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/* | |
* Copyright © 2023 kirby561 | |
* | |
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software | |
* and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without | |
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | |
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
* | |
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or | |
* substantial portions of the Software. | |
* | |
*/ | |
#include "TransferComponent.h" | |
#include "Engine/ActorChannel.h" | |
DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(TransferComponentSub, Log, All); | |
UTransferComponent::UTransferComponent() { | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
_nextTransferId = 1; | |
} else { | |
_nextTransferId = 2; | |
} | |
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true; | |
} | |
UTransferComponent::~UTransferComponent() { | |
// Free any pending client transfers | |
while (!_pendingOutgoingTransfers.IsEmpty()) { | |
Transfer* transfer = nullptr; | |
_pendingOutgoingTransfers.Dequeue(transfer); | |
delete [] transfer->Buffer; | |
delete transfer; | |
} | |
// Free any completed transfers still being held | |
TArray<uint64> completedTransferIds; | |
_completedIncomingTransfers.GenerateKeyArray(completedTransferIds); | |
for (uint64 transferId : completedTransferIds) { | |
Transfer* transfer = _completedIncomingTransfers[transferId]; | |
delete [] transfer->Buffer; | |
delete transfer; | |
_completedIncomingTransfers.Remove(transferId); | |
} | |
} | |
uint64 UTransferComponent::SendBufferToServer(uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted /* = nullptr */) { | |
return SendBuffer(ETransferDirection::ClientToServer, buffer, length, onTransferCompleted); | |
} | |
uint64 UTransferComponent::SendBufferToClient(uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted /* = nullptr */) { | |
return SendBuffer(ETransferDirection::ServerToClient, buffer, length, onTransferCompleted); | |
} | |
Transfer* UTransferComponent::ServerGetsCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("ServerGetsCompletedTransfer not called by the server! This is an error.")); | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
return GetCompletedTransfer(transferId); | |
} | |
Transfer* UTransferComponent::ClientGetsCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (GetNetMode() != ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("ClientGetsCompletedTransfer not called by the client! This is an error.")); | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
return GetCompletedTransfer(transferId); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ServerFreesCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("ServerFreesCompletedTransfer not called by the server! This is an error.")); | |
return; | |
} | |
FreeCompletedTransfer(transferId); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ClientFreesCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (GetNetMode() != ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("ClientFreesCompletedTransfer not called by the client! This is an error.")); | |
return; | |
} | |
FreeCompletedTransfer(transferId); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ServerSetsRateLimit(float rateLimitMbps) { | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("ServerSetsRateLimit not called by the server! This is an error.")); | |
return; | |
} | |
_rateLimitMbps = rateLimitMbps; | |
ServerSendsRateLimitToClient(rateLimitMbps); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::TickComponent(float deltaSeconds, ELevelTick tickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* thisTickFunction) { | |
Super::TickComponent(deltaSeconds, tickType, thisTickFunction); | |
TickTransfers(deltaSeconds); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ClientSendsChunkToServer_Implementation(uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes) { | |
ReceiveChunkOnReceiver(ETransferDirection::ClientToServer, transferId, chunk, totalBytes); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ServerSendsChunkToClient_Implementation(uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes) { | |
ReceiveChunkOnReceiver(ETransferDirection::ServerToClient, transferId, chunk, totalBytes); | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ServerSendsRateLimitToClient_Implementation(float newRateLimitMbps) { | |
_rateLimitMbps = newRateLimitMbps; | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::TickTransfers(float deltaSeconds) { | |
AActor* owner = GetOwner(); | |
if (owner == nullptr) return; // No owner yet | |
UNetConnection* netConnection = owner->GetNetConnection(); | |
