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Created March 4, 2013 04:53
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HTTP = require 'http'
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
Robot = require '/opt/hubot/src/robot'
Adapter = require '/opt/hubot/src/adapter'
{TextMessage,EnterMessage,LeaveMessage} = require '/opt/hubot/src/message'
# Faye connector
Faye = require('faye')
console.log "MSG"
class Kandan extends Adapter
send: (user, strings...) ->
if strings.length > 0
@bot.message strings.shift(), 1, (err, data) =>
@robot.logger.error "Kandan error: #{err}" if err?
@send user, strings...
run: ->
self = @
options =
host: process.env.HUBOT_KANDAN_HOST
port: process.env.HUBOT_KANDAN_PORT || 80
token: process.env.HUBOT_KANDAN_TOKEN
channels: process.env.HUBOT_KANDAN_CHANNELS
bot = new KandanStreaming(options, @robot)
bot.on "TextMessage", (message) ->
unless message.user_id == 4
self.receive new TextMessage(, message.content)
@bot = bot
self.emit "connected"
exports.use = (robot) ->
new Kandan robot
class KandanStreaming extends EventEmitter
constructor: (options, @robot) ->
unless options.token? and options.channels? and
robot.logger.error "Not enough parameters provided. I need a host, token, and channels."
@host =
@port = options.port
@token = options.token
@channels = options.channels.split(",")
# For other functions
# @robot = robot
self = @
target = "http://#{ @host }:#{ @port }/remote/faye""Connecting to #{ target }")
@client = new Faye.Client(target)
authExtension = {
outgoing: (message, callback) =>
if == "/meta/subscribe"
message['ext'] = { auth_token: @token }
@client.bind "transport:up", () => "Connected to Faye server"
@client.bind "transport:down", () =>
robot.logger.error "Disconnected from Faye server"
for channel in @channels
subscription = @client.subscribe "/channels/#{channel}", (activity) =>
eventMap =
'enter': 'EnterMessage'
'leave': 'LeaveMessage'
'message': 'TextMessage'
self.emit eventMap[activity.action], activity
subscription.errback((activity) =>
robot.logger.error activity
robot.logger.error "Oops! could not connect to the server"
message: (message, channelId, callback) ->
body = {"content":message, "channel_id":channelId, "activity": {"content":message, "channel_id":channelId, "action":"message"}}
@post "/channels/#{ channelId }/activities", body, callback
Channels: (callback) ->
@get "/channels", callback
# Needs to be implemented in Kandan
User: (id, callback) ->
@get "/active_users.json", callback
Me: (callback) ->
@get "/me", callback
Channel: (id) ->
self = @
logger = @robot.logger
show: (callback) -> "/channels/#{id}", "", callback
join: (callback) -> "Join is a NOOP on Kandan right now"
leave: (callback) -> "Leave is a NOOP on Kandan right now"
get: (path, callback) ->
@request "GET", path, null, callback
post: (path, body, callback) ->
@request "POST", path, body, callback
request: (method, path, body, callback) ->
logger = @robot.logger
headers =
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
"Accept" : "application/json"
options =
"agent" : false
"host" : @host
"port" : @port
"path" : path
"method" : method
"headers" : headers
if method is "POST" || method is "PUT"
body.auth_token = @token
if typeof(body) isnt "string"
body = JSON.stringify(body)
body = new Buffer(body)
options.headers["Content-Length"] = body.length
request = HTTP.request options, (response) ->
data = ""
response.on "data", (chunk) ->
data += chunk
response.on "end", ->
if response.statusCode >= 400
switch response.statusCode
when 401
throw new Error "Invalid access token provided, Kandan refused the authentication"
logger.error "Kandan error: #{response.statusCode}"
callback null, JSON.parse(data) if callback?
catch err
callback null, data or { } if callback?
if method is "POST" || method is "PUT"
request.end(body, 'binary')
request.on "error", (err) ->
logger.error "Kandan request error: #{err}"
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