global personal_infomation
url = ""
return_strs = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
d = pq(return_strs)
print colored("[*]nickname:%s" % (personal_infomation['nickname'],),'red')
print colored("[*]uid:%s" % (personal_infomation['uid'],),'red')
print colored("[*]sex:%s" % (personal_infomation['sex'],),'red')
print colored("[*]age:%s" % (personal_infomation['age'],),'red')
print colored("[*]unread_messages:%s" % (d("div.memberNumDiv.memberNumDivR td.numberInbox>div.numberR>a").text(),),'red')
print colored("[*]unused_stamps:%s" % (d("div.memberNumDiv2 td.numberInbox>div.numberR>a").text(),),'red')
def show_unread_messages():
url = ""
return_strs = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
d = pq(return_strs)
# unread_messages = d("li.weiduxinjian.bg1") #for unread messages
unread_messages = d("li.bg1") #for all 10 messages
if len(unread_messages) == 0:
print colored("[X]there is no unread messages now.!",'red')
for index in range(len(unread_messages)):
read_url = d(unread_messages[index]).find("div.huiyuan_jj.floatleft>a").attr('onclick')
m = re.findall(r'.*\(\'(.*)\'\)',read_url)
print colored("%d\tfrom:%s" % (index+1,d(unread_messages[index]).find("td.nvta").text(),),'red')
print colored(" \ttitle: %s" % (d(unread_messages[index]).find("div.huiyuan_jj.floatleft>a").text(),),'red')
if m:
tmp_strs = urllib2.urlopen(m[0]).read()
b = pq(tmp_strs)
if(b("").text() == None):
print ""
print colored(" \ttime: %s" % (b("").text(),),'red')
print colored(" \tcontent: %s" % (b(".text").text().replace("<!-- -voice -->",''),),'red')
print ""
def show_menu():
while True:
print "->1.Show personal infomation."
print "->2.Show unread message."
print "->3.Show all message."
print "->4.Quit."
choice = int(raw_input("pleae select a Number:"))
except Exception, e:
print "[X]please input a valid number between 1 to 4."
if choice < 1 or choice >4:
print "[X]please input a valid number between 1 to 4."
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 4:
def main():
if login_to_jiayuan(name,pwd):
print "[+]login success to jiayuan for %s .." % (name,)
print "[+]login fail to jiayuan for %s ,please check your password or netword configuration!" % (name,)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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