if (netConnection == nullptr) return; // No net connection yet | |
// Do we have pending transfers and no current transfer? | |
if (_outgoingTransfer == nullptr && !_pendingOutgoingTransfers.IsEmpty()) { | |
_pendingOutgoingTransfers.Dequeue(_outgoingTransfer); | |
} | |
if (_outgoingTransfer != nullptr) { | |
// Calculate the limits we need based on the UActorChannel being used for network communication. | |
// The way this works is the actor channel has a queue of "bunches" | |
// that will be sent that are stored in its "reliable buffer". This | |
// reliable buffer can hold RELIABLE_BUFFER (256) bunches. Each bunch | |
// can be a maximum of NetMaxConstructedPartialBunchSizeBytes (64k) | |
// So we limit our packets to 1/2 of the max bunch size (to leave some | |
// room for any overhead of making the bunch) and make sure we're not | |
// using more than half the reliable buffer bunch limit. | |
UActorChannel* networkChannel = netConnection->FindActorChannelRef(owner); | |
int outputChunkSizeLimit = NetMaxConstructedPartialBunchSizeBytes / 2; | |
int numberOfReliableOutputBunchesLimit = RELIABLE_BUFFER / 2; | |
// If we are on the client we need to use a different | |
// send function than if we are on the server. | |
std::function<void(uint64, const TArray<uint8>&, int)> sendChunkMethod = nullptr; | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client) { | |
sendChunkMethod = [this] (uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes) { | |
ClientSendsChunkToServer(transferId, chunk, totalBytes); | |
}; | |
} else { | |
sendChunkMethod = [this] (uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes) { | |
ServerSendsChunkToClient(transferId, chunk, totalBytes); | |
}; | |
} | |
// Define the maximum number of bytes we can send this tick | |
// to stay under our set rate limit if there is one set. | |
int maxBytesPerRateLimit = _outgoingTransfer->Length; | |
int bytesTransferredThisTick = 0; | |
float totalTimeSinceLastTransfer = deltaSeconds + _accumulatedTickTime; | |
if (_rateLimitMbps > 0) { | |
float mbpsToBps = 1024 * 1024 / 8.0f; | |
maxBytesPerRateLimit = Max(1, (int)(totalTimeSinceLastTransfer * (_rateLimitMbps * mbpsToBps))); | |
} | |
// Continue this transfer | |
while (_outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred < _outgoingTransfer->Length | |
&& networkChannel->NumOutRec < numberOfReliableOutputBunchesLimit | |
&& bytesTransferredThisTick < maxBytesPerRateLimit) { | |
// Get the chunk size and copy it to the outgoing transfer buffer | |
int chunkSize = Min(_outgoingTransfer->GetBytesRemaining(), outputChunkSizeLimit); | |
// If the chunk size goes over our rate limit reduce it so that it doesn't | |
int rateLimitBytesRemaining = maxBytesPerRateLimit - bytesTransferredThisTick; | |
chunkSize = Min(chunkSize, rateLimitBytesRemaining); | |
// If we're rate limiting, only transmit this chunk if it's bigger than our minimum allowed | |
// size or if it's the rest of the transfer. | |
bool isRateLimiting = _rateLimitMbps > 0; | |
bool isLastChunk = chunkSize == _outgoingTransfer->GetBytesRemaining(); | |
if (!isRateLimiting || chunkSize >= _minimumBytesPerChunk || isLastChunk) { | |
_outgoingTransferBuffer.Reset(); | |
_outgoingTransferBuffer.Append(_outgoingTransfer->Buffer + _outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred, chunkSize); | |
// Send the chunk | |
sendChunkMethod( | |
_outgoingTransfer->TransferId, | |
_outgoingTransferBuffer, | |
_outgoingTransfer->Length); | |
if (_verboseLoggingEnabled) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Display, TEXT("Sent chunk of size %d (%d out of %d in total), NumOutRec=%d"), chunkSize, _outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred, _outgoingTransfer->Length, networkChannel->NumOutRec); | |
} | |
// Book keeping | |
_outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred += chunkSize; | |
bytesTransferredThisTick += chunkSize; | |
_accumulatedTickTime = 0; // Reset the accumulated time since last transfer | |
} else { | |
_accumulatedTickTime += deltaSeconds; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
// Is the transfer complete? | |
if (_outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred >= _outgoingTransfer->Length) { | |
if (_outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred > _outgoingTransfer->Length) { | |
// We have a math error somewhere. | |
UE_LOG( | |
TransferComponentSub, | |
Warning, | |
TEXT("Too many bytes accounted for when transferring a buffer. Transferred = %d, length = %d, TransferID = %llu"), | |
_outgoingTransfer->BytesTransferred, _outgoingTransfer->Length, _outgoingTransfer->TransferId); | |
// Continue with the warning | |
} | |
// We're done, call the callback | |
if (_outgoingTransfer->OnTransferCompleted) { | |
