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Created June 2, 2022 03:38
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version 1.0
workflow blast {
input {
String? blast_docker_override
String blast_docker= select_first([blast_docker_override,""])
File queryfa
String fname = '/sfs/blastdb/2019_ncov/nucl/v6/ncov'
String method = 'blastn'
Int outfmt = 7
Float evalue = 10
String Outfile = basename(queryfa)+'.blast_result.txt'
Int threads = 8
if (method == 'blastp') {
call runblastp{
Fname = fname,
Queryfa = queryfa,
docker = blast_docker,
outfmt = outfmt,
evalue = evalue,
Outfile = Outfile,
threads = threads
if ( method == 'blastn'){
call runblastn{
Fname = fname,
Queryfa = queryfa,
docker = blast_docker,
outfmt = outfmt,
evalue = evalue,
Outfile = Outfile,
threads = threads
if ( method == 'blastx'){
call runblastx{
Fname = fname,
Queryfa = queryfa,
docker = blast_docker,
outfmt = outfmt,
evalue = evalue,
Outfile = Outfile,
threads = threads
if ( method == 'queryfa'){
call runtblastn{
Fname = fname,
Queryfa = queryfa,
docker = blast_docker,
outfmt = outfmt,
evalue = evalue,
Outfile = Outfile,
threads = threads
if ( method == 'tblastx'){
call runtblastx{
Fname = fname,
Queryfa = queryfa,
docker = blast_docker,
outfmt = outfmt,
evalue = evalue,
Outfile = Outfile,
threads = threads
output {
File fina_output =select_first([runtblastx.out,runblastp.out,runblastn.out,runblastx.out,runtblastn.out])
task runblastn {
input {
String docker
File Queryfa
String Fname
String Outfile
Int threads
#blast optional
Int outfmt
Int max_target_seqs = 100
Float evalue
Int word_size = 28
Int reward = 1
Int penalty = -2
String strand = 'both'
Int gapopen = 0
Int gapextend = 0
String dust = "'20 64 1'"
Int? max_hsps
String tasks = "megablast"
String? taxids
String? negative_taxids
Boolean lcase_masking = false
docker : docker
cpu : "8"
memory : "16G"
command {
set -e
blastn -db "${Fname}" \
-show_gis \
-query ${Queryfa} \
-outfmt ${outfmt} \
-out ${Outfile} \
-max_target_seqs ${max_target_seqs} \
-evalue ${evalue} \
-word_size ${word_size} \
-penalty ${penalty} \
-reward ${reward} \
-dust ${dust} \
-gapopen ${gapopen} \
-gapextend ${gapextend} \
-task ${tasks} \
-strand ${strand} \
-num_threads ${threads} \
${true='-lcase_masking' false='' lcase_masking} ${"-max_hsps "+max_hsps} ${"-taxids " +taxids} ${"-negative_taxids " +negative_taxids}\
output {
File out = "${Outfile}"
task runblastp {
input {
String docker
File Queryfa
String Fname
#blast optional
Int outfmt
String Outfile
Float evalue
Int threads
Int max_target_seqs = 100
Int word_size = 6
String seg = "no"
String comp_based_stats = "2"
String matrix = "BLOSUM62"
Int gapopen = 11
Int gapextend = 1
Int? max_hsps
String? taxids
String? negative_taxids
Boolean lcase_masking = false
docker : docker
cpu : "8"
memory : "16G"
command {
set -e
blastp -db "${Fname}" \
-query ${Queryfa} \
-outfmt ${outfmt} \
-out ${Outfile} \
-max_target_seqs ${max_target_seqs} \
-comp_based_stats ${comp_based_stats} \
-evalue ${evalue} \
-word_size ${word_size} \
-matrix ${matrix} \
-seg ${seg} \
-gapopen ${gapopen} \
-gapextend ${gapextend} \
-num_threads ${threads} \
${true='-lcase_masking' false='' lcase_masking} ${"-max_hsps "+max_hsps} ${"-taxids " +taxids} ${"-negative_taxids " +negative_taxids} \
output {
File out = "${Outfile}"
task runblastx {
input {
File Queryfa
String Fname
Int outfmt
Float evalue
String Outfile
String docker
Int threads
Int max_target_seqs = 100
Int word_size = 6
String seg = "'12 2.2 2.5'"
String comp_based_stats = "2"
String matrix = "BLOSUM62"
Int gapopen = 11
Int gapextend = 1
String? taxids
String? negative_taxids
Int? max_hsps
Boolean lcase_masking = false
docker : docker
cpu : "8"
memory : "16G"
command {
set -e
blastx -db "${Fname}" \
-query ${Queryfa} \
-outfmt ${outfmt} \
-out ${Outfile} \
-max_target_seqs ${max_target_seqs} \
-comp_based_stats ${comp_based_stats} \
-evalue ${evalue} \
-word_size ${word_size} \
-matrix ${matrix} \
-seg ${seg} \
-gapopen ${gapopen} \
-gapextend ${gapextend} \
-num_threads ${threads} \
${true='-lcase_masking' false='' lcase_masking} ${"-max_hsps "+max_hsps} ${"-taxids " +taxids} ${"-negative_taxids " +negative_taxids}\
output {
File out = "$${Outfile}"
task runtblastn {
input {
File Queryfa
String Fname
Int outfmt
Float evalue
String Outfile
String docker
Int threads
Int max_target_seqs = 100
Int word_size = 6
String seg = "'12 2.2 2.5'"
String comp_based_stats = "2"
String matrix = "BLOSUM62"
Int gapopen = 11
Int gapextend = 1
Boolean lcase_masking = false
Int? max_hsps
String? taxids
String? negative_taxids
docker :docker
cpu : "8"
memory : "16G"
command {
set -e
tblastn -db "${Fname}" \
-query ${Queryfa} \
-outfmt ${outfmt} \
-out ${Outfile} \
-max_target_seqs ${max_target_seqs} \
-comp_based_stats ${comp_based_stats} \
-evalue ${evalue} \
-word_size ${word_size} \
-matrix ${matrix} \
-seg ${seg} \
-gapopen ${gapopen} \
-gapextend ${gapextend} \
-num_threads ${threads} \
${true='-lcase_masking' false='' lcase_masking} ${"-max_hsps "+max_hsps} ${"-taxids " +taxids} ${"-negative_taxids " +negative_taxids}\
output {
File out = "${Outfile}"
task runtblastx {
input {
File Queryfa
String Fname
Int outfmt
String Outfile
Int threads
Float evalue
String docker
String? taxids
Int word_size = 3
Int max_target_seqs = 100
String seg = "'12 2.2 2.5'"
String matrix = "BLOSUM62"
Boolean lcase_masking = false
String? negative_taxids
Int? max_hsps
docker :docker
cpu : "8"
memory : "16G"
command {
set -e
tblastx -db "${Fname}" \
-query ${Queryfa} \
-outfmt ${outfmt} \
-out ${Outfile} \
-max_target_seqs ${max_target_seqs} \
-evalue ${evalue} \
-word_size ${word_size} \
-matrix ${matrix} \
-seg ${seg} \
-num_threads ${threads} \
${true='-lcase_masking' false='' lcase_masking} ${"-max_hsps "+max_hsps} ${"-taxids " +taxids} ${"-negative_taxids " +negative_taxids}\
output {
File out = "${Outfile}"
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