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Adam Demasi kirb

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kirb /
Last active November 23, 2024 05:16
Analysis of the “AOL Netscape” Chromium browser

For more info on what this is, see my Bluesky thread about “AOL Netscape”, aka AOL Shield, a Chromium browser developed by SentryBay for Yahoo!.

2-Decompiled.nsi is the NSIS script, decompiled by NanaZip 3.1.1080.0 (i.e. 7-Zip). As this file shows the final version of the script after macros are expanded, I’ve been cleaning up the logic into 1-Cleaned up.nsi. This is only intended to be a partial disassembly, there are many parts of it that aren’t interesting for research purposes.

kirb / Device.swift
Last active January 2, 2024 04:18
Get Mac device image based on device class -
import Cocoa
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
extension UTTagClass {
static let deviceModelCode = UTTagClass(rawValue: "")
extension UTType {
static let macBook = UTType("")
static let macBookWithNotch = UTType("")
kirb /
Last active September 15, 2022 06:45
Run gnome-control-center in Docker
# I needed this because of bugs in a devel build of gnome-control-center.
# Use at your own risk.
xhost +local:
docker run \
--rm \
--privileged \
-it \

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am kirb on github.
  • I am kirb ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D918 228C 23BD C424 098A 97B9 5D3B 26B3 D58C 7D91

To claim this, I am signing this object:

function add_compatibility() {
"$PLIST_BUDDY" -c "Add DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs:10 string $2" \
function has_compatibility() {
kirb /
Last active March 29, 2016 12:14
SublimeClang user preferences json for iOS + theos
  1. Install SublimeClang with Package Control if you don't already have it (you do also need to install Package Control first)
  2. Click Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Sublime Clang -> User
  3. Paste in the contents of SublimeClang.sublime-settings, modifying the location of theos (-I/opt/theos/include) and the SDK (/Applications/ if needed
  4. Save, restart Sublime, be happy (or yell at me if it didn't work)

(This was just written from memory so let me know if something is wrong. Note that logos syntax is not supported as SublimeClang expects to only be running clang --analyze, and I know nothing about python.)

kirb / gist:6149827
Last active February 26, 2020 16:20
Doing a respring the right way

Respringing the "right way" allows SpringBoard to save usage data. Otherwise, your usage data is lost and the standby/usage times are reset to "–" until you fully charge again.

Tweaks that respring the right way

  • Activator
  • Auxo
  • Flipswitch
  • Springtomize

(There are probably a few more)

kirb / gist:5918953
Last active December 19, 2015 07:29
Translations needed for TypeStatus

Translations needed before I can release TypeStatus 1.1

Polish (pl.lproj)

"Check out #TypeStatus by HASHBANG Productions!" = "Check out #TypeStatus by HASHBANG Productions!";
"Hide Text After Delay" = "Hide Text After Delay";
"The delay can be set with the “Overlay Display Duration” slider below." = "The delay can be set with the “Overlay Display Duration” slider below.";

Russian (ro.lproj)

"Check out #TypeStatus by HASHBANG Productions!" = "Check out #TypeStatus by HASHBANG Productions!";

"Hide Text After Delay" = "Hide Text After Delay";

kirb / gist:5840276
Last active June 28, 2024 21:16
Download all WWDC videos and PDFs
* Download all WWDC videos and PDFs
* by kirb <> / GPLv3 licensed <>
* Go to <> and run this in your JavaScript console
* (option-cmd-i on OS X; F12 on Windows)
* Set hd = true if you want HD videos instead of SD (WARNING: will use a large amount of data)
* Make sure wget is installed too - it isn't by default for most OSes. You could also change
kirb / gist:5748420
Created June 10, 2013 12:39
Find out how many more Cydia packages your repos can have in total until it hits the 65535 package limit
echo $((65535 - `cat /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages | grep -cE '^Package:'`))