_outgoingTransfer->OnTransferCompleted(_outgoingTransfer->TransferId); | |
} | |
// Cleanup | |
delete [] _outgoingTransfer->Buffer; | |
delete _outgoingTransfer; | |
_outgoingTransfer = nullptr; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
uint64 UTransferComponent::GetNextTransferId() { | |
uint64 nextId = _nextTransferId; | |
_nextTransferId += 2; | |
return nextId; | |
} | |
Transfer* UTransferComponent::GetCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (_completedIncomingTransfers.Contains(transferId)) { | |
Transfer* transfer = _completedIncomingTransfers[transferId]; | |
return transfer; | |
} | |
return nullptr; // Not found | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::FreeCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId) { | |
if (_completedIncomingTransfers.Contains(transferId)) { | |
Transfer* transfer = _completedIncomingTransfers[transferId]; | |
_completedIncomingTransfers.Remove(transferId); | |
delete [] transfer->Buffer; | |
delete transfer; | |
} else { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Warning, TEXT("Tried to free transferId %llu but this transfer does not exist."), transferId); | |
} | |
} | |
uint64 UTransferComponent::SendBuffer(ETransferDirection transferDirection, uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted /* = nullptr */) { | |
// Make sure we are on the client if it's Client->Server and the Server if it's Server->Client | |
if (GetNetMode() != ENetMode::NM_Client && transferDirection == ETransferDirection::ClientToServer) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("SendBufferToServer not called by the client! This is an error.")); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
if (GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_Client && transferDirection == ETransferDirection::ServerToClient) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Error, TEXT("SendBufferToClient not called by the server! This is an error.")); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
// Make a transfer for this | |
Transfer* transfer = new Transfer(); | |
transfer->Buffer = buffer; | |
transfer->Length = length; | |
transfer->Direction = transferDirection; | |
transfer->OnTransferCompleted = onTransferCompleted; | |
transfer->TransferId = GetNextTransferId(); | |
// Add it to the queue | |
_pendingOutgoingTransfers.Enqueue(transfer); | |
return transfer->TransferId; | |
} | |
void UTransferComponent::ReceiveChunkOnReceiver(ETransferDirection direction, uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes) { | |
// Is this transfer in the map yet? | |
if (!_completedIncomingTransfers.Contains(transferId)) { | |
Transfer* newTransfer = new Transfer(); | |
newTransfer->Buffer = new uint8[totalBytes]; | |
newTransfer->Length = totalBytes; | |
newTransfer->Direction = direction; | |
newTransfer->TransferId = transferId; | |
_completedIncomingTransfers.Add(transferId, newTransfer); | |
} | |
// Copy the chunk into the overall array | |
Transfer* transfer = _completedIncomingTransfers[transferId]; | |
memcpy(transfer->Buffer + transfer->BytesTransferred, chunk.GetData(), chunk.Num()); | |
transfer->BytesTransferred += chunk.Num(); | |
if (_verboseLoggingEnabled) { | |
UE_LOG(TransferComponentSub, Display, TEXT("Received chunk of size %d (%d out of %d in total)"), chunk.Num(), transfer->BytesTransferred, totalBytes); | |
} | |
} |
/* | |
* Copyright © 2023 kirby561 | |
* | |
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software | |
* and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without | |
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, | |
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
* | |
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or | |
* substantial portions of the Software. | |
* | |
*/ | |
#pragma once | |
#include "CoreMinimal.h" | |
#include <functional> | |
#include "TransferComponent.generated.h" | |
enum class ETransferDirection { | |
ClientToServer, | |
ServerToClient | |
}; | |
/** | |
* Simple struct for keeping track of in flight and completed transfers. | |
*/ | |
struct Transfer { | |
public: | |
// Input/Output | |
uint8* Buffer = nullptr; | |
int Length = 0; | |
ETransferDirection Direction = ETransferDirection::ClientToServer; | |
std::function<void(uint64)> OnTransferCompleted = nullptr; | |
uint64 TransferId = 0; | |
// Transfer progress | |
int BytesTransferred = 0; // Number of bytes transferred so far | |
int GetBytesRemaining() { | |
return Length - BytesTransferred; | |
} | |
}; | |
/** | |
* Facilitates transfering large buffers of data between the client and | |
* the server using the built in RPC framework and thus not requiring a | |
