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Last active December 15, 2015 17:49
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Data Structure Skillboost exercises
def binary(value, data, low, high)
center = low + (high - low) / 2 # C
if center < low # C
nil # C
elsif data[center] == value # C
center # C
elsif data[center] > value # C
binary(value, data, low, center - 1) # T(n/2) + C
binary(value, data, center + 1, high) # T(n/2) + C
# The time complexity function of this recursive method can be obtained
# using the following recurrence:
# / C for n <= 1
# T(n) {
# \ C + T(n/2) for n > 1
# Solving the recurrence
# T(n) = C + T(n/2)
# = C + C + T(n/4)
# = C + C + C + T(n/8)
# = C + C + C + T(n/2^3)
# = Ci + T(n/2^i)
# What value of i would get us to T(1)?
# 2^i = n
# Math says that
# i = log2n
# So we know that the recurrence will converge at log2n
# This means that the time complexity function for binary search is:
# T(n) = Clog2n + C
# And the Time Order of the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = log2n
def factorial(n)
if n <= 1 # C
1 # C
n * factorial(n-1) # C + T(n-1)
# The time complexity function of this recursive method can be obtained
# using the following recurrence:
# / C for n <= 1
# T(n) {
# \ C + T(n-1) for n > 1
# Solving the recurrence
# T(n) = C + T(n-1)
# = C + C + T(n-2)
# = C + C + C + T(n-3)
# = Ci + T(n-i)
# What value of i would get us to T(1)?
# i = n-1
# So we know that the recurrence will converge at n -1
# This means that the time complexity function for factorial is:
# T(n) = C(n-1) + C
# T(n) = Cn - C + C
# T(n) = Cn
# And the Time Order of the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = n
def matrix_product(matrix_a, matrix_b)
if matrix_a.size != matrix_b.size # C
raise "Incompatible Matrices" # C
n = matrix_a.size # C
result = { { 0 } } # Cn^2
for i in (0...n)
for j in (0...n)
for k in (0...n)
result[i][j] = result[i][j] + matrix_a[i][j] * matrix_b[k][j] # Cn^3
result # C
# Since we have a conditional, we take the path of highest weight
# T(n) = C + C + Cn^2 + Cn^3 + C
# T(n) = C + Cn^2 + Cn^3
# And the Time Order of the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = n^3
def mergesort(data)
if data.size == 1
# split is O(c)
first_half, second_half = split(data)
# merge is O(n)
merge(mergesort(first_half), mergesort(second_half))
def only_odds(n)
x, y = 0, 0 # C
for i in (1..n)
if i % 2 == 0 # C
for j in (i..n)
x += 1 # C
for j in (1..i)
y += 1 # C
# This example has some special characteristics
# The conditional in line 7 can be safely considered as something that's
# goint to happen n/2 times.
# Both loops in line 8 and 12 also have special characteristics
# one of them decreases linearly with succesive iterations of i
# while the other one increases linearly.
# The number of operations for both loops 8 and 12 is going to end up
# being n + 1 per iteration of i
# This means that the time complexity function for this Algorithm is:
# T(n) = C + Cn*(n+1)/2
# T(n) = C + (Cn^2)/2 + Cn/2
# T(n) = C + Cn^2 + Cn/2
# And the Time Order of the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = n^2
def special(n)
for i in (1...n)
for j in (i + 1..n)
for k in (1..j)
print "i: #{i}, j: #{j}, k: #{k}" # C
# To get the time complexity function of this method, it's easier to
# use summations
# NOTE: For ease, I'll write the summations in the same syntax that would be used to
# solve them in a texas instrument
# T(n) = ∑( ∑( Cj, j, i + 1, n), i, 1, n-1)
# And because of math, this is equal to:
# T(n) = Cn * (n^2 - 1)/3
# = C/3 * n^3 - C/3 * n
# = Cn^3 - Cn
# And the Time Order of the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = n^3
def special_recursion(n)
if n <= 1 # C
1 # C
special_recursion(n - 1) + special_recursion(n - 1) # C + 2T(n-1)
# The time complexity function of this recursive method can be obtained
# using the following recurrence:
# / C for n <= 1
# T(n) {
# \ C + 2T(n-1) for n > 1
# Solving the recurrence
# T(n) = C + 2T(n-1)
# = C + 2(C + 2T(n-2))
# = C + 2(C + 2(C + 2T(n-3)))
# = C + 2C + 4C + 8T(n-3)
# = 2^0*C + 2^1*C + 2^2*C + 2^3*T(n-3)
# = 2^0*C + 2^1*C + 2^2*C + ... + (2^i-1)*C + 2^i*T(n-i)
# = ∑(2^k*C, k, 0, i-1) + 2^i*T(n-i)
# After solving the first factor of the previous expression we get:
# T(n) = 2^i*C - 1 + 2^i*T(n-i)
# At what value of i will the recurrence converge?
# i = n - 1
# Substituting i
# T(n) = 2^(n-1) * C + 2^(n-1) * C
# = 2 * (2^(n-1) * C)
# = 2^n*C
# And the Time Order for the Algorithm is:
# O(n) = 2^n
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