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Created January 2, 2018 23:54
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Not the best JS (whoa global scope!) but I think this proves out the core ideas. Probably some bugs still.
// JS Implementation of
// We have to make several changes due to JS's dynamic nature, and lack of type
// information, outlined below.
// The rules:
// 1) Every class/valuetype needs a `serialize_TYPENAME(version, serializer, datum)`
// function. This gets around JS not having function overloading as well as the
// implicit type annotation that function overloading (in the original C example)
// provides. Since these are just called from user-defined `serialize_?`
// functions, we don't need any more type information! It's tempting to define
// these functions as methods, or to put them into a polymorphic function with
// a big switch statement or something. Don't do that! It's better to not
// require instances and to not rely on more runtime structures than necessary.
// 2) `serialize_TYPENAME` must handle what to do if datum is `null`. These are
// standalone functions (not class members), because otherwise you'd need really
// complex rules/semantics for how to instantiate a class just to hydrate it
// and cover all cases. Too complex! Instead assume the input can be null, which
// means: ALL VALUES MUST HAVE DEFAULTS. For example, the below code assumes that
// if a Boolean is null, it's read/written as `false`. C doesn't have this
// requirement because its spec provides default values. JS needs more
// guarding, e.g. check to make sure an actual number is coming in. And since
// JS doesn't have different number types, we need to translate those to C
// types anyway for the sake of interop.
// 3) If a field can be null, which implicitly means there could be absolutely
// no value written to the file (because null means the absence of a value...),
// then unfortunately a separate field (boolean, int32 for enum) must be used
// so the serializer knows whether it's allowed to read the next bytes or not.
// This is unintuitive, but it's a chicken/egg problem. All bytes in the "file"
// are just data, no field names, no markers. So you can't simply "get" the
// next value to check if it's null or not. You need to know what you're
// looking for. And how do you look for a struct? You can't, because aside from
// running out of data, there aren't any checks to know if things are misaligned.
// 4) `serialize_TYPENAME` must return a value, and the parent `serialize_?`
// call must handle that value, usually by assigning. This is duplication, but
// since JS doesn't have pointers, we have no way of assigning a value within
// the `serialize_?` function. Requiring all values to be have mutable
// interiors requires wrappers of all JS types! No go. Also allows the REM
// macro (not defined here) to work without references too.
const SV = {
// Add new iterations above this comment.
// Runtime check the values since JS doesn't have an Enum type.
const values = new Set();
Object.values(SV).forEach(v => {
if (isNaN(Number(v))) throw new Error('Found a NaN!');
if (v < 0) throw new Error('Values cannot be negative!');
if (values.has(v)) throw new Error('Values must be unique!');
if (values.has(0)) throw new Error('Values must start at 1!');
// Don't mess with this!
SV.LATEST = Math.max(...Object.values(SV));
class LBPSerializer {
// Pretty easy to add a field here called `filename` in a real implementation.
constructor(filename) {
this.filename = filename;
this.isWriting = false;
this.dataVersion = 0;
this.file = []; // fake file "buffer". Using this to approximate writing
// and reading something produced by C for the sake of interop. Note that
// interop would require JS to agree with C on value defaults, optionals.
// This is cool. We can treat storing the version number like any other
// serialized value! We serialize the serializer! But we change the function
// signature because the serializer has ALWAYS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE.
function serialize_LBPSerializer(serializer) {
if (serializer.isWriting) {
serializer.dataVersion = SV.LATEST;
serializer.dataVersion = serialize_Int32(serializer, serializer.dataVersion);
// Check if we're reading a newer file version than we support
// Original example returns bools because no exceptions in C, but throwing
// might be better in other languages, especially since we're breaking the
// other C convention from the original of the `serialize` functions all
// being `void`. We instead return the value due to lack of pointers.
if (serializer.dataVersion > SV.LATEST) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function ADD(serializerFn, versionAdded, serializer, datum) {
if (serializer.dataVersion >= versionAdded) {
return serializerFn(serializer, datum);
return datum;
function REM(serializerFn, versionAdded, versionRemoved, serializer, datum) {
if (serializer.dataVersion >= versionAdded && serializer.dataVersion < versionRemoved) {
return serializerFn(serializer, datum);
return datum;
function serialize_Bool(serializer, datum) {
datum = datum || false;
if (serializer.isWriting) {
bytes: Int8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
value: datum === false ? 0 : 1,
} else {
const desc = serializer.file.shift();
datum = desc.value === 0 ? false : true;
return datum;
function serialize_Int32(serializer, datum) {
datum = datum || 0;
if (serializer.isWriting) {
bytes: Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
value: datum,
} else {
const desc = serializer.file.shift();
datum = desc.value;
return datum;
function serialize_Int32Array(serializer, datum) {
const length = serialize_Int32(serializer, datum ? datum.length : 0);
if (serializer.isWriting) {
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
serialize_Int32(serializer, datum[i]);
} else {
// Int32Array cannot be resized.
datum = new Int32Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
datum[i] = serialize_Int32(serializer, 0, 0);
return datum;
function serialize_CharArray(serializer, datum) {
const length = serialize_Int32(serializer, datum ? datum.length : 0);
if (serializer.isWriting) {
if (!datum) datum = ''; // handle if the datum is `null`
// Handle UTF-16 without breaking surrogate pairs.
const points = [...datum].map(c => c.codePointAt(0));
const i32Points = new Int32Array(points);
// We can't use serialize_Int32Array because we've already written
// the length! Using it would write the length twice.