* separate socket connection to be established. This allows users to reliably send | |
* data larger than the usual limit by splitting the transfer up into chunks | |
* and adding the chunks to the reliable buffer across multiple ticks as needed. | |
* | |
* The main interface is SendBufferToServer/SendBufferToClient. After the transfer | |
* completes, the caller's callback function is called on the sending side. This makes | |
* it easy to have continuation logic inline with the transfer for what to do with the | |
* buffer once it gets there. The buffer can be retrieved on the receiving side with | |
* ClientGetsCompletedTransfer(...)/ServerGetsCompletedTransfer(...) depending on which | |
* side was the receiver. The buffers can be freed when no longer needed using | |
* ClientFreesCompletedTransfer(...)/ServerFreesCompletedTransfer. The receiver MUST call | |
* the corresponding FreesCompletedTransfer method or they will not get cleaned up until | |
* the actor this component is attached to is destroyed. | |
* | |
* The public interface to this class's methods all have a Client and Server | |
* version to be very explicit which side of the connection has the buffer and which side | |
* is sending it and each point. Internally they do the same thing plus error checking. | |
*/ | |
UCLASS() | |
class UTransferComponent : public UActorComponent { | |
public: | |
UTransferComponent(); | |
virtual ~UTransferComponent(); | |
/** | |
* Sends the given buffer of the given length to the server and splits it | |
* up into chunks if necessary. This method takes an optional function to | |
* be called when the transfer is complete and providing the ID of the transfer | |
* for context to the caller. This callback function is called on the client. | |
* @param buffer The buffer to send from the client to the server. This component owns this buffer and will delete it if the transfer is completed or cancelled. | |
* @param length The number of bytes in the buffer. | |
* @param onTransferCompleted An optional function to call when this method completes that provides the same transfer ID as an argument that this function returns. | |
* Note: This is only called on the client. | |
* @returns Returns a number that uniquely identifies this transfer and will be provided on onTransferCompleted as well. | |
* | |
* @remarks There is no error handling on this method because this is a reliable transfer. If anything goes wrong it's because the client was | |
* disconnected from the server and presumably this transfer is no longer needed. In that event, the buffer passed in is still | |
* deleted since it cleans up any in progress transfers when it goes away. | |
*/ | |
uint64 SendBufferToServer(uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted = nullptr); | |
/** | |
* Sends the given buffer of the given length to the client and splits it | |
* up into chunks if necessary. This method takes an optional function to | |
* be called when the transfer is complete and providing the ID of the transfer | |
* for context to the caller. This callback function is called only on the Server. | |
* @param buffer The buffer to send from the client to the server. This component owns this buffer and will delete it if the transfer is completed or cancelled. | |
* @param length The number of bytes in the buffer. | |
* @param onTransferCompleted An optional function to call when this method completes that provides the same transfer ID as an argument that this function returns. | |
* Note: This is only called on the Server. | |
* @returns Returns a number that uniquely identifies this transfer and will be provided on onTransferCompleted as well. | |
* | |
* @remarks There is no error handling on this method because this is a reliable transfer. If anything goes wrong it's because the client was | |
* disconnected from the server and presumably this transfer is no longer needed. In that event, the buffer passed in is still | |
* deleted since it cleans up any in progress transfers when it goes away. | |
*/ | |
uint64 SendBufferToClient(uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted = nullptr); | |
// | |
// Interface from the server to get/free transfers sent by the client | |
// | |
/** | |
* Called on the server to get a transfer that was sent by a client | |
* with the given transferId. | |
* @param transferId - The unique ID of the transfer to retrieve. | |
* @returns Returns the transfer or nullptr if it is not found. | |
*/ | |
Transfer* ServerGetsCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
/** | |
* Called on the server to get a transfer that was sent by a client | |
* with the given transferId. | |
* @param transferId - The unique ID of the transfer to retrieve. | |
