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Last active May 22, 2018 16:01
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Rudimentary EDN problem finder
(defn parse-string
"Parse a literal string, returning the [line col index] of the following character.
start-ix should point to the first character inside the literal string, not the opening quote."
[start-line start-col start-ix text]
(loop [line start-line
col start-col
ix start-ix]
(if (>= ix (.length text))
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "error: end of input in string at " line ":" col " (offset " ix ")")))
(let [chr (.charAt text ix)]
(= chr \\) (recur line (+ col 2) (+ ix 2))
(= chr \") [line (inc col) (inc ix)]
(= chr \newline) (recur (inc line) 1 (inc ix))
:otherwise (recur line (inc col) (inc ix)))))))
(defn parse-comment
"Parse a literal comment, returning the index of the first character of the next line."
[start-ix text]
(loop [ix start-ix]
(if (>= ix (.length text))
(if (= \newline (.charAt text ix))
(inc ix)
(recur (inc ix))))))
(defn parse-collection
"Parse a literal collection, returning the [line col index] of the following character.
start-ix should point to the first character inside the literal collection, not the opening character."
[term-chr start-line start-col start-ix text]
(loop [line start-line
col start-col
ix start-ix
forms 0
ws-last true]
(if (>= ix (.length text))
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "error: end of input in collection at " line ":" col " (offset " ix ")")))
(let [chr (.charAt text ix)]
(= chr term-chr) (do
(when (and (= term-chr \}) (odd? forms))
(println "odd number of map values detected at" (str line ":" col " (offset " ix ")")))
[line (inc col) (inc ix) forms])
(= chr \") (let [[new-line new-col new-ix] (parse-string line (inc col) (inc ix) text)]
(recur new-line new-col new-ix (inc forms) false))
(= chr \{) (let [[new-line new-col new-ix] (parse-collection \} line (inc col) (inc ix) text)]
(recur new-line new-col new-ix (inc forms) false))
(= chr \[) (let [[new-line new-col new-ix] (parse-collection \] line (inc col) (inc ix) text)]
(recur new-line new-col new-ix (inc forms) false))
(= chr \() (let [[new-line new-col new-ix] (parse-collection \) line (inc col) (inc ix) text)]
(recur new-line new-col new-ix (inc forms) false))
(= chr \;) (recur (inc line) 1 (parse-comment (inc ix) text) forms true)
(= chr \newline) (recur (inc line) 1 (inc ix) forms true)
(contains? #{\space \tab \,} chr)
(recur line (inc col) (inc ix) forms true)
:otherwise (recur line (inc col) (inc ix) (if ws-last (inc forms) forms) false))))))
(defn parse-top
(if (= 0 (.length text))
"empty string"
(let [chr (.charAt text 0)]
(= chr \;) (parse-comment 1 2 1 text)
(= chr \") (parse-string 1 2 1 text)
(= chr \{) (parse-collection \} 1 2 1 text)
(= chr \() (parse-collection \) 1 2 1 text)
(= chr \[) (parse-collection \] 1 2 1 text)
:otherwise "invalid EDN"))))
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kirked commented May 22, 2018

I had a large EDN file that the real reader just reported maps must contain an even number of forms, which of course really wasn't too helpful.

So this is a rudimentary EDN reader that will report where problems occur.

Note: this code needs to be adjusted for any file that starts with a comment or whitespace; comments will only parse the comment and return. beginning whitespace will currently report invalid EDN. all this is in parse-top.

The code found my problem and so I'm on to doing production things until I have time to enhance parse-top.

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