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Last active May 20, 2023 12:42
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Monitor signal strength (RSSI) of a Wi-Fi network on Linux
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kirill Elagin <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# Monitor signal strength (RSSI) of a Wi-Fi network on Linux.
# Given an SSID, the script outputs the signal strength of the
# corresponding access point every second. On the first scan it
# remembers the frequence of the SSID to be able to rescan rapidly.
# This script was tested on an OpenWRT router, but should work
# on any wireless-capable Linux machine. The dependencies are:
# * POSIX shell (tested with Busybox ash)
# * standard Unix tools or shell builtins: cut, echo, grep, head, true, sleep
# * iw
# Usage:
# <wdev> <SSID>
# Use `iw dev` to find a suitable wireless device to pass as `wdev` (it will
# probably be something like `wlan0`, at least on OpenWRT).
[ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -n "$3" ] && {
echo "Usage: $0 <wdev> <ssid>"
exit 1
# Check the device exists
iw dev "$wdev" info >/dev/null || exit 2
cleanup() {
# Show cursor
echo -en '\e[?25h'
trap 'cleanup; trap - INT; kill -s INT "$$"' INT
trap 'cleanup' EXIT
# Hide cursor
echo -en '\e[?25l'
get_ssid_info() {
local args
# Only scan a specific frequency, if given, to speed up
[ -n "$freq" ] && args="freq $freq"
iw dev "$wdev" scan $args | grep 'freq:\|signal:\|SSID:' | grep -B2 "SSID: $ssid"
get_field() {
grep "$1:" | cut -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
# Get the frequency of the SSID
echo -n "Locking on '$ssid'... "
[ "$?" -ne 0 ] && {
echo ""
echo "SSID '$ssid' not found"
exit 2
echo "done"
freq=$(echo "$ssid_info" | get_field 'freq')
while true; do
sig=$(get_ssid_info | get_field 'signal')
echo -ne "$sig\r"
sleep 1
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