* @returns Returns the transfer or nullptr if it is not found. | |
*/ | |
Transfer* ClientGetsCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
/** | |
* Called on the server to delete a transfer that is no longer needed. | |
* @param transferId - The unique ID of the transfer to delete. | |
*/ | |
void ServerFreesCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
/** | |
* Called on the client to delete a transfer that is no longer needed. | |
* @param transferId - The unique ID of the transfer to delete. | |
*/ | |
void ClientFreesCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
/** | |
* Sets whether verbose logging should be enabled or not. | |
* @param isEnabled - True to enable it, false to disable. | |
*/ | |
void SetVerboseLoggingEnabled(bool isEnabled) { _verboseLoggingEnabled = isEnabled; } | |
/** | |
* Called by the server to set the rate limit on both the server and | |
* the client. Must be called on the server. | |
* @param rateLimitMbps The rate limit for sending buffers in megabits per second. Set to -1 to disable the rate limit. | |
*/ | |
void ServerSetsRateLimit(float rateLimitMbps); | |
/** | |
* Sets the rate limit directly on the client or the server. | |
* @param rateLimitMbps The rate limit for sending buffers in megabits per second. Set to -1 to disable the rate limit. | |
*/ | |
void SetRateLimit(float rateLimitMbps) { _rateLimitMbps = rateLimitMbps; } | |
/** | |
* Sets the minimum number of bytes in each chunk that we send (unless the total remaining number of bytes in the transfer is less than this). | |
* This helps prevent flooding the reliable buffer with FOutBunch's with 1 byte in them if a low Rate Limit is set and we have a high frame rate, | |
* which can slow the transfer speed down to far lower than the set rate limit waiting for acks on all those tiny bunches. The tradeoff here is | |
* generally the rate limit is used to prevent jitter when sending large transfers during gameplay because it crowds out other network activity. | |
* If we have a large minimum chunk size it could cause jitter again because it will cause bursts of high bandwidth even though the average is | |
* still less than the set rate limit. | |
* @param minNumBytesPerChunk The minimum number of bytes to allow per transfer (unless there are less than this remaining in the transfer). | |
*/ | |
void SetMinimumBytesPerChunk(int32 minNumBytesPerChunk) { _minimumBytesPerChunk = minNumBytesPerChunk; } | |
public: // UActorComponent interface | |
virtual void TickComponent(float deltaSeconds, ELevelTick tickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* thisTickFunction) override; | |
private: // Network methods | |
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable) // Client->Server | |
void ClientSendsChunkToServer(uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes); | |
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable) // Server->Client | |
void ServerSendsChunkToClient(uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes); | |
UFUNCTION(Client, Reliable) | |
void ServerSendsRateLimitToClient(float newRateLimitMbps); | |
private: // Private methods | |
/** | |
* Checks if any work needs to be done on outgoing transfers | |
* and does it. | |
*/ | |
void TickTransfers(float deltaSeconds); | |
// Network transfer methods used by the public interface above. | |
uint64 GetNextTransferId(); | |
Transfer* GetCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
void FreeCompletedTransfer(uint64 transferId); | |
uint64 SendBuffer(ETransferDirection transferDirection, uint8* buffer, int length, std::function<void(uint64)> onTransferCompleted = nullptr); | |
void ReceiveChunkOnReceiver(ETransferDirection direction, uint64 transferId, const TArray<uint8>& chunk, int totalBytes); | |
// Helper methods | |
int Min(int a, int b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } | |
int Max(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; } | |
private: // Transfer state. Note that there are 2 versions of this actor, one on the server and one on the client. So each one has its own outgoing and incoming transfers. | |
// Outgoing state | |
TQueue<Transfer*> _pendingOutgoingTransfers; // Transfers we haven't sent yet | |
Transfer* _outgoingTransfer = nullptr; // Currently outgoing transfer (if any) | |
TArray<uint8> _outgoingTransferBuffer; // Keep a buffer around so we don't need to reallocate constantly | |
float _accumulatedTickTime = 0; // If we have data to send in TickTransfers but are limited due to minimum packet requirements, still account for that time in the rate limitting by remembering how much tick time didn't send any data for the next tick | |
// Incoming state | |