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
serialize_Int32(serializer, i32Points[i]);
} else {
// We can't use serialize_Int32Array because we've already written
// the length! Using it would write the length twice.
const i32Points = new Int32Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
i32Points[i] = serialize_Int32(serializer, 0, 0);
// ... is to convert to a string array
const chars = [...i32Points].map(p => String.fromCodePoint(p));
datum = chars.join('');
return datum;
const assert = require('assert');
class TestObj {
constructor() {
this.someNum = 0;
// Null will be handled during writing, but a default value for each
// data type will be written. In the case of an empty array, only length
// 0 will be written. It's a chicken egg problem: how do you know it's a
// null array without reading? And how do you tell the software to read a
// possible null without knowing beforehand? There's no way to ask for the
// next "value", because you don't know what type it's supposed to be! What
// if you asked for the next byte, but the value was meant to be a double?
// then you need to recombine it manually... gross.
this.someArr = new Int32Array();
// Removed with SV.NO_ASTR
// this.aStr = '';
// A field that cannot have a type-system-defined default must instead
// use another mechanism to know that the field is set.
this.hasChild = false;
this.child = null;
this.childArr = [];
function serialize_TestObj(serializer, datum) {
// datum == this
datum.someNum = ADD(serialize_Int32, SV.INITIAL, serializer, datum.someNum);
datum.someArr = ADD(serialize_Int32Array, SV.INITIAL, serializer, datum.someArr);
// This value has been removed, and there is nothing to do with it.
const aStr = REM(serialize_CharArray, SV.INITIAL, SV.NO_ASTR, serializer, '');
datum.hasChild = ADD(serialize_Bool, SV.INITIAL, serializer, datum.hasChild);
// Could instead assign hasChild as an Enum, and control more advanced
// behavior.
// Example:
// 0: false (none)
// 1: struct instance (equiv to new Obj() in JS, assuming the Obj's
// serialize function provides proper defaults)
// 2: call an agreed upon naming-convention function?? i dunno, probably
// just need 0 or 1.
if (datum.hasChild) {
datum.child = ADD(serialize_ChildTestObj, SV.INITIAL, serializer, datum.child);
// For lists, each parent object needs to control the list serialization,
// since JS doesn't have Templates or generics (again more because of lack of
// type information). Another approach is to subclass array:
// class ChildArr extends Array {} and impl serialize for that. But that gets
// pretty annoying for JS.
// Not writing to the childArr.length. It *should* be fine, but we don't want
// chances of a non-contiguous array (holes... they exist in JS).
const childArrLength = ADD(serialize_Int32, SV.CHILD_ARR, serializer, datum.childArr.length);
for (let i = 0; i < childArrLength; i++) {
datum.childArr[i] = ADD(serialize_ChildTestObj, SV.CHILD_ARR, serializer, datum.childArr[i]);
return datum;
class ChildTestObj {
constructor() { = null;
function serialize_ChildTestObj(serializer, datum) {
if (!datum) datum = new ChildTestObj; = ADD(serialize_CharArray, SV.INITIAL, serializer,;
return datum;
let s;
let obj;
let out;
let expected;
let serializedOk;
obj = new TestObj();
s = new LBPSerializer('the-file-001.file');
s.isWriting = true;
serialize_TestObj(s, obj);
console.log('written', s);
{ bytes: 4, value: 3 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 1, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
// Assign it after construction to simulate typical programming...
obj.someArr = new Int32Array([0, 1, 2, 3]);
s = new LBPSerializer('the-file-001.file');
s.isWriting = true;
serialize_TestObj(s, obj);
console.log('written', s);
[{ bytes: 4, value: 3 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 4 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 1 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 2 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 3 },
{ bytes: 1, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },]
obj = new TestObj();
obj.child = new ChildTestObj(); = ' ';
obj.hasChild = true;
s = new LBPSerializer('the-file-001.file');
s.isWriting = true;
serialize_TestObj(s, obj);
console.log('written', s);
{ bytes: 4, value: 3 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 1, value: 1 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 1 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 32 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
// Make sure the deserialized child has an id of ' '!!
out = new TestObj();
s.isWriting = false;
serialize_TestObj(s, out);
expected = new TestObj();
expected.hasChild = true;
expected.child = new ChildTestObj(); = ' ';
assert.deepEqual(out, expected);
// Test the list
obj = new TestObj();
obj.childArr.push(new ChildTestObj());
obj.childArr.push(new ChildTestObj());
obj.childArr[0].id = ' ';
obj.childArr[1].id = ' ';
s = new LBPSerializer('the-file-001.file');
s.isWriting = true;
serialize_TestObj(s, obj);
console.log('written', s);
{ bytes: 4, value: 3 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 1, value: 0 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 2 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 1 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 32 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 2 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 32 },
{ bytes: 4, value: 32 },
// Now read it back
out = new TestObj();
s.isWriting = false;
serialize_TestObj(s, out);
assert.deepEqual(out, obj);
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