Reproduced the failure reported on the mailing-list with:
docker run \
--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 \
--rm -ti --name jena-build \
-v "/home/kinow/Development/java/workspace/jena":/usr/src/mymaven \
-w /usr/src/mymaven \
maven:3.9.8-eclipse-temurin-21-jammy \
mvn --batch-mode --errors --fail-at-end --show-version clean test install --projects jena-fuseki2/jena-fuseki-ui
Without disabling ipv6 it gets stuck as (I think) wait-on fails to wait for the URL to be available (wait-on is used to wait for the fake-fuseki and the vite dev server to be available for the Cypress tests).
The tests fail complaining that the Cypress binary cannot be found, as reported on the mailing list.
Using the image created with the attached Dockerfile
, and built with a name
and tag like jena-build:latest
(this example, give it any name), one can test
Jena Fuseki UI with:
docker run \
--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 \
--rm -ti --name jena-build \
-v "/home/kinow/Development/java/workspace/jena":/usr/src/mymaven \
-w /usr/src/mymaven \
jena/build:latest \
mvn --batch-mode --errors --fail-at-end --show-version clean test install --projects jena-fuseki2/jena-fuseki-ui
This works as the jena/build:latest
image will include Cypress from cypress/included
and also mvn
and java
from the Maven official image. And the tests won't hang or get
stuck as wait-on should work without ipv6. Just make sure to use the same version of the
container for the version of Cypress in package.json
You can remove the --projects
option to build the whole project,
but this test was only for Fuseki UI with Cypress.