TMap<uint64, Transfer*> _completedIncomingTransfers; // When a transfer completes, hang on to it by ID until the owner tells us to delete it. | |
// Transfer ID: | |
// "0" is an error, this should be initialized in the constructor to either 1 or 2 depending on if | |
// we're on the client or the server. The client's IDs will always be odd and the server's will always | |
// be even. This guarantees all transfer IDs are unique between the client/server (although for multicast | |
// they will not be unique between clients but that's ok - we can add the client ID to it or something later | |
// if we need to do multicast). | |
uint64 _nextTransferId = 0; | |
// The current rate limit in megabits per second. | |
// Set to <0 if you want to disable it. | |
float _rateLimitMbps = -1.0f; | |
// Sets the minimum number of bytes to send in each transfer when a rate limit is set | |
// (unless there are less than this total remaining in the transfer). This can be used | |
// to prevent stacking too many FOutBunch's in the reliable buffer when limiting the | |
// transfer rate in high framerate scenarios. | |
int32 _minimumBytesPerChunk = 256; | |
// Whether you want logs when transfers come in or not | |
bool _verboseLoggingEnabled = false; | |
private: // Constants | |
// This is defined in DataChannel.cpp in the engine | |
// but is not exposed so it is duplicated here. | |
static const int32 NetMaxConstructedPartialBunchSizeBytes = 1024 * 64; // 64KB | |
}; |
Hey. I haven't run into an issue with this in a real game but if the files you're sending are big enough to cause a hiccup during gameplay you can further throttle it to your needs by adding more conditions to this part of TransferComponent.cpp:
networkChannel->NumOutRec < numberOfReliableOutputBunchesLimit
You could also change the bytes per packet based on the current game state or something. For example, if you had a lobby where a hiccup doesn't matter when players join, have a higher limit than if a player joins while the game is currently active.
Another thing you could do is increase the amount of bandwidth the AGameNetworkManager is trying to use. See TotalNetBandwidth in https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/GameFramework/AGameNetworkManager/
You can set that value in DefaultEngine.ini
Thank you,
I think the better solution is to have a send rate and multiply it with deltaSeconds
and just send as much bytes as required and not rely only on the number of out packets.
@hojjatjafary I'm planning to use this in my game, did you ever get to create an improved version based on a send rate and delta seconds?
@TaladPS @hojjatjafary
Hey guys. I actually started noticing some jitter when players join the game sometimes so implemented a simple rate limit as suggested by @hojjatjafary and it fixes the issue. It's adjustable so you can turn it on/off or to different limits based on what's happening. In my case I'm going to have it off in the lobby and on during gameplay. See the updated Gist.
@kirby561 Thanks a lot for the new version. I tried it, but even setting 0.01 or 0.001 before starting the transfer in my player controller:
if (GetNetMode() != ENetMode::NM_Client)
I see the file being transferred in less than a second. Am I doing something wrong?
[2025.01.28-11.03.44:523][903]TransferComponentSub: Display: Received chunk of size 32768 (32768 out of 82493 in total)
[2025.01.28-11.03.44:524][903]TransferComponentSub: Display: Received chunk of size 32768 (65536 out of 82493 in total)
[2025.01.28-11.03.44:525][903]TransferComponentSub: Display: Received chunk of size 16957 (82493 out of 82493 in total)
UPDATE: the problem I described above happens only with client to server transfer, while for server to client it seems to use the rate limit. In client to server I see the _rateLimitMbps = -1 , so seems the setting is ignored, or doesnt reach the client in time?
UPDATE2: using for now the server to client which uses the rate limit, and setting the rateLimit to 0.1 the result is very high number of packets, the code seems to try to send anyway a packet each frame, creating thousands of RPC calls per second. This is not what we want, as it should send 1 packet and then wait , then send another and wait again.
Hey @TaladPS. Yeah that sounds like a timing issue where the transfer is being sent before the client gets the rate limit to use. I am setting mine during initialization so it's set way before any communication happens. I actually added another method to just do this directly on both the server and client during initialization:
void SetRateLimit(float rateLimitMbps) { _rateLimitMbps = rateLimitMbps; }
although the ServerSetsRateLimit should work fine as well if it's done ahead of time.
1 packet per frame doesn't sound like a lot to me although I can see why you wouldn't want the rate limit to be tied to framerate at all. I did it this way to try to avoid bursts of data and make it a steady stream instead. Maybe another control that would be helpful would be a minimum packet size so it waits until it has enough bytes to send without going over the transfer limit (unless of course there's less than that limit left in the transfer) and so it wouldn't be so tied to framerate? I think this would be a good change although I would still set that pretty low because the reason I added this was to prevent jitter when a player joins the game so we wouldn't want any large bursts of data causing hiccups in the other requests again.
For client I will also set it on init for the client and server. Good anyway you added the method. About RPC calls I don't have much experience with packet flooding, but I was thinking that if we say example 1000 bytes per second, the code will send up to 1K, and for example it takes 0.2 seconds to send it, then it will wait 0.8 more seconds to the completion of the 1 second requested, and then send the second packet, this will allow the server to send other packed in between and the client to receive those as well. If the code sends thousands of packets continuously, yes we are lowering the internet bandwidth usage, but we are flooding the packet queue completely. Again i'm not an expert of this, but looks risky to do it this way. By the way, you can reach me on Discord with id 'kerriganson'
@TaladPS I see. Well if you look at how the reliable RPC's work internally, each bunch will get added in a big linked list of FOutBunch's (each FOutBunch has a Next to the next in the list). This list can be a maximum of RELIABLE_BUFFER (which is 256) long and is the mechanism Unreal has for ensuring ordering and reliability of reliable calls. The Net Driver's Tick processes incoming packets and if one is an Ack it bubbles that back to NetConnection::ReceivedAck, which iterates over that linked list and marks the bunch as ack'd, then calls UChannel::RecievedAcks which cleans up any ack'd FOutBunch's IN ORDER (so if the one at the start of the list hasn't been ack'd yet it won't remove later ones until it has).
The number of FOutBunch's waiting to be ack'd in that list at any given time is tracked in the channel's NumOutRec. So currently UTransferComponent does actually prevent flooding by means of checking that the number of bunches waiting to be ack'd is less than half of the reliable buffer limit before adding another one so it won't flood it. However it won't add more data in the next tick since it's just using the tick to tick delta to calculate how much data to send. So one improvement I'll probably make is to sum up the time since the last transfer and use that delta to calculate how much data to send rather than just the time since the tick was last called, which will make it send larger chunks if it has been waiting due to congestion caused by a burst of activity or a network hiccup or something. Although maybe it's better not to send a large chunk of data in that case anyway and just continue at the semi-instantaneous requested transfer rate.
At the socket level we aren't really adding any flooding because the bytes are only sent to the socket when FlushNet is called by the channel's Tick or when the NetConnection's "SendBuffer" is full - so it's not flooding packets at the lower level, just the number of bunches sitting in the channel's linked list of bunches.
I get your concern though that if you have a very high framerate and a somewhat low transfer rate you can have many very small chunks sitting in that buffer waiting for acks (a very high ack to bytes of data ratio if you will). So I do think adding a minimum transfer size would also be helpful. Maybe pick a minimum of 100-500 bytes or something like that (again unless the remaining bytes of the transfer is less than the minimum size - then just send whatever is left in that tick).
If I get around to it I'll add those improvements and update this gist again.
By the way I see you in the Unreal Discord, I'm kirby561 in there as well. I think discussing under the gist may be helpful for other's in the future though so there is benefit to discussing it here. Sorry this response has some rambling in it too - there's a bit of thinking out loud :P
@TaladPS I ended up implementing a min transfer size as described above that only applies when a rate limit is set as well. I think this is good enough for my purposes at least. I updated the gist if you are interested. Thanks for the feedback!
I used a similar method to send only 150K data to the clients, but after sending is completed, replication doesn't work for about 5-10 seconds. Then, positions and other things suddenly replicated. It seems because there are many data queued (
) and the network is saturated (UNetDriver::ServerReplicateActors_MarkRelevantActors
) until the queue is freed. Did you test this in a real game with a bunch of actors that are